Your Search Results
Shown below are the results we found using the terms below.
Era | Reference | Leader | Follower | Situation |
patriarchal | Genesis 11 | influential men in Shinar | the people of Shinar/Babylonia | They persuaded the people to build a tower, reaching toward the heavens, to make a name for themselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth. |
patriarchal | Genesis 12 | Pharaoh | Abram | Pharaoh was told of Sarai's beauty and took her into his household. But God inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household because of Sarai. He called Abram and asked why he lied about Sarai, saying she was his sister instead of his wife. He gave Sarai back to Abram and sent him away with his wife and everything he had. |
patriarchal | Genesis 13 | Abram | Lot | Abram and Lot experienced conflict between their servants based on the fact the land on which they were living was not large enough to support both of their herds. Abram, the leader, addressed the quarreling between their herdsmen (13:8) and resolved it by deferring to Lot to choose the place he wanted to live and Abram taking what was left over. |
patriarchal | Genesis 31 | Jacob | Rachel and Leah | Jacob spoke to his wives about the change in attitude he noticed from Laban and his sons. He affirmed his honesty in working for their father, and how God had spoken to him about returning to his native land. His wives affirmed Jacob's decision, expressed their frustration with their father, and encouraged him to do whatever God has told you to do. |
patriarchal | Genesis 31 | Laban | Jacob and Rachel | Jacob takes his wives, children, and flocks and runs away from Laban without saying goodbye. Laban discovers Jacob is gone and pursues him. The night before he catches up with Jacob he has a dream in which God tells him not to harm Jacob. Laban confronts Jacob about leaving without saying goodbye, and Jacob explains he was afraid Laban would try to take his daughters by force. Laban accuses Jacob of stealing his gods. Jacob invites him to search for them. When he came to search Rachel's tent, she told him she was having her period and could not stand in his presence, but she was hiding the gods under her. Jacob then became angry with Laban and rebuked him. They made peace, together they made a pile of stones to form "a heap of witness" to mark the agreement between them. Laban asked Jacob to promise he will not mistreat or take any other wives besides his daughters. |
patriarchal | Genesis 32 | Esau | Jacob, by way of messengers | Jacob seeks to influence Esau, not to exact revenge on him when he returns from living with Laban. Jacob sent his servants ahead with gifts and a message for his brother. |
patriarchal | Genesis 32 | Jacob | his messengers | Jacob's messengers returned from their meeting with Esau, explaining he was coming to meet them, along with his four hundred men. In great fear, Jacob divided his possessions into two groups as they approached Esau. |
patriarchal | Genesis 32 | Jacob | his servants | Jacob prepared gifts for Esau, and instructed his servants to go ahead of him, and to keep some space between the herds. |
patriarchal | Genesis 32 | Jacob | his servants | Jacob instructed his servant in the first group to tell Esau when he asks that these animals are a gift from his servant Jacob, who is coming behind them. He then instructed the second, third, and all the other servants following the herds, to say the same thing to Esau. So Jacob sent the gifts on ahead of him, and spent the night in the camp. |
patriarchal | Genesis 33 | Esau | Jacob | Jacob saw Esau coming and bowed to the ground seven times as he approached. Esau threw his arms around his brother's neck and kissed him. And they wept. Esau asked about all the animals, and Jacob explained they were a gift. Esau said he didn't need them, but because Jacob insisted, he accepted. Esau invited Jacob and his family to come with him to his home in Seir. Jacob said his family and flocks needed to go slowly and offered to meet Esau later. Esau offered to leave some of his men to come with them, but Jacob declined. Esau returned to Seir, and Jacob settled in Succoth. |
patriarchal | Genesis 34 | Hamor | his son Shechem | Shechem saw Dinah, one of Jacob's daughters, and violated her. He loved her, and went to his father telling him to get Dinah as his wife. |
patriarchal | Genesis 34 | Jacob | Hamor and Shechem | Hamor and Shechem came to Jacob to negotiate a bride price for Dinah. Jacob's sons were angry about their sister being defiled by Shechem, so the spoke deceitfully, saying they would only agree if Shechem and the people of their city agree to be circumcised. Their proposal seemed good to Hamor and Shechem. |
patriarchal | Genesis 34 | Hamor and Shechem | their fellow townsmen/leaders | Hamor and Shechem influence the leaders of their city to agree to be circumcised as the condition for giving Dinah, Jacob's daughter, to Shechem as his wife. Shechem lusted after Dinah and violated her and wanted to take her as his wife. They did not know Jacob's sons (Dinah's brothers) were deceiving them in preparation to exact revenge. It is somewhat unclear if Jacob knew what his son's had planned. |
patriarchal | Genesis 14 | Melchizedek | Abram | Abram and his 318 men had defeated Kedorlaomer and the kings aligned with him. The Melchizedek, the king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram. |
patriarchal | Genesis 34 | Jacob | his sons, Simeon and Levi, | Jacob discovered what his sons had done in putting all the men of the city to death, then looting the place and carrying off all their wealth and their women and children. Jacob told them they had brought trouble on him by making him a stench to the Canaanites and Perizizzites. He told them they were few in number and vulnerable to attack if the people joined forces against them. His sons replied saying Shechem should never have treated their sister like a prostitute. |
patriarchal | Genesis 35 | Jacob | his household | God spoke to Jacob, telling him to go up to Bethel, so he gathered his household and instructed them to get rid of their foreign gods, and purify themselves. They followed his instructions and the terror of God fell on the people around them so no one pursued them. |
patriarchal | Genesis 37 | Israel | Joseph | Joseph was instructed by his father to go check on his brothers who were grazing the flocks near Shechem to see if all was well with them. |
patriarchal | Genesis 37 | Reuben | his brothers (not including Joseph) | when they saw Joseph approaching them they conspired to kill him, but Reuben influenced them to instead put him in a cistern. His plan was later to rescue Joseph and bring him back to his father. |
patriarchal | Genesis 37 | Judah | his brothers (not including Rueben or Joseph) | Judah spontaneously influenced his brothers to sell Joseph to a group of Midianite merchants who came by, which spared his life but undermined Reuben's secret plan to rescue him from the pit and return him to his father. Reuben, for a reason the text does not give us, was not present when Judah persuaded his brothers to sell Joseph. |
patriarchal | Genesis 37 | Reuben | his brothers (not including Joseph) | when Reuben returned he discovered Joseph was no longer in the cistern, and had been sold. He lamented to his brothers about his brother being gone. |
patriarchal | Genesis 38 | Judah | Onan, his son | when Judah's son Er was put to death by the LORD before having children with his wife Tamar, Judah spoke to Onan, telling him to take his dead brother's wife as his own and fulfill his duty as her brother-in-law. Onan knew offspring with Tamar would not be his (but carry his brother's name) he intentionally spilled his semen on the ground to keep Tamar from conceiving. This was wicked in God's sight, so he also was put to death by the LORD. |
patriarchal | Genesis 38 | Judah | Tamar | after Onan was put to death by the LORD, Judah told Tamar to live as a widow in her father's house until his son Shelah grew up. But Judah had no intention of giving Tamar to Shelah, for fear he too would die like his brothers. |
patriarchal | Genesis 38 | Judah | the people of the town, and Tamar | when it was discovered Tamar was pregnant, news was sent to Judah, saying she had been guilty of prostitution and was with child. Judah instructed them to bring her out and put her to death. She sent a message to him saying the father of her child was the owner of this seal and cord and staff, which of course was his. Judah rescinded his order to put her to death, affirming she was more righteous than him. |
patriarchal | Genesis 14 | Abram | the king of Sodom | because Abram and his men had rescued Sodom, the king asked for his people but offered Abram all the plunder as payment. Abram told the king of Sodom he would not accept any payment beyond the food his men had eaten and the share that belonged to the men he had recruited to help, Aner, Eschol and Mamre. |
patriarchal | Genesis 39 | Potiphar's wife | Joseph | Potiphar's wife attempted to use her powerful position to entice Joseph into having an affair with her, but he refused, reminding her of the trust Potiphar had placed in him. This may not seem like a leadership situation but clearly Potiphar's wife was in a position of power in comparison to Joseph. This was not merely a coworker being entangled by the seductive plot of a peer. Joseph's power distance from Potiphar's wife is why he was so vulnerable when falsely accused. |
patriarchal | Genesis 40 | Joseph | cup bearer | Joseph seeks to influence the cup bearer to remember him when he is restored to his position and advocate for his release with Pharaoh. The chief cup bearer did not remember Joseph until two years later, when Pharaoh had a dream that he could not understand. |
patriarchal | Genesis 40 | Pharaoh | cup bearer | after the wise men and magicians were unable to interpret the meaning of Pharaoh's dreams, the cup bearer remembered Joseph's ability to interpret dreams in prison. He spoke to Pharaoh about Joseph, explaining how he had interpreted correctly the dream of the chief baker and cup bearer. So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was brought quickly from the dungeon. |
patriarchal | Genesis 41 | Pharaoh | Joseph | Pharaoh told Joseph he had a dream that no one could interpret, but it has been said Joseph, upon hearing a dream, can explain what it means. Joseph told Pharaoh he could not do it, but God will give the answer to Pharaoh. Pharaoh then told Joseph his dream. Then Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream, and went beyond giving the meaning to sharing a plan of what Pharaoh should do. |
patriarchal | Genesis 41 | Pharaoh | his officials | Pharaoh was impressed not only with Joseph's interpretation of the dream (with the help of God) but also with the plan he put forth. He spoke to his officials, asking them rhetorically, if they could find anyone like Joseph, in whom is the spirit of God? So Pharaoh appointed Joseph to a leadership role to execute the plan he had presented, with authority over all of Egypt. |
patriarchal | Genesis 42 | Jacob | his sons | Jacob heard about the grain in Egypt, in spite of the famine, and instructed his sons to go down to Egypt and purchase grain so they would not die of starvation. |
patriarchal | Genesis 42 | Joseph | his ten brothers | the brothers have come to Egypt to buy food because of the famine. Joseph recognizes them but they do not recognize him. He accuses them of being spies and puts them in custody for three days. |
patriarchal | Genesis 42 | Joseph | his ten brothers | after three days, Joseph announces he will hold Simeon as prisoner until they return with their younger brother Benjamin to prove their story is true. He sends them back with grain and the silver they brought to pay for it. |
patriarchal | Genesis 42 | Jacob | his sons, with Reuben as the spokesman | after they returned from Egypt, Rueben explained to their father about how Joseph (who they still did not recognize) had treated them, and how he had insisted on keeping Simeon in Egypt until the brought Benjamin to prove they were telling the truth about their family. Jacob was distraught, and unwilling to allow them to return to Egypt with Benjamin. Reuben told his father he would be personally responsible for Benjamin's wellbeing. But Jacob would not change his mind. |
patriarchal | Genesis 43 | Judah | Israel | after they had consumed all the grain purchased in Egypt, Jacob instructed his sons to return to purchase more food. They reminded their father of the conditions placed upon them should they return. Judah takes personal responsibility for bringing Benjamin home, offering to "bear the blame" all his life. Jacob agreed reluctantly to this plan. |
patriarchal | Genesis 43 | Joseph | the steward of his house | after arriving in Egypt they presented themselves to Joseph. Upon recognizing Benjamin with them, Joseph instructed the steward of his house to take them to his home and make preparations for him to eat with them. |
patriarchal | Genesis 43 | Joseph's steward | his ten brothers | after arriving at Joseph's house his brothers were afraid they were about to be punished for the silver that was in their sacks on the last visit. They spoke to Joseph's steward and explained the mistake, saying they brought double the payment with them to make up for the last visit. The steward told them their God gave them the silver in their sacks, and told them not to worry. Then he brought Simeon out to them. |
patriarchal | Genesis 43 | Joseph | his ten brothers | after arriving home Joseph joined his brothers and asked if their aged father was still living (they still did not recognize him). They told him their father was alive and well. He then asked about Benjamin, and became emotional to the point he had to leave the room, and wept. He then gave orders to serve the food. |
patriarchal | Genesis 44 | Joseph | the steward of his house | after the meal with his brothers, Joseph instructed the steward of his house to fill their sacks with as much food as they could carry, and put each man's silver in the mouth of his sack. He also instructed the steward to put his silver cup in the mouth of Benjamin's (the youngest) sack, along with the silver for his grain. And the steward did as Joseph said. |
patriarchal | Genesis 44 | Joseph | the steward of his house | the day after his brother's left, Joseph instructed his steward to pursue the men (the steward did not yet know they were Joseph's brothers) and when he caught up to ask why they repaid good for evil. |
patriarchal | Genesis 44 | Joseph's steward | his brothers | after catching up with Joseph's brothers, the steward asked why they had repaid good for evil, by stealing Joseph's silver cup. Joseph's brothers denied this accusation, saying if any of them had the cup he should be put to death, and the rest made slaves. The steward then began checking their sacks, going from oldest to youngest, until he found he silver cup he had placed in Benjamin's sack. At this they tore their clothes in grief, loaded their donkeys and returned to the city. |
patriarchal | Genesis 44-45 | Joseph | his brothers, with Judah as a spokesperson | after arriving at Joseph's house, his brothers humbled themselves, offering to become his slaves. But Joseph told them only the man with the cup would become his slave, the others could return in peace to their father. Judah spoke to Joseph, recounting Joseph's requirement that they bring their younger brother the next time they came to Egypt to buy grain, and their father's reluctance to allow this. He recounted the conversation with Jacob and explained how devastated their father would be to discover his youngest son was a slave in Egypt. He pleaded with Joseph to allow him to remain as a slave so his brother could return to their father. Joseph then sent out his servants, and revealed himself to his brothers, explaining that God had sent him ahead of them into Egypt to save many lives. He instructed them to return home and tell their father about the honor accorded him in Egypt, and to return with their entire families. |
patriarchal | Genesis 45 | Pharaoh | Joseph | after news about Joseph's brothers reached Pharaoh, he and his officials were pleased. Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, instructing him to tell his brothers to return home and bring their father and their families to Egypt, where he would give them the best of the land. He gave orders for carts to be sent with them, and for them not to worry about bringing their belongings because the best of Egypt would be theirs. |
patriarchal | Genesis 45 | Joseph | his brothers | Joseph sent his brothers home with instructions not to quarrel along the way. |
patriarchal | Genesis 16 | Abram | Sarai | after Hagar became pregnant Sarai began to despise her and spoke to Abram, who gave her permission to send Hagar away. God sent an angel to comfort Hagar, instructing her to return and submit to Sarai, which she does. |
patriarchal | Genesis 45 | Jacob | his sons | after arriving back in Canaan, Joseph's brothers told their father he was still alive, and in fact was ruler of all Egypt. This was hard to believe, but after hearing the reports and seeing what Joseph had sent with them, his father was convinced and agreed to go to Egypt to see him before he died. |
patriarchal | Genesis 46 | Joseph | his father and brothers | Joseph met them upon arriving in Egypt, and told them he would speak to Pharaoh on their behalf, and what they should say when they are called before Pharaoh. |
patriarchal | Genesis 47 | Pharaoh | Joseph, his father and brothers | Joseph selects five of his brothers to present to Pharaoh, who also asks to meet Jacob and they are given permission to settle in Goshen Pharaoh assigns Joseph's brothers, who he learns are shepherds, to care for his livestock also. |
patriarchal | Genesis 47 | Joseph | the people of Egypt | year after year the people of Egypt came to Joseph to get food. The paid for it with livestock, then with their land and themselves, until eventually they were giving 1/5th of their crops to Egypt. |
patriarchal | Genesis 48 | Jacob | Joseph and his sons Ephraim and Manasseh | Jacob claims Joseph's two eldest sons as his own, and blesses them, placing the younger, Ephraim, above Manasseh. Joseph tried to correct his father, asking him to bless the boys in their birth order. But Jacob refused, saying the younger would be greater than the older. He also gave Joseph the ridge of land he took from the Amorites. |
patriarchal | Genesis 49 | Jacob | his sons | Jacob blesses his offspring and gives them instructions about his burial, in the cave Abraham purchased from Ephron the Hittite. |
patriarchal | Genesis 50 | Pharaoh | Joseph | Joseph seeks Pharaoh's permission to return to Canaan to bury his father Pharaoh sent his court and dignitaries with Joseph, along with his brothers, to bury their father. |
patriarchal | Genesis 50 | Joseph's brothers | Joseph | Joseph's brothers fear after their father's death Joseph will exact revenge on them for selling him into slavery. They seek to influence him by saying their father instructed them to tell him to forgive them. Joseph sees the big picture and God's sovereignty in sending him to Egypt to save their family. |
patriarchal | Genesis 50 | Joseph | his brothers | Joseph is about to die, and he insists his brothers swear an oath saying when they return to Canaan they will bring his bones with them so he can be buried in the land God promised his father. |
patriarchal | Genesis 19 | Lot | his sons-in-law | two angels warned Lot about the pending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, asking if he had any other relatives in the city who needed to be evacuated. Lot spoke to his sons-in-law, who were pledged to marry his daughters, telling them to hurry and get out of the city because the LORD was about to destroy it. But they thought he was joking and did not go. |
patriarchal | Exodus 1 | the new king/Pharaoh | the people of Egypt – more specifically the slave masters | The numerical growth of Israel in Egypt has become a threat to the new king who does not remember Joseph. He influences the Egyptians to force the Israelites into servitude. |
patriarchal | Exodus 1 | the new king/Pharaoh | 2 Hebrew midwives – Shiphrah and Puah | the king of Egypt directed them to kill male babies and let female babies live when assisting Hebrew women giving birth. |
patriarchal | Exodus 1 | the new king/Pharaoh | the people of Egypt | responding to the fact the Hebrew midwives did not follow his order, the king of Egypt instructed all Egyptians to help police the decree to put to death the male child born to a Hebrew family at birth. |
patriarchal | Exodus 2 | Pharaoh's daughter | Moses' mother | Pharaoh's daughter hires Moses' mother to nurse him, not realizing she is his mother. |
patriarchal | Exodus 2 | Moses | two Hebrew slaves who were fighting | Moses is trying to intervene in a dispute between the two men. His influence is rebuffed with the question, "Who made you ruler and judge over us?" They also asked Moses if he was going to kill them like the Egyptian he had killed the day before, because he was beating a Hebrew slave. Moses realized what he had done had become known, and fled to the desert of Midian. |
patriarchal | Genesis 20 | Abimelech | Abraham and Sarah | after arriving in Gerar, Abraham told Abimelech that Sara was his sister instead of his wife. Abimelech took Sarah as his wife, but God came to him in a dream, telling him Sarah was Abraham's wife, and warning him with judgment. God instructed Abimelech to return Sarah to Abraham, and to ask Abraham to pray for him. The morning after his dream, Abimelech summoned his officials and told them what God had said, and they were very much afraid. He then called Abraham, and asked why he had lied about Sarah. Abraham explained that he was afraid they would kill him to take his wife, and that she really was his half-sister. Abimelech gave Abraham sheep, cattle, male and female slaves, and then told him to live wherever he wanted on his land. He told Sarah he was giving Abraham one thousand shekels of silver to cover the offense against her. Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his slave girls so they could have children again. |
patriarchal | Genesis 21 | Abimelech and Phichol, the commander of his forces | Abraham | Abimelech influences Abraham to swear he will reciprocate the kindness shown him; Abraham influences Abimelech to concede ownership of the well at Beersheba that had been seized by his men under the leadership of Phicol, the commander of his forces. |
patriarchal | Genesis 22 | Abraham | his servants | God spoke to Abraham, instructing him to take his son Isaac and offer him as a sacrifice. Abraham set out and after three days, when seeing the place in the distance, he told his servants to wait with the donkey while he and the boy go over there to worship and come back together. |
patriarchal | Genesis 23 | Abraham | Hittite leaders, including Ephron | after Sarah died, Abraham spoke to Hittite leaders, asking to buy property for a burial site for his wife. Abraham negotiated with them to buy the cave of Machpelah from Ephron, where he buried his wife Sarah. |
patriarchal | Genesis 24 | Abraham | chief servant | Abraham makes his chief servant swear an oath that he will not get a wife from among the Canaanites, but will go to Abraham's country to get a wife from among his family. |
patriarchal | Genesis 24 | Laban | chief servant | Abraham's chief servant speaks with Laban and Rebekah's family about his mission to get a wife for Isaac and how God has answered his prayer for direction and favor leading to Rebecca. Both Rebecca, and her family, respond favorably to the chief servant's mission and she agrees to return with him to marry Isaac. |
patriarchal | Genesis 24 | Laban | Abraham's servant and Rebekah | the following day Abraham's servant prepared to return but Laban and his mother insisted they remain another ten days or so. When Abraham's servant resisted, they decided to ask Rebecca, and she agreed to leave, so they sent her off with a blessing. |
patriarchal | Genesis 24 | Abraham's servant | Rebekah | after arriving back where Abraham was living, Rebekah looked up and saw a man in the field. She asked Abraham's servant who it was, and learned it was Isaac. She took her veil and covered herself as he approached. Isaac took her into his mother's tent and married her. |
patriarchal | Genesis 25 | Esau | Jacob | after coming in from the open country Esau approached Jacob, who was cooking stew, and asked him for a bowl. Jacob, who was born after his twin brother, insisted Esau sell his birthright. So Esau swore an oath, selling his birthright to Jacob, in return for some bread and lentil soup. |
patriarchal | Genesis 26 | Abimelech, king of the Philistines | Isaac | after living among the Philistines for a long time, Abimelech saw Isaac caressing his wife Rebekah, who he had said was his sister. Abimelech called for Isaac, and asked why he had claimed she was his sister. He said it was because he was afraid they would kill him in order to take his wife. |
patriarchal | Genesis 26 | Abimelech, king of the Philistines | the Philistines | the king told his people not to molest Isaac or his wife under penalty of death. |
patriarchal | Genesis 26 | Abimelech | Isaac | Abimelech influences Isaac to move away from him, because he had become too powerful. God blesses Isaac "and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy." Abimelech was threatened by Isaac and influenced him to move away to the Valley of Gerar. |
patriarchal | Genesis 26 | Abimelech's herdsmen | Isaac's herdsmen | a dispute arose over a well dug by Isaac's herdsmen with the herdsmen of Gerar insisting the well belonged to them. |
patriarchal | Abimelech, Ahuzzath, Phicol | Isaac | Making a treaty with Abimelech – it should be noted here that Isaac was every bit the leader as Abimelech and his growing stature/wealth is what motivated Abimelech to try to influence Isaac to consummate a formal treaty. Abimelech, along with his personal advisor and commander of his forces, came to meet with Isaac to initiate a sworn peace (non-aggression) agreement between them. | |
patriarchal | Genesis 27 | Rebecca | Jacob | Isaac is about to give the blessing to Esau and Rebecca responds by directing (influencing) a deceptive plot for Jacob to steal his father's blessing. |
patriarchal | Genesis 27 | Isaac | Esau | Esau came in from hunting and brought the meal to his father, asking him to sit up and eat, before giving the blessing. Isaac asked who he was, and Esau answered. Then Isaac trembled violently, acknowledging Jacob had come deceitfully and stolen the blessing. Esau pleaded with his father for a blessing, but Isaac said he had made Jacob lord over him. Esau wept aloud. |
patriarchal | Genesis 27 | Rebecca | Jacob | Esau is plotting to kill his brother Jacob and Rebecca influences Jacob to flee to her brother Laban's house to stay there until the fury dies down. |
patriarchal | Genesis 28 | Isaac | Jacob | after Rebekah expressed her discontent with the Hittite women Isaac called Jacob, commanded him not to marry a Hittite women, blessed him and sent him way. |
patriarchal | Genesis 29 | Laban | Jacob | Laban negotiated with Jacob for wages and Jacob said he would work for seven years to marry his daughter Rachel. Laban agreed, saying it was better for her to marry him, a relative, than another man. So Jacob worked for Laban for seven years, but they seemed like only a few days because of his love for Rachel. |
patriarchal | Genesis 29 | Laban | Jacob | Jacob told Laban his time was up and he wanted to marry Rachel. Laban tricked Jacob, giving him his older daughter Leah instead. When Jacob confronted him about this he was told it was not the custom for the younger daughter to marry before the older. He asked Jacob to work another seven years for Rachel. And Jacob did so. |
patriarchal | Genesis 30 | Laban | Jacob | after Rachel gave birth to Joseph, Jacob told Laban he wanted to return to his homeland. Laban influenced Jacob to stay and continue caring for his flocks. Jacob turns the tables on Laban, with selective breeding that enables him to gain possession of the stronger animals and greater flock. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 4 | Jethro | Moses | after meeting his experience with God at the burning bush, Moses went to Jethro, his father-in-law, and asked for permission to go back to his own people in Egypt to see if any of them are still alive. Jethro gave him permission and wished him well. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 5 | Pharaoh | Moses and Aaron | Moses and Aaron are attempting to influence Pharaoh to let the Israelites go into the desert to offer sacrifices to God. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 5 | Pharaoh | slave drivers and foremen | Pharaoh instructs his leaders to require the Israelites to continue to make the same number of bricks but gather their own straw. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 5 | slave drivers and foremen | Israelites | the slave drivers and foremen meet with the Israelites (likely their leaders) to tell them about Pharaoh's decision to no longer give them straw to make bricks without reducing the work required. The slave drivers kept pressing the Israelites to produce the number of bricks required. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 5 | Pharaoh | Israelite foremen | the Israelite foremen seek relief from Pharaoh with regard to the quota for producing bricks. Pharaoh accused them of being lazy, and reiterated his decision not to give them straw, and to require the same amount of bricks. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 5 | Moses | Israelite foremen | the Israelite foremen express their frustration to Moses about the negative results from his request to Pharaoh. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 7 | Pharaoh | Moses and Aaron | Moses and Aaron are leading up after being instructed by God to confront Pharaoh with the request to let the Israelites go and to demonstrate God's power by Aaron throwing his staff on the ground, and it will turn into a snake. Pharaoh summoned his magicians who were able to make their staffs turn into snakes. But Aaron's staff (snake) swallowed up the snakes of the magicians. (This process is repeated for each of the plagues but in some cases the conversation with Pharaoh is implied but not stated and I have not included those.) |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 8 | Pharaoh | Moses and Aaron | Moses and Aaron are summoned by Pharaoh, who tells them to make their sacrifices within Egypt. Moses explains this will not be acceptable. So Pharaoh gives them permission to go into the desert, but not too far. He also asks Moses to pray for him. After Moses prayed and relief from the plague came, Pharaoh changed his mind and would net the Israelites go. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 9 | Pharaoh | Moses and Aaron | Pharaoh summons Moses and Aaron, admitting he has sinned, and asking them to pray for the thunder and hail to stop. Moses agrees to pray as soon as he leaves the city. When the hail stops, Pharaoh changes his mind about allowing the Israelites to go. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 10 | Pharaoh | Pharaoh's officials | Pharaoh's officials attempt to influence him to allow the Israelites to go based on the damage done to Egypt, which they believe has been ruined. Pharaoh listens to them. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 10 | Pharaoh | Moses and Aaron | Moses and Aaron are summoned back to meet with Pharaoh, who agrees to let them go but wants to know who will be going. Moses explains they will go with their families and their livestock. Pharaoh is angry, saying only the men may go, and then driving Moses and Aaron from his presence. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 10 | Pharaoh | Moses and Aaron | Moses and Aaron are summoned to meet with Pharaoh to pray for the plague of locusts to stop. Moses does pray, and the locusts do go away. But Pharaoh hardened his heart and changed his mind. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 10 | Pharaoh | Moses and Aaron | Moses and Aaron are summoned by Pharaoh after the plague of darkness. He agrees to allow the women and children to go but says the livestock must remain. This is unacceptable to Moses and Pharaoh tells him never to show his face again or he will be killed. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 11 | Pharaoh | Moses and Aaron | Moses tells Pharaoh about the death of the firstborn and predicts Pharaoh's officials will bow before him begging the Israelites to leave. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 12 | Moses | the elders of Israel | Moses explains the Passover instructions God has given him to the leaders of Israel. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 12 | Pharaoh | Moses and Aaron | Pharaoh summons Moses and Aaron, instructing them to take their families and livestock and leave Egypt. He also asks Moses to bless him. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 13 | Moses | the Israelites | Moses instructs them to celebrate the Passover annually to commemorate their deliverance from Egypt. This annual celebration would be a means by which future generations would understand how God delivered them from bondage in Egypt.(Note: there were 600,000 men who came out of Egypt, well over a million when including families. There is no way Moses could speak to all of them at the same time. When we are told Moses is speaking to the people of Israel it is a reflection of him speaking to a group of leaders, usually by clan, who in turn communicate the message to others.) |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 14 | Pharaoh | Egyptian army | Pharaoh regrets allowing the Israelites to leave Egypt and instructs his army to pursue them. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 14 | Moses | the Israelites - elders | Moses inspires the people of Israel to stand firm, reminding them that the LORD will fight for them, they need only to be still. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 16 | Moses and Aaron | the Israelites | Moses responds to the grumbling of the people, telling them God will provide meat in the evening (the miracle of quail) and bread in the morning (the start of manna). |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 16 | Moses | the Israelites | : Moses chastises the Israelites who went looking for manna on the Sabbath, reminding them God had given them a two day supply of bread on the sixth day so they would not have to gather it on the seventh. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 16 | Moses, | Aaron | Moses instructs Aaron to take an omer of manna and put it in a jar to be kept as a testimony. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 17 | Moses | the Israelites, through their elders | The people are grumbling against Moses for bringing them to the desert where there is no water. Moses takes some of the elders with him to the rock at Horeb. He strikes the rock and water comes out of it for the people to drink.(Note: The Israelites number well over 1 million people. When we read about them speaking to Moses it is clear they did it through their elders. This is reinforced by Moses taking some of the elders with him when he struck the rock.) |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 17 | Moses | Joshua | Moses selects Joshua to lead Israel in battle against the Amalekites. Joshua is instructed to choose some of the Israelite men to join him in going out to battle against the Amalekites while Moses goes to the top of the hill with the staff of God in his hands. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 18 | Jethro | Moses | : Jethro observes Moses judging the people and asks why he alone sits as judge for the people. Moses explains his role as judge and Jethro responds saying it is not good. He encourages Moses to appoint other leaders over 1,000s and 100s and 50s and 10s to decide the lesser cases and only refer the difficult ones to Moses. Moses follows Jethro's advice. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 19 | Moses | ): elders and people of Israel | : Moses speaks to the people through the elders about God's purpose for them as a kingdom of priests. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 19 | Moses | elders and people of Israel, Situation: Moses leads the people outside the camp to meet with God, who descended on Mount Sinai with smoke. | |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 24 | Moses | elders and people of Israel | Moses tells the people the laws God has given him and in one voice they agree to follow. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 24 | Moses | elders and people of Israel, | : Moses reads the Book of the Covenant to the people and they affirm their commitment to obey it. Moses then sprinkles the blood of the sacrifices on the elders and confirms the covenant. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 24 | Moses | Aaron Hur, and 70 of the elders | Moses instructs the elders to wait for him, while he and Joshua ascend to the top of the mountain where God will give him the Ten Commandments. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 32 | Aaron | elders and people of Israel | the people are restless not knowing what is happening with Moses who is on Mount Sinai and ask Aaron to make them gods who can go before them. Aaron solicits gold jewelry from the people and makes the golden calf. The people accepted the golden calf as the god who had brought them out of Egypt. Aaron called for a festival to the LORD and the people engaged in revelry. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 32 | Moses, | Aaron | God instructed Moses to come down off the mountain and warned him about the idolatry the people were engaged in under the leadership of Aaron. Moses confronted Aaron about the golden calf. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 32 | Moses | the Levites | Moses put out a call to the people asking those who were for the LORD to come to him. The Levites rallied to Moses and he instructed them to use their sword to bring judgment on idolatrous Israel. That day the Levites were instruments of God's judgment and He set them apart in Israel. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 32 | Moses | elders and people of Israel | Moses explains to the people they have committed a great sin, but he will intercede for them and perhaps God will show mercy. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 33 | Moses | elders and people of Israel | Moses passes along God's directives to Israel, that they should take off their ornaments and He will decide what to do with them. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 34 | Moses | Aaron and the leaders of Israel | : Moses, after coming down the mountain, shares the commandments God has given him. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 35 | Moses | the whole Israelite community | Moses reinforces God's command about the Sabbath, and invites the people to give items needed to construct the tabernacle. Note: the "whole Israelite community" is very likely a way of referencing a larger group of community leaders, like the group referred in Numbers 16 as "the council." It would have taken a miracle for Moses to speak to one million people at the same time and be heard. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 36 | Moses | Bezelel, Oholiab, and the skilled craftsmen who were willing to work on the tabernacle, | Moses summoned these skilled craftsmen and commissioned them to build the tabernacle according to the instructions God had given him. |
pre-kingdom | Exodus 36 | Moses | elders and people of Israel | Moses gave an order for the people to stop bringing offerings for the tabernacle as the workers told him they had more than enough supplies already. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 1-5 | Moses | elders and people of Israel | Moses gives instructions about the burnt offering, the grain offering, the fellowship offering, the sin offering, and the guilt offering, based on what God has instructed him. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 6 | Moses | Aaron and his sons | Moses gives specific instructions about how to handle the burnt offering and the sin offering. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 7 | Moses | Israelites via the elders | : Moses gives instructions he received from God about not eating blood and the share of the priests from offerings. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 8 | Moses | Aaron and the assembly | Moses gives instructions about the consecration of the priests for their ministry. Note: the assembly is a group of leaders that is not clearly defined |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 8 | Moses | Aaron and his sons | Moses gives instructions about how to handle meat from the sacrifices and the seven day waiting period at the tent of meeting as part of their consecration to the priesthood. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 9 | Moses | Aaron, his sons and the elders | : Moses gives instructions about the sacrifices required to prepare for the LORD to meet with them. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 9 | Moses | Aaron | : Moses gives instructions about the sacrifice required to make atonement for Aaron and the people. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 10 | Moses | Aaron | Moses speaks in the aftermath of the death of Nadab and Abihu, who were put to death by the LORD. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 10 | Moses | Mishael and Elzaphan | Moses gives instructions about removing the bodies of Nadab and Abihu. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 10 | Moses | Aaron and his sons, Eleazar and Ithmar | Moses warns them about refraining from public mourning over the death of Nadab and Abihu. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 10 | Moses | Aaron and his sons | Moses gives instructions about the priest's portion of the offerings. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 10 | Moses | Aaron and his sons | Moses asks in anger why they did not follow his instructions to eat the sin offering in the sanctuary. Aaron responds asking if God would be pleased by him eating the sin offering "today" in light of what has happened to his sons Nadab and Abihu. Moses was satisfied with this explanation. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 11 | Moses and Aaron | Israelites via elders | Moses shares the dietary restrictions that have been given to him by God. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 12 | Moses | Israelites via elders | Moses shares the guidelines God has given about purification after childbirth. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 13 | Moses | Israelites via elders | Moses shares the guidelines God has given about skin diseases and mildew. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 14 | Moses | Israelites via elders | Moses shares the guidelines God has given about cleansing skin diseases and mildew. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 15 | Moses | Israelites via elders | Moses shares the guidelines God has given about discharges from the skin, nocturnal emissions and a woman's monthly period. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 16 | Moses | Aaron | Moses shares the guidelines God has given about the Day of Atonement. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 17 | Moses | Aaron, his sons, and the Israelites via elders | Moses shares the guidelines God has given about not eating blood. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 18 | Moses | Israelites via elders | Moses shares the guidelines God has given about sexual relations. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 19 | Moses | Israelites via elders | Moses shares the guidelines God has given about a variety of different topics. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 20 | Moses | Israelites via elders | Moses shares the guidelines God has given punishment for sinful behaviors in the community. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 21 | Moses | Aaron and his sons | Moses shares the guidelines God has given about how the priests should conduct themselves. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 21 | Moses | Aaron | Moses shares with Aaron the guidelines God has given about who is eligible for the priesthood. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 22 | Moses | Aaron and his sons | Moses gives instructions about the offerings. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 22 | Moses | Aaron, his sons and the Israelites via their leaders | Moses warns about offering unacceptable sacrifices. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 23 | Moses | the Israelites via their leaders | Moses gives instructions about appointed feasts and sacred assemblies. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 24 | Moses | Israelites via their leaders | Moses gives instructions about the olive oil for the lamp stands and flour for the bread of presence. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 24 | Moses | Israelites through their leaders | Moses warns about the punishment for cursing God: death. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 25 | Moses | Israelites via their leaders | Moses gives instructions about the Sabbath Year and the Year of Jubilee. |
pre-kingdom | Leviticus 27 | Moses | Israelites via their leaders | Moses gives instructions about making special vows to the Lord. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 1- | Moses and Aaron | leaders of the twelve ancestral tribes | the whole community of Israel is convened for a census by tribe. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 2 | Moses and Aaron | Israelites via their leaders | Moses and Aaron direct the Israelites about how they encamp and break camp. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 5 | Moses | Israelites via their leaders | Moses gives instructions about keeping the camp pure. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 5 | Moses | Israelites via their leaders | Moses gives instructions about making restitution for wrongs. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 5 | Moses | Israelites via their leaders | Moses gives instructions about the test for an unfaithful wife. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 6 | Moses | Israelites via their leaders | Moses gives instructions about keeping the Nazirite vow. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 6 | Moses | Aaron and his sons | Moses shares with them the priestly blessing to speak over Israel. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 8 | Moses | Aaron | Moses shares with Aaron God's instructions about the seven lamps to shed light on the lampstand. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 9 | Moses | the Israelites via their leaders | Moses gives instructions about celebrating the Passover. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 9 | Moses | Aaron | Moses gives instructions about celebrating the Passover to those who were ceremonially unclean. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 10 | Moses | Hobab | Moses asks his brother-in-law, Hobab, son of Reuel, to come with the Israelites as their guide through the desert. Hobab initially declines but Moses implores him and he agrees. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 11 | Moses | the Israelites and their leaders | Moses responds to the people's request for meat and invites 70 elders well known as leaders and officials to come forward. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 11 | Moses | Joshua | Joshua encourages Moses to rebuke Eldad and Medad. These two men were listed among the 70 elders but did not assemble at the Tent, yet they prophesied in the camp when the Spirit of God came on them. Moses corrected Joshua, saying, "Are you jealous for my sake?" |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 12 | Moses | Aaron | Aaron pleads with Moses on behalf of Miriam, who God has made leprous because of their rebellion against Moses. Moses intercedes for Miriam and she is told she must stay outside the camp for seven days and then she will be healed. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 13 | Moses | leaders from each ancestral tribe | : Moses instructs the twelve leaders to go spy out the land. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 13 | Moses | leaders from each ancestral tribe and the Israelite community | the spies bring back a report about the land. They confirm the land does flow with milk and honey. But ten spies say the people are too big and the cities too fortified so they should not try to take the land. Caleb argues in favor of taking the land with God's help but the people do not listen to them |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 14 | Joshua and Caleb | the Israelites | Joshua and Caleb try to influence the people to rise to the challenge of invading the land God had promised to them. The whole assembly rejected this exhortation and talked about stoning them Note: It is implied, but not explicated stated, that the people talked to Moses and Aaron about their desire to go back to Egypt. I am trying to be consistent by only numbering the explicitly stated leadership conversations. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 14 | Moses | the leaders of ten ancestral tribes and the people of Israel | Moses explains to them the judgment of God in response to their refusal to go into the land God had promised. The ten leaders died from a plague and the people of Israel were condemned to wander for forty years in the desert until all the adults had died. Only the children would be allowed to enter the land. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 14 | Moses | the Israelites, through their leaders | the people have a change of heart and now say they do want to invade the land. Moses warns them not to do it because God will not be with them. The people go anyway and are defeated. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 15 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses gives the people God's instructions for supplemental offerings. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 15 | Moses | the people of Israel, | Moses instructs the people about God's directives for food offerings after then enter the land. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 15 | Moses | the people of Israel | a man is caught gathering wood on the Sabbath and is brought to Moses to determine what his punishment should be. God told Moses to take the man outside the camp and stone him.Note: this is another example of a nearly but not quite explicit leadership conversation. I'm making a judgment call to include it. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 15 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses shares God's instructions about wearing blue tassels on their garments to remind them to keep all His laws. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 16 | Moses and Aaron | Korah, Dathan, Abiram and 250 community leaders who had been appointed as members of the council | Korah and his followers oppose Moses and Aaron, accusing them of "going too far" and affirming "the whole community is holy." Note: Moses responded to Korah, saying "you Levites have gone too far!" And he gives them instructions to assemble in the morning with censers with fire and incense. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 16 | Moses | Korah, Dathan, and Abiram | Moses summons them to meet with him but they refused to meet with him. Moses became angry and said to God, "Do not accept their offering…" |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 16 | Moses and the elders of Israel | Korah, Dathan and their followers | Moses instructs Dathan and his 250 followers to assemble in the morning with their censers at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 16 | Moses and the elders of Israel | Korah, Dathan, their followers | Moses instructs the assembly to move away from the tents of Kora, Dathan and their followers. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 16 | Moses and the elders of Isreal | Korah, Dathan, and their followers | Moses explains that this is how the people will know that he was doing what God instructed and not acting on his own: if Korah and Dathan die a natural death the LORD has not sent him. But if God does something totally new, and the earth swallows them, the people will know they have treated the LORD with contempt. The earth then opened and swallowed them, along with their families. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 16 | Moses | Eleazar, son of Aaron | Moses instructs Eleazar to gather up the golden censers, hammer them into sheets and use them to cover the altar. Because the censers had been offered to God they were not holy and would be a reminder to the people as a cover on the altar. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 16 | Moses | Aaron | The people had grumbled against Moses and Aaron regarding the judgment of God on Korah and his followers. A plague broke out among the people as God was punishing them. Moses instructed Aaron to take a censer with incense and fire from the altar and run to the assembly to make atonement for them. He did and the plague stopped after 14,700 people had died. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 17 | Moses | the Israelites | God instructs Moses to tell the people to bring twelve staffs, one for each ancestral tribe, and to write the name of the tribe on each staff. He is then to put the twelve staffs in the Tent of Meeting before the Testimony overnight. The staff belonging to the man God has chosen will sprout. When Moses collects the staffs Aarons has not only sprouted but it has grown almonds. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 18 | Moses | the Levites | Moses explains God's instructions about the tithe, and that the Levites are to give a tenth of the tithe to the LORD. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 18 | Moses | the Levites | Moses explains that after the Levites give the best of the tithe to the Lord, the rest will be their wages for their work at the Tent of Meeting. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 20 | Moses and Aaron | the people of Israel | The people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron in the Desert of Zin because there was no water. God instructed Moses and Aaron to gather the assembly and speak to that rock and water will flow. Moses and Aaron gather the people but Moses struck the rock twice with his staff instead of speaking to it. For this failure to trust God both Moses and Aaron, they were both denied entrance to the Promised Land. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 20 | Moses | the king of Edom | Moses sends messengers to ask for permission to pass through Edom but the king refuses. The messengers clarify they will remain on the king's highway and if they or any of their livestock drink water they will pay for it. The king still refuses to grant permission so Israel turned away from them |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 21 | Moses | Sihon, the king of the Amorites | Moses sends messengers to ask for permission to pass through his territory but Sihon refused to Israel engaged and defeated them in battle. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 22 | Balak, through messengers | Balaam | Balak tries to hire Balaam to place a curse on the Israelites so he will be able to defeat them in battle. Balak had conferred with the elders of Midian, who collaborated with him in this scheme and sent some of their messengers along as well. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 22 | Balak's messengers as well as elders from Midian | Balaam | Balaam refuses to go with them to curse Israel because God has warned him not to do so. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 22 | Balak's princes as well as princes from Midian, higher ranking than the first group | Balaam | Balak, through these princes, implores Balaam to come offering a handsome reward for cursing Israel. Balaam initially said no, but invited the messengers to stay the night so he could further inquire of the Lord, who told him to go with them but "do only what I tell you." |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 22 | Balak, | Balaam | Balaam arrives on his donkey and meets Balak at the Moabite town on the Arnon border. Balak is frustrated about the fact Balaam did not come immediately. Balaam reminds Balak he can only say what God puts in his mouth. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 23 | Balak and the princes of Moab | Balaam | Balaam instructs Balak to prepare seven bulls and rams to sacrifice. He then instructs Balak to remain by the sacrifices while he goes to inquire of the Lord. Balaam returns and speaks what God has told him. Balak is angry that Balaam has blessed the people he was hired to curse. Balaam reminds Balak he can only say what God puts in his mouth. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 23 | Balak's and the princes of Moab | Balaam | Balak takes Balaam to another location where he can only see part of the encampment of Israel and asks him to curse them. Balaam instructed Balak to remain by the sacrifices he had prepared and goes to meet with God. Again God gives Balaam a word of blessing for Israel, which angers Balak. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 23-24 | Balak's and the princes of Moab | Balaam | Balak takes Balaam to another location, the top of Peor, and asks him to curse Israel. Balaam speaks under the unction of the Spirit of God and blesses Israel. Balak's anger burned but Balaam reminded him he has said from the beginning he could only speak what God told him to say. Then Balaam gave an unsolicited prophesies about the victory of Israel and the judgment of God on Amalek, the Kenites, Asshur and Eber. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 25 | Moses | Israel's judges | Moses passes along God's instruction to the judges that they must put to death the men among them who joined the Moabites in worshiping the Baal of Peor. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 26 | Moses and Eleazar | the people of Israel | Moses and Eleazar instruct the people to take a census of the men twenty years old or more. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 27 | Moses | the Israelite | Moses, prompted by the request of Zelophehad's daughters, conveys instructions from God about the inheritance of property when there are no male offspring. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 27 | Moses | Joshua, and the people of Israel | After God told Moses to go up on the mountain where he would be able to look at the Promised Land before being "gathered to your people" he gives instructions about the public commissioning of Joshua as Moses' successor. Note: The specific words Moses spoke during the commissioning are not given in the text. But I have chosen to include this because we are told what Moses was instructed by God to say and do to publicly commission Joshua—and that he did it. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 28 - 29 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses gives instructions about various offerings including daily, Sabbath, monthly, Passover, Feast of Weeks, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 30 | Moses | Israel's tribal leaders | : Moses gives instructions from God about keeping vows. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 31 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses gives instructions for 1,000 men from each tribe, along with Phineas, to do battle against the Midianites. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 31 | Moses, Eleazar, and the leaders of the community | officers of the army | Moses was angry at the army officers because they did not put the women to death. Moses instructed them to put the boys to death along with every woman who had slept with a man, but to spare the virgin girls. He also gave them instructions about purifying themselves (if they have touched a dead body) before returning to the camp. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 31 | Eleazar | the soldiers who had gone into battle | Eleazar gives instructions, based on what God had told Moses, about purifying the plunder with fire and the water of cleansing. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 31 | Moses | the officers of the army | the officers counted their men and not one was missing from the battle so they brought an offering from the plunder to the Lord. Moses accepted the offering on behalf of the Lord. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 32 | Moses | leaders from Reuben and Gad | The Ruebenites and Gadites asked permission to take land on the east side of the Jordan as their inheritance because it was suitable for their flocks. Moses tells them it would be wrong to allow the rest of Israel to cross the Jordan and fight for the land while they remain on the east side of the river. The two tribes pledge to go and fight until the land is subdued before they return to take up residence in their land. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 34 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses gives the boundaries of the inheritance of the Promised Land and to divide it by lot to the nine and a half tribes because Ruben, Gad and half of Manasseh received their inheritance on the east side of the Jordan. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 35 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses conveys God's instructions about giving towns to the Levites and pasture land around the towns. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 35 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses conveys God's instructions about the cities of refuge to which a person who has killed another person accidentally will be able to flee. |
pre-kingdom | Numbers 36 | Moses | family heads of the clans of Gilead and Makir, along with Zelophehad's daughters | Moses, prompted by the inquiry of the family heads of Gilead and Makir, tells Zelophehad's daughters they must marry within their family to make sure the property they inherited stays within their tribe. |
pre-kingdom | Deuteronomy 1-28 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses reviews the journey they have been on and reminds the people of the instructions/laws God has given them. Moses also gives instructions regarding the blessing and cursing based on God's laws after they cross the Jordan. Note: Much of Deuteronomy is really one extended leadership conversation. It is difficult to discern how much of this information was given in one meeting. Chapter 27:1 & 11 imply a single day but it is somewhat unclear. |
pre-kingdom | Deuteronomy 29 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses exhorts the people to renew their commitment to keep the covenant they have made with the LORD. |
pre-kingdom | Deuteronomy 31 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses reaffirms Joshua's role to succeed him as leader of Israel as they prepare to cross the Jordan. |
pre-kingdom | Deuteronomy 31 | Moses | the Levites and elders of Israel | Moses wrote down the law and gave it to them with instructions to read it to the people every seven years during the Feast of Tabernacles. |
pre-kingdom | Deuteronomy 31 | Moses | the Levites | Moses wrote down the law of God in a book and gave it to the Levites with instructions to place it by the ark of the covenant as a witness against them when they rebell. |
pre-kingdom | Deuteronomy 31 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses shares the song he wrote (the Song of Moses) at God's command with the people and exhorts them to carefully obey. |
pre-kingdom | Deuteronomy 33 | Moses | the people of Israel | Moses blesses the tribes before he goes up on the mountain where he will be "gathered to his people." |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 1 | Joshua, | officers of the people | Joshua instructs the officers to prepare the supplies for in three days they will cross the Jordan to take possession of the land God has promised. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 1 | Joshua, | Reubenites, Gadites, half the tribe of Manasseh | Joshua reminds them of Moses' instructions that they may settle in the land on the east side of the Jordan but their men must cross with the rest of the Israelites and fight until the land is subdued. The Reubenites, Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh pledge to obey Joshua as they did Moses. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 2 | Joshua, | two spies | Joshua secretly sends two spies to go look over the land. They went to Jericho and entered the house of Rahab. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 2 | the king of Jericho, by way of messengers | Rahab | Word has reached the king about the two strangers who entered Rahab's house. The king sent messengers to her demanding she turn them over. Rahab lied to the messengers, saying the men had left at dusk and she did not know where they were. But she was hiding them. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 2 | the two Israelite spies | Rahab, | Rahab affirms her understanding that God has given their land to Israel and the people are living in fear. She asks the men to show her and her family kindness in return for the kindness she has shown them. The spies agree and tell Rahab to tie a scarlet cord in the window and be sure her family is in her house when they attack and they will be spared. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 2 | Joshua | two spies | the two spies report to Joshua that the LORD has given them the land and the people are living in fear. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 3 | officers | the people of Israel | the officers instructed the people after three days that when they saw the ark of the covenant, carried by the priests, they should move out from their positions and follow. They were also instructed to remain one thousand yards behind it. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 3 | Joshua | the people | Joshua instructed the people to consecrate themselves, for the next day the LORD would do amazing things among them. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 3 | Joshua | the priests | Joshua tells the priests to pick up the ark and pass ahead of the people. The LORD told Joshua to instruct the priests to stand in the river. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 3 – 4 | Joshua | the people, twelve leaders | Joshua instructs them to choose twelve men, one from each tribe. They were instructed to take a rock from the bed of the Jordan from where the priests had stood with the ark and pile them in a heap as a sign for future generations of what God did for Israel that day. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 4 | Joshua | the priests carrying the ark | Joshua commanded the priests to come up out of the Jordan after the people had all passed. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 4 | Joshua | the Israelites | Joshua sets up the twelve stones at Gilgal and instructs the people what to say when their children ask what this means. They are to explain this is a sign that God did for Israel at the Jordan the same as He had done with the Red Sea. He did this so that all the peoples of the earth would know that the hand of the LORD is powerful, and so that they would always fear Him. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 5 | Joshua | the priests and the people of Israel | Joshua instructed the priests to take up the ark, with seven priests carrying trumpets in front of it, along with the people, to march around the city of Jericho.Note: It is unclear if the "armed men" only were with the priests or all the people. It is much more likely the former |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 5 | Joshua | the people of Israel (probably the armed men) | Joshua instructed them not to give a war cry, to raise their voices or even say a word until he gave the command. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 6 | Joshua | the people of Israel (probably the armed men), | Joshua gave the command to shout on the seventh day after they had marched around the city seven times. He also reminded them of the promise to spare Rahab and her family, as well as instructions to keep away from the devoted things as the plunder of Jericho belonged to the LORD. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 6 | Joshua | the two spies | Joshua instructed the two men who had spied out the land to get Rahab and her family and bring her to safety in accordance with their oath. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 7 | Joshua | spies | Joshua sends an unspecified number of spies to explore the region around Ai. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 7 | Joshua | spies, | the men who were sent to spy report to Joshua that Ai will not be a difficult city to conquer and not all the men will be needed. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 7 | Joshua | the people of Israel | : Joshua assembles the people and follows the Lord's instructions to separate the people by tribe. Judah is then asked to separate by clan. The clan of Zimri was taken and separated by man. Achan was taken. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 7 | Joshua | Achan, | Joshua tells Achan to give glory to God and tell him what he has done. Achan confesses he has taken items from the Lord's plunder at Jericho and buried them under his tent |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 7 | Joshua | Achan, | Joshua asks rhetorically why Achan has brought this trouble on the people and executes God's judgment by stoning. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 8 | Joshua | the leaders of 30,000 of Joshua's best fighting men, | Joshua instructs them to hide in ambush behind the city and wait for the men of Ai to pursue the armies of Israel as they retreat. After taking the city they are instructed to set it on fire. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 8 | Joshua | the people of Israel | Joshua built an altar on Mount Ebal and copied on stones the Law of Moses. He then read to the people the blessings and curses Moses had given them. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 9 | Joshua and the elders of Israel, | the leaders of the Gibeonites | The Gibeonite leaders came to Joshua and the leaders of Israel with a ruse saying they were from a far away land and were seeking peace. In fact the Gibeonites lived close by but were afraid of Joshua and his army. The tricked Joshua and the leaders of Israel into making an oath of peace. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 9 | the leaders of Israel | the people of Israel | the people grumbled against their leaders regarding the treaty with the Gibeonites. The leaders admitted they had been tricked but based on the oath they had made determined they would not kill the Gibeonites but instead would make them slaves to carry fire wood and water for the people. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 9 | Joshua | the Gibeonites | : Joshua asked why they deceived him and they responded explaining how afraid they were of Joshua and his God. Joshua said they were now under a curse and would remain woodcutters and water carriers for Israel. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 10 | Adon-Zedek, king of Jerusalem | four other Amorite kings (Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish, and Eglon), | Adon-Zedek found out the Gibeonites had made a treaty with Joshua. He was concerned about being attacked by Joshua and invited the four other Amorite kings to join him in attacking Gibeon. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 10 | Joshua | the Gibeonites | the Gibeonites appealed to Joshua for help after learning the five Amorite kings had aligned against them and were preparing to attack. Joshua rallied the army and defended the Gibeonites, routing the five Amorite kings. This is the day the sun stood still over Gibeon. The Lord rained hail down on the Amorite kings killing more of them by hail than by Joshua's army. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 10 | Joshua | unnamed soldiers | Joshua learned that the five Amorite kings were hiding in a cave. He gave instructions to roll a stone up to the mouth of the cave and post guard while the army continued to pursue the Amorite armies. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 10 | Joshua | the army commanders of Israel | after subduing the Amorite armies Joshua returned to the cave where the kings were hiding. He had the kings brought out and called forth the army commanders of Israel, telling them to put their foot on the necks of these kings. Joshua told the army this is what God was going to do to their enemies and he put the five kings to death and hung their bodies from five trees until sunset. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 15 | Caleb, | the men in his clan | Caleb announced he would give his daughter Acsah to the man who attacks and captures Kiriath Sepher. Othniel, his brother took the city, so he gave his daughter to him in marriage. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 17 | Joshua, Eleazar and the leaders of Israel | the daughters of Zelophead | they reminded Joshua and the leaders that Moses had promised to give them an inheritance in the land. Joshua gave them an inheritance along with the brothers of their father. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 17 | Joshua | the descendants of Joseph | Joseph's descendants came to Joshua saying they were too numerous for the allotment of land they had been given and asked for more. Joshua told them if they were so numerous and the land too small to go up into the hill country and clear the forest. The descendants of Joseph complained that the people in the hill country had chariots of iron. Joshua exhorted them saying they were strong enough to drive them out. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 18 | Joshua | the Israelites | Joshua asked the people how long before they take possession of the land God had given them. Seven tribes still had not taken their land. Joshua told the leaders to appoint three men from each tribe to go out and take a survey of the land yet to be conquered and report to him. When they returned with the detailed survey of the land Joshua divided it among the seven tribes by casting lots at Shiloh and distributed the land. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 21 | Joshua | the family heads of the Levites, | the family heads of the Levites approached Joshua to remind him of Moses' instruction to give the Levites towns to live in with pasturelands. Joshua did as Moses had commanded |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 22 | Joshua | the Reubenites, Gadites and half tribe of Manasseh | Joshua assembled these tribes and commended them for keeping their word to cross the Jordan and fight for their brothers to help conquer the land. He then blessed them and released them to return to the land they had asked for on the east side of the Jordan, with instructions to divide their share of the plunder with their brothers. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 22 | Phineas and ten chief men, one from each of ten tribes | the Reubenites, Gadites and half tribe of Manasseh | after crossing to the eastern side of the Jordan the Reubenites, Gadites and half tribe of Manasseh had built an imposing altar by the bank of the river. When the rest of the tribes heard about it they were aghast believing the building of the altar to be an act of rebellion against God. They sent Phineas and ten leaders to rebuke their brothers on the eastern side of the river. The leaders of Reuben, Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh clarified to their brothers that the altar was not intended as a place of worship but a witness to the fact they shared in the spiritual inheritance of Israel in spite of the fact they were separated by the Jordan river. This explanation satisfied the leaders and they returned. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 23 | Joshua, | the elders, leaders, judges and officials of Isreal | Joshua is now old and well advanced in years. He convenes the leaders to share a farewell address. Joshua exhorts them to remember…encourages them to be strong, obeying all Moses had commanded them…and warns of the consequences of disobedience. |
pre-kingdom | Joshua 24 | Joshua, | the elders, leaders, judges and officials of Israel, | Joshua reviews their history starting with Abraham, moving through Egypt and the Exodus, up to the point of taking the land. He reminded them of the need for obedience and the danger of idolatry. Joshua affirms, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." The people affirm their commitment to serve God as well. Joshua made a covenant and drew up decrees and laws, marking it with a large stone as a witness. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 1 | the men of Judah and the men of Simeon | the men of Judah and the men of Simeon | the leaders of the tribe of Judah initiate an agreement with the leaders of Simeon to help each other take the territory assigned to them. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 3 | Eglon, | Ehud | Ehud tricks the king into giving him a private audience by saying he has a secret message. When left alone, he tells the king he has a message from God for him, and plunges his dagger into the king's belly, killing him. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 3 | Ehud | the men of Ephraim and Israel | after killing Eglon Ehud blew the trumpet in Ephraim and assembled a fighting force that subdued the Moabites securing peace for 80 years. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 4 | Debora | Barak, | : after Ehud died, the Israelites were subject to Jabin, the Canaanite king. Debora was a prophetess who sent for Barak and commissioned him to take ten thousand men from Naphtali and Zebulun to fight against Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army. Barak agreed to do this on the condition that Debora come with him. Debora agreed to accompany him but said due to the way he was approaching this the honor would not go to him. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 4 | Debora, | Barak | after Sisera discovers Barak has prepared for an attack he gathers his army. Debora gives Barak the command to attack with the assurance, "This is the day the LORD has given Sisera into your hands." |
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pre-kingdom | Judges 5 | Debora and Barak | the men who fought with Barak from Naphtali and Zebulun | after confirming Sisera was dead, Debora and Barak sang a song of victory. Note: this song was part of the leadership celebration, giving glory to God, and affirming key messages from the victory to the people. It was as meaningful and impactful as if it were a speech |
pre-kingdom | Judges 6 | unnamed prophet | Israelites | Israel is being dominated by the Midianites and they cried out to the LORD. He sent them a prophet who reminded them of God's commands and that they had not listened to him. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 6 | the men (leaders) of Ophrah | Joash, Gideon's father | the men discover Gideon has destroyed the altar to Baal and cut down the Asherah pole, using it for a proper burnt offering to God and they want to put him to death for it. Joash asks them why they need to defend Baal, if he is really God he can fend for himself. The men decide to "Let Baal contend with him." |
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pre-kingdom | Judges 7 | Gideon | Abiezerites | following God's instructions, Gideon tells the men that anyone "who trembles with fear" may go home. Twenty-two thousand returned home. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 7 | Gideon | Abiezerites | again following God's instructions Gideon told the men to drink from the water. Anyone who bent over to lap the water like a dog were sent home. Only three hundred men were left. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 7 | Gideon | Abiezerites | Gideon rallied his men dividing them into three groups of one hundred and giving each of them a trumpet, a pitcher and a torch. He told them to watch him and follow his lead. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 7 | Gideon | Abiezerites | at the moment of the changing of the guard Gideon gave the command to break the pitchers and blow the trumpets shouting, "A sword for the LORD and for Gideon." |
pre-kingdom | Judges 7 | messengers sent by Gideon, | Ephraimites | as the Midianites and Amalekites fled, Gideon sent messengers throughout the hill country of Ephraim, saying, "Come down against the Midianites and seize the waters of the Jordan ahead of them…" |
pre-kingdom | Judges 8 | Gideon | Ephraimites | the Ephraimites complained to Gideon asking why he did not call them to assist from the outset. Gideon spoke wisely to them and their resentment subsided. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 8 | Gideon | men (leaders) of Succoth | Gideon and his three hundred men were in pursuit of the fleeing armies of Midian and Amalek and upon crossing the Jordan asked the men of Succoth for bread to strengthen the men. The leaders of Succoth did refused to help Gideon and he warned them of revenge after he captured the kings of the enemy armies. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 8 | Gideon | leaders of Peniel | after being scorned by the men of Succoth Gideon made the same request to the leaders of Peniel but they too refused to help him. Gideon told them after he had accomplished his goal he would return and tear down their tower. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 8 | Gideon | 77 officials of Succoth, the elders of the town, | upon capturing the kings of Midian and Amalek, Gideon returned to Succoth with the names of the 77 leaders (he had captured a young man from Succoth and made him write down the names) and as he had warned, Gideon punished them with desert thorns and briers. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 8 | Gideon | Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of Midian and Amalek | after punishing both the leaders of Succoth and Peniel for not helping him, Gideon questioned the two captured kings. Because they had not showed mercy to the men of Tabor, Gideon determined to put them to death. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 8 | Gideon | Gideon's son Jether | Gideon gave his son the order to kill the two kings but because he was only a boy and afraid he did not draw his sword. The two kings emplored Gideon to do it himself so he stepped forward and killed them both. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 8 | Gideon | the Israelites | following the victory in battle the leaders of Israel asked Gideon to rule over them. Gideon said he would not rule over them, nor would his children, but the LORD would be their ruler. He then made a request for each of them to give him a portion of the plunder. They spread out a garment and each man threw a ring on to it. Gideon made this gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah. It became an idol to the people and a snare to Gideon and his family. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 9 | Abimelech, | his brothers and through them the people of Shechem | following Gideon's death, Abimelech incited his family and the people of Shechem against the descendants of Gideon, who were his half-brothers. The paid Abimelech 70 shekels which he used to hire "reckless adventurers" to be his followers. He then went to his father's home town of Ophrah and killed his 70 brothers, with only the Jotham, the youngest, to escape. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 9 | Jotham | the people of Shechem, | following Abimelech's purge of Gideon's family and his assuming the kingship of Shechem, Jotham stood on Mount Gerizim and rebuked them with a parable. He chastised them for their treatment of Gideon's family, after all he had done for them, and called into question their motives and actions in supporting Abimelech |
pre-kingdom | Judges – 9 | Gaal | the people of Shechem | Gaal, son of Ebed, moved to Shechem and gained the confidence of the people. He questioned their loyalty to Abimelech and spoke openly about what he would do as their ruler. |
pre-kingdom | Judges – 9 | Zebul, governor of the city, | Abimelech | upon learning of the plot Gaal was forming Zebul sent messengers secretly to Abimelech to warn him. Zebul told Abimelech to lie in ambush and wait for Gaal to advance against the city. |
pre-kingdom | Judges – 9 | Zebul, | Gaal | Abimelech leads his men toward Shechem while Gaal is standing at the city gate. He warns Zebul, who knows they are coming, but Zebul says Gaal is mistaking the shadows of the mountains for men. When Abimelech gets closer, Zebul asks Gaal, "Where is your big talk now?" He challenges him to go out and fight, which they do and are defeated by Abimelech. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 9 | Abimelech, | his armor-bearer | while attempting to storm a tower in Thebez, a woman dropped a millstone from the top on Abimelech, fatally wounding him. He ordered his armor-bearer to draw a sword and kill him so no one could say a woman had killed him. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 10 | leaders of Gilead | each other and the people of Gilead | the Israelites are assembled for battle against the Ammonites with no clear leader. The leaders of Gilead say, "Whoever will launch the attack against the Ammonites will be the head of all those living in Gilead. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 11 | Jepthah's step brothers, who we learn are the elders of Gilead | Jephthah | because Jepthah's mother was a prostitute, they saw him as illegitimate and drove him away in order to cut him off from any inheritance. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 11 | elders of Gilead, who are primarily if not exclusively his step brothers | Jephthah | the elders of Gilead sought out Jepthah and asked him to come be their leader to fight against the Ammonites. Jephthah is understandably reluctant to trust them, as he had been driven away by them. After careful discussion and clarification, he agrees to come and be their leader. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 11 | Jepthah, | the king of Amon | Jepthah sent messengers to the king seeking to clarify his intentions and motives as it relates to making war against Israel. The Ammonite king says he wants them to peaceably return land God had given them after they came out of Egypt. Jepthah replies with an extensive history lesson, clarifying what God had done for Israel, but the king of Ammon ignored him. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 11 | Jepthah | his daughter | Jepthah has made vow, offering to devote to the LORD whatever comes out of his tent when he returns from battle, if God gives him victory. When he returns victorious, his daughter comes out of the tent. He is distraught but she agrees he must fulfill his vow. Note: there is some ambiguity about what this vow actually was. It probably required her to remain a virgin for life. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 12 | Jepthah | Ephraimite leaders | After learning about Jepthah's victory the leaders of Ephraim confront him asking why he did not call them to fight along side him. Jepthah explains that he did call them forth to battle but they did not come, and he risked his life without them. This led to battle between Jepthah's men and Ephraim, with 42,000 Ephraimites being killed that day. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 15 | Philistine leaders | leaders of Judah | After Samson burned the wheat fields of the Philistines (with torches attached to the tails of 300 fox) the Philistines amassed a force against Judah. The men of Judah asked why and were told the Philistines came to capture Samson. Three thousand men from Judah went to Samson, who was hiding in a cave, and convinced him to surrender to the Philistines. The tied him and handed him over but Samson broke free from the ropes and killed one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 16 | Philistine rules | Delilah | The rulers of the Philistines tell Delilah to find out the secret of Samson's strength and report it to them so they can subdue him. They offer to pay her a large sum of money for this information (1,100 shekels from each leader but we don't know how many leaders). |
pre-kingdom | Judges 16 | Samson | Delilah | After being recruited by the Philistine rulers to find the secret of Samson's strength, Delilah began pestering him for information. Delilah engaged in this ruse three times before Samson was worn down by her persistence. The fourth time he gave her the real secret. She lulled him to sleep, had his hair cut, and called out the Philistine men who were hiding nearby. They gouged out Samson's eyes and imprisoned him. Note: Samson is clearly a leader and Delilah is functioning as the agent of Philistine leaders. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 16 | Samson | Delilah | After being recruited by the Philistine rulers to find the secret of Samson's strength, Delilah began pestering him for information. Delilah engaged in this ruse three times before Samson was worn down by her persistence. The fourth time he gave her the real secret. She lulled him to sleep, had his hair cut, and called out the Philistine men who were hiding nearby. They gouged out Samson's eyes and imprisoned him. Note: Samson is clearly a leader and Delilah is functioning as the agent of Philistine leaders. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 16 | Samson | Delilah | After being recruited by the Philistine rulers to find the secret of Samson's strength, Delilah began pestering him for information. Delilah engaged in this ruse three times before Samson was worn down by her persistence. The fourth time he gave her the real secret. She lulled him to sleep, had his hair cut, and called out the Philistine men who were hiding nearby. They gouged out Samson's eyes and imprisoned him. Note: Samson is clearly a leader and Delilah is functioning as the agent of Philistine leaders. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 16 | Samson | Delilah | After being recruited by the Philistine rulers to find the secret of Samson's strength, Delilah began pestering him for information. Delilah engaged in this ruse three times before Samson was worn down by her persistence. The fourth time he gave her the real secret. She lulled him to sleep, had his hair cut, and called out the Philistine men who were hiding nearby. They gouged out Samson's eyes and imprisoned him. Note: Samson is clearly a leader and Delilah is functioning as the agent of Philistine leaders. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 16 | Samson | Delilah | After being recruited by the Philistine rulers to find the secret of Samson's strength, Delilah began pestering him for information. Delilah engaged in this ruse three times before Samson was worn down by her persistence. The fourth time he gave her the real secret. She lulled him to sleep, had his hair cut, and called out the Philistine men who were hiding nearby. They gouged out Samson's eyes and imprisoned him. Note: Samson is clearly a leader and Delilah is functioning as the agent of Philistine leaders. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 16 | Philistine leaders | Philistine people | After Samson was in captivity the Philistine rules announced to the people that their god delivered Samson into their hands. The people praised their god and asked for Samson to be brought out to entertain them. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 17 | Micah | young Levite from Judah | the young Levite was looking for a place to live, having left Bethlehem, and was invited by Micah to live in his home and serve as his personal priest for hire. Note: in this art of the National Leadership Era, after Joshua but before Samuel or Saul, Israel functioned more like the Patriarchal Era with family-based leadership. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 18 | tribal leaders from Dan, | five warriors representing all their clans | the five warriors were sent to explore the land and came to the hill country of Ephraim and the house of Micah. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 18 | five warriors sent by the tribal leaders of Dan | the Levite staying with Micah | the five warriors heard the Levite talking in their language and went to him. Upon hearing his story they asked him to inquire of the LORD for them about their journey. The Levite told them they would be successful and they went on their way. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 18 | tribal leaders from Dan | five warriors representing all their clans | the five warriors returned after exploring the land and reported they had found an unsuspecting people in a very good land. They encouraged their people to muster and attack. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 18 | the five warriors who had explored the land | the six hundred men armed for battle with them, Situation: upon arriving at Micah's house the five warriors told their fellow soldiers about the Levite and the idols in the house. They took the idols and enlisted the Levite saying it would be better for him to serve a clan than one man. | |
pre-kingdom | Judges 18 | the leaders of the six hundred men | Micah and men who lived near him | Micah and the men who lived near him pursued the Danites in an effort to retrieve the Levite and the idols but they retreated after discovering they were out-manned. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 19 | Levite | servant of the Levite | the servant asks his master to consider stopping at Jerusalem to overnight but the Levite/master explains he does not to stay with Jebusites but would prefer to continue to Gilead or Ramah. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 20 | tribal leaders of Israel | the Levite | the Levite's concubine had been raped and abused until she died. He had cut up her body into 12 pieces and sent them throughout Israel. The people assembled to find out what was behind this. The Levite explained what happened to his concubine. The tribal leaders agreed to assemble an army to bring revenge/judgment on Gibeah/Benjamin for this horrific act. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 20 | representatives of the tribal leaders of Israel | leaders of Benjamin | the representatives of the tribal leaders of Israel ask the people of Benjamin to hand over the men of Gibeah but they would not. So each side assembled for war. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 20 | tribal leaders of Israel | the people of Israel | the people had gathered at Bethel after the victory over Benjamin. They were distraught over the loss of life and the decimation of the tribe of Benjamin. They asked, "Which one of the tribes of Israel…" failed to appear before the LORD at Mizpah? It was determined that on one from Jabesh Gilead was there. They sent soldiers to this place with instructions to kill everyone but the virgin women. |
pre-kingdom | Judges 20 | elders of the assembly | people of Israel | the leaders were concerned about the future of the tribe of Benjamin because there were not enough wives for the survivors and the rest of Israel had taken an oath not to allow their daughters to marry a Benjamite. They gave the 400 virgins from Jabesh Gilead to the Benjamites but it was not enough. They instructed the Benjamites without wives to hide in the bushes outside Shiloh and when the women came out to dance for their religious festival they should go kidnap a wife. |
pre-kingdom | Ruth 2 | Boaz | foreman of the harvesters | Boaz asks the foreman who the woman is gleaning on the edge of the fields. He is told this is Ruth, daughter-in-law of Naomi. |
pre-kingdom | Ruth 2 | Boaz | Ruth, | Boaz tells Ruth not to glean in any other fields, that he has instructed his workers not to touch her, and to feel free to get a drink from the workers jars when she is thirsty. |
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pre-kingdom | Ruth 2 | Boaz | foreman of the harvesters | Boaz instructs them not to embarrass Ruth, even if she gleans among the unharvested grain. |
pre-kingdom | Ruth 3 | Boaz | Ruth, | Boaz finds Ruth sleeping at his feet on the threshing floor and she asks him to be her kinsmen redeemer. Boaz tells here there is a closer relative but if he "is not willing," Boaz will do it. He instructs here to sleep there for the night, but sends her away before dawn, with six measures of Barley, instructing her not to let anyone know she was there. |
pre-kingdom | Ruth 4 | Boaz | the closer kinsmen redeemer and ten elders of the town | Boaz explains the property belonging to Elimech, Naomi's dead husband, is for sale. The person who buys the property will also inherit Ruth, Elimech's dead son's wife, so the property will remain in the family. When learning about Ruth, the kinsmen redeemer decides not to purchase the land and gives way for Boaz to do so. This is witnessed by the elders and the transaction is made final. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 1 | Eli | Hannah | Eli sees Hannah praying and because her lips are moving but she is not speaking he thinks she is drunk. She explains she is pouring out her soul to God. Eli tells her to go in peace saying, "May the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him." |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 1 | Eli | Hannah, | Hannah returns to Shiloh with Samuel, the son born from the answer to her prayers, and gives him back to the LORD for his whole life. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 2 | Eli | his sons | Eli rebukes his sons for the evil they are doing against the people and the LORD. But his sons did not listen to him. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 2 | man of God (unnamed), | Eli | a man of God rebukes Eli for honoring his sons more than God by not stopping their evil practices. He then prophecies the death of Eli's sons on the same day, the judgment of God on their family line (no old man) and the raising up of a faithful priest. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 3 | Eli | Samuel | the boy Samuel hears the voice in the night and thinks Eli is calling him. After three times Eli tells him should he hear the voice again say, "Speak LORD for your servant is listening." Samuel does hear the voice again and responds as Eli has instructed. God has a message for Eli that is given to Samuel. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 3 | Eli, | Samuel | Eli tells Samuel to recount everything God spoke to him. The boy recounts the somber message of God's judgment to Eli. Eli responded with a fatalistic acceptance of God's judgment |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 4 | elders of Israel | soldiers, | the soldiers had gone out to fight against the Philistines and lost. When they returned, the elders asked, "Why did the LORD bring defeat on us today?" They decided to go into battle again, bringing the Ark of the Covenant with them. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 4 | Philistines leaders | Philistine soldiers | when the ark was brought to the front the Israelites cheered. The Philistines heard it and wondered what had happened. They surmised a god had come into the camp and exhorted their soldiers to be strong or they would be subject to the Hebrews. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 4 | Eli | a Benjamite messenger | the messenger from the battle lines reported to the town about the defeat of the Israelite soldiers to the Philistines. Eli heard the rumblings from the people and ask what happened. He was told about the defeat of the army, the death of his two sons, and the capture of the ark. He fell over backwards, broke his neck and died. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 5 | rulers of the Philistines | men of Ashdod | the Ark of the Covenant had been brought to Ashdod after being captured by the Philistine soldiers in their victory over Israel. The LORD's hand was heavy on the people of Ashdod, inflicting them with tumors. They approached the Philistine leaders saying the Ark should stay with them and asking what to do. The rulers said to move the Ark to Gath. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 5 | the people of Ekron | rulers of the Philistines | the people of Ekron spoke to the Philistine rulers asking them to send the Ark back to Israel or it would kill them. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 6 | Philistine priests and diviners | Philistine people, | the Ark had been with them for seven months and the people called for the priests and diviners asking what to do. The priests and diviners gave detailed instructions about how to return the Ark on a cart pulled by two cows that have calved but never been yoked. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 6 | leaders of Kirath Jearim | messengers from Beth Shemesh | the Ark had been returned to the Israelites by the Philistines and men from Kiriath Jearim had died because they looked into the Ark. The people of the town were afraid and send a message to leaders from Kiriath Jearim to take the Ark. They brought it to Abinadad's house, where Eleazar guarded it. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 7 | Samuel | the Israelites | the people mourned and sought the LORD. Samuel responded saying if they were sincere to rid themselves of their idols and the people did so. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 7 | Samuel | the Israelites | Samuel, in response to the obedience of the people, called them to gather at Mizpah, where they fasted, prayed and confessed their sin to the LORD. Samuel was their leader |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 7 | Samuel | the Israelites | the people plead with Samuel not to stop crying out to the LORD for them as the Philistines were assembling for battle. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 7 | Samuel | the Israelites | the LORD thundered against the Philistines and threw them into a panic that enabled Israel to route them in battle. Samuel set up a stone between Mizpah and Shen, naming in Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far the LORD has helped us." |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 8 | Samuel | all the elders of Israel | In his old age, Samuel had appointed his sons, Joel and Abijah, to serve as judges for Israel. But his sons did not walk in his ways. The elders of Israel came to Samuel to tell him that because his sons did not walk in his ways they preferred for him to appoint a king to rule over them, like the nations around them. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 8 | Samuel | all the elders of Israel | Samuel was displeased by the request for a king and sought the LORD, who told him the people had not rejected him but God. Samuel was instructed to listen to the people and warn the people about what the king would do. Samuel did warn them, but they persisted in their demand for a king |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 8 | Samuel | all the elders of Israel | Samuel again sought the LORD, repeating all that the people had said in their demand for a king. God told Samuel to give them a king. Samuel told the people to return to their towns. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 9 | Kish | Saul, | the donkeys belonging to Kish were lost so he spoke to his son Saul telling him to take a servant and go look for them. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 9 | Saul, | his servant | after looking for the donkeys but not finding them Saul told the servant they should return home or his father will stop worrying about the donkeys and worry about them. The servant suggested they go to the town nearby where there was a man of God (Samuel) who could tell them where to look for the donkeys. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 9 | Samuel, | Saul | Saul approached Samuel, not knowing he was the man of God, asking where he could find the seer. Samuel said he was the seer and invited Saul to a dinner at the high place with about 30 other people. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 9 | Samuel | the cook for the dinner | Samuel told the cook to bring Saul the piece of meat he had been instructed in advance to lay aside and give it to Saul. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 9 | Samuel | Saul, | Samuel told Saul to eat, because the meat had been set aside for him from the time he had invited guests. |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 9 | Samuel | Saul, | After they had come down from the high place Samuel spoke with Saul on the roof of his house, telling him to get ready as he would be sending him on his way. As they prepared to leave, Samuel told Saul to send his servant on ahead so he could speak with him alone. Samuel poured oil on Saul's head, and anointed him. He also gave specific information about what would happen next, culminating with the statement, "The Spirit of the LORD will come upon you in power…and you will be changed into a different person…after that, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you." |
pre-kingdom | 1 Samuel 10 | Samuel | the people of Israel | Samuel summoned the people to assemble at Mizpah and reminded them of their demand for a king (and rejecting God as their king). He invited the tribes to present themselves and the selection of Benjamin to the clan to the family until Saul was chosen. But they could not find Saul, who had hidden himself among the baggage. When he was brought out Samuel presented him as the one the LORD had chosen. The people affirmed, "Long live the king!" |
national | 1 Samuel 11 | Nahash the Ammonite | all the men (leaders) of Jabesh Gilead | Nahash besieged the city of Jabesh Gliead and the men of the city sought to make a treaty with him. Nahash said he would make a treaty only if he could gouge out the right eye of all the men so as to bring disgrace on all Israel. The men of Jabesh Gilead asked for seven days to send out messengers to see if anyone from Israel would rescue them. |
national | 1 Samuel 11 | men (leaders) of Gibeah of Saul | messengers of Jabesh Gilead | they reported the situation with Nahash to the men of Gibeah |
national | 1 Samuel 11 | Saul | the men (leaders) of Gibeah and the messengers from Jabesh Gilead | Saul was coming in from the fields as the men of Gibeah were mourning the news they had received from the messengers sent from Jabesh Gilead |
national | 1 Samuel 11 | Saul | the people of Israel | Saul burned with anger as the Spirit of the LORD came upon him. He chopped up the oxen into pieces and sent them throughout Israel with messengers who said, "This is what will be done to the oxen of anyone who does not follow Saul and Samuel |
national | 1 Samuel 11 | Saul | all the men (leaders) of Jabesh Gilead | after mustering an army of 30,000 soldiers, a message was sent to the men of Jabesh Gilead saying, "By the time the sun is hot tomorrow, you will be delivered. |
national | 1 Samuel 11 | Nahash the Ammonite | all the men (leaders) of Jabesh Gilead | after receiving the news that their fellow Israelites were coming to their rescue, they sent word to Nahash saying they would surrender. |
national | 1 Samuel 11 | Saul and Samuel | all the men (leaders) of Israel | After Saul had led the people to victory over Nahash and rescued the people of Jabesh Gilead, the people rallied around Saul and wanted to put to death those who had questioned his appointment as king. Saul intervened, saying that no one should be put to death and that God had given them the victory. Samuel invited the people to Gilgal where they confirmed Saul's kingship and held a national celebration. |
national | 1 Samuel 12 | Samuel | the people of Israel | Samuel speaks to all Israel (likely through its leaders) giving his farewell speech. Samuel begins by establishing his integrity, asking a series of questions ("If I have done any of these things, I will make it right.") He then gives a brief review of their history, going back to Moses, followed by an act of public power, calling forth thunder and rain. The people are afraid and implore Samuel to pray for them, something he pledges to do. |
national | 1 Samuel 13 | Saul | all the men (leaders) of Israel | After Jonathan attacked a Philistine outpost, Saul had the trumpet sounded and assembled the army at Gilgal. |
national | 1 Samuel 13 | Saul and Samuel | unnamed men | Saul was waiting for Samuel, who had not yet come, and his men were afraid, beginning to scatter. So he gave orders to bring him the burnt offerings and fellowship offerings.In doing so Saul overstepped his authority and performed functions that should be reserved for priests. |
national | 1 Samuel 13 | Samuel | Saul | After Saul finished offering the burnt offering, Samuel arrived. Samuel rebuked Saul's foolish behavior and told him his "kingdom will not endure," but God has sought out a man after his own heart to lead the people. |
national | 1 Samuel 14 | Jonathan | armor bearer | Jonathan instructs his armor bearer to come with him to the Philistine outpost.Jonathan did this without telling his father, king Saul. |
national | 1 Samuel 14 | Jonathan | armor bearer | Jonathan explains more specifically the plan in engaging the Philistine outpost. His armor bearer shows great loyalty, and Jonathan shows great faith. Jonathan is asking God to give them a sign as to whether they should attack. If the Philistines see them and tell them to wait, they will not go up to them. But if the Philistines invite them to come up, they will do so and attack believing God will give the victory. |
national | 1 Samuel 14 | Jonathan | armor bearer | After hearing the Philistines tell them to "come up" Jonathan instructs his armor bearer to follow him believing this is the sign that God is delivering the Philistines into their hands. |
national | 1 Samuel 14 | Saul | the men who were with him | Jonathan's victory at the Philistine outpost resulted in a broader panic, sent by God, in the Philistine army. When news of this reached Saul, he instructed his soldiers to muster the men and determine who was with them. At this time they noticed that Jonathan and his armor bearer were not with them. |
national | 1 Samuel 14 | Saul | Ahijah the priest | Saul instructed the priest to bring the ark of God with them to the battle. When Saul noticed the tumult in the Philistine camp was increasing, he said to the priest, "Withdraw your hand." |
national | 1 Samuel 14 | Jonathan | Saul's soldiers | Saul had given an order saying, "Cursed be any man who eats food today." There was honey on the ground and the men were hungry but they did not eat because of Saul's order. Jonathan did not know about the order and ate the honey. The men told Jonathan about his father's order. Jonathan said this was a bad decision by his father, and that the victory would have been much greater if the men had been allowed to eat. |
national | 1 Samuel 14 | Saul | a soldier from the army | Saul was told the men were eating meat with the blood still in it. He immediately gave instructions for the men to slaughter the animals properly and not to sin against the LORD by eating meat with the blood still in it. |
national | 1 Samuel 14 | Saul | Jonathan, the priest, and the army | Saul told the men to prepare to go down to the Philistines to finish the job. The priest told Saul he should first inquire of the LORD. They did but God did not answer them. Saul began a process of identifying who had sinned and thereby blocked communication with God. The lots fell on Jonathan, who admitted he ate honey, not knowing Saul had ordered the men not to eat. Saul was prepared to put Jonathan to death for this but the army intervened and stopped Saul. They did not pursue the Philistines. |
national | 1 Samuel 15 | Samuel | Saul | Samuel gave Saul instructions from God to attack the Amalekites, and put all of them to death, for what they did to Israel on their way out of Egypt. |
national | 1 Samuel 15 | Saul | the Kenites | Saul instructed the Kenites to move away from the Amalekites, who he was going to destroy. The Kenites had been kind to Israel when they came up out of Egypt, unlike the Amalekites. |
national | 1 Samuel 15 | Samuel | unnamed person | Samuel was looking for Saul and was told he had gone to Carmel, where he set up a monument in his own honor, before continuing to Gilgal. |
national | 1 Samuel 15 | Samuel | Saul | Samuel was greeted by Saul who believed he had carried out the LORD'S instructions against the Amalekites. But Samuel rebuked him, sharing the message God had given him the night before, that He had rejected Saul as king because of his disobedience.At first Saul pushed back, saying he had obeyed God's instructions. Then he admitted his sin and pleaded for mercy, saying he was afraid of the people so he gave in to them, but it was too late. |
national | 1 Samuel 15 | Samuel | unspecified person, probably Saul | Samuel instructed them to bring Agag to him. |
national | 1 Samuel 15 | Samuel | Agag | Samuel rebuked Agag before putting him to death. |
national | 1 Samuel 16 | Samuel | the elders of Bethlehem | Samuel arrived at Bethlehem and the elders were afraid, asking if he came in peace. He told them he came to offer a sacrifice.He invited them to consecrate themselves and come to the sacrifice with him. He also consecrated Jesse and his sons, inviting them to attend. |
national | 1 Samuel 16 | Samuel | Jesse | Samuel interacted with Jesse about his sons, until he had seen all of them but David. He asked Jesse if had had any other sons, and was told David was tending the sheep. Samuel instructed them to send for David, saying they would not sit down until he arrived.When David arrived, Samuel, following God's instructions, rose and anointed him with oil. And from that day on, the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power. |
national | 1 Samuel 16 | Saul | his attendants | Saul was tormented by an evil spirit and his attendants suggested he call for someone who could play the harp and comfort him when attacked by the evil spirit.They told Saul about David, son of Jesse, and sent for him |
national | 1 Samuel 16 | Saul (via messengers) | Jesse | Saul sent messengers to Jesse, instructing him to send David to him. |
national | 1 Samuel 16 | Saul (via messengers) | Jesse | Saul sent messengers to Jesse, saying he was pleased with David, saying, "Allow him to remain with me. |
national | 1 Samuel 17 | Goliath | army of Israel | Goliath challenged the army of Israel to send out a soldier to engage in hand-to-hand combat with him, with the loser's army bound to surrender. |
national | 1 Samuel 17 | Jesse | David | Jesse instructed David to take cheese to commander of their unit on the front lines and bring back a report about their brothers. |
national | 1 Samuel 17 | Eliab | David | Upon hearing the questions David was asking to soldiers his oldest brother Eliab rebuked him. David went on to ask the same questions, about what would be done for the man who killed Goliath, to other men. |
national | 1 Samuel 17 | Saul | David | Saul heard about David's inquiry regarding what would be done for the man who killed Goliath and sent for him. David offered to fight Goliath and Saul said he couldn't because he was only a boy. David explained his experience protecting the sheep from lions and bears and affirmed his confidence in God. Saul gave him armor, which David declined. He was then sent off to fight Goliath with his sling and five smooth stones. |
national | 1 Samuel 17 | Goliath | David | Goliath challenged David as he came out to meet him on the battle field. David rebuked Saul in the name of the LORD his God. |
national | 1 Samuel 17 | Saul | Abner | After David's victory over Goliath, Saul asked Abner, the commander of his army, who David's father was. Aber said he did not know and Saul instructed him to find out. |
national | 1 Samuel 17 | Saul | David | Abner brought David to Saul, while he was still holding Goliath's head in his hand, and ask him who his father was. David told him he was the son of Jesse, of Bethlehem. |
national | 1 Samuel 18 | Saul | David | Saul offered David his daughter Merab's hand in marriage. But David was uncertain about becoming the son-in-law of the king. When the time came for Merab to be married she was given to someone else. |
national | 1 Samuel 18 | Saul | David | Saul discovered his daughter Michal was in love with David so he spoke to him a second time with offer to become his son-in-law. |
national | 1 Samuel 18 | Saul | David | Saul sent a message to David through his servants, who said the king was pleased with him and all the servants liked him and they wanted him to marry Michal. David's reply was again tepid, saying it was no small thing to become the son-in-law of the king. |
national | 1 Samuel 18 | Saul | his messengers | when they reported to Saul what David said the king sent the messengers back to David saying the king only was asking for 100 Philistine foreskins as the bride price. Saul was hoping the Philistines would kill David. |
national | 1 Samuel 19 | Jonathan | David | Jonathan spoke to David about his father's plans to kill David. He arranged a meeting where he would report to David what he learned from his father. |
national | 1 Samuel 19 | Saul | Jonathan | Jonathan spoke on David's behalf to his father, reminding him of David's loyalty and the success he had won for Israel. Saul replied by taking an oath saying that David would not be killed. |
national | 1 Samuel 19 | Saul (via his soldiers), | Michal | Saul sent his soldiers to David's house, where he lived with his wife Michal, to capture him. But when they arrived Michal told them he was ill, so they returned to Saul. |
national | 1 Samuel 19 | Saul | his soldiers | Saul sent his soldiers back to capture David, instructing them to bring him in his sick bed so he could kill him. |
national | 1 Samuel 19 | Saul | Michal | when the soldiers arrived at the house and went into David's bedroom they found an idol in the bed instead of David. Saul spoke to Michal about this, asking why she deceived him and allowed the king's enemy to escape. She said David threatened to kill her unless she helped him get away (which was a lie). Note: 1 Samuel 19:18 is one of the most important leadership conversations without giving us what is said. David, fleeing for his life from Saul, goes to visit Samuel at Ramah. |
national | 1 Samuel 19 | Saul | unnamed officials of the king | Saul was told where David was hiding and he sent men to capture him. When the men arrived, the Spirit of the LORD fell on them and they prophesied. This happened three times. |
national | 1 Samuel 19 | Saul | unnamed people at the great cistern at Secu, | Saul, after sending soldiers three times who failed on their mission, went himself seeking to capture David. He asked the men he encountered at the great cistern at Secu where David and Samuel were staying and went looking for them. When Saul arrived, the Spirit of the LORD came on him also. He prophesied, stripped off his clothes, and was slain in the spirit. |
national | 1 Samuel 20 | Jonathan | David | David fled from his meeting with Samuel and went to meet with Jonathan. He expressed his concern about Saul's plans to kill him. But Jonathan said if it were true he would know about it. David explained Saul was keeping it from Jonathan because he knew of their friendship. Together they arrived at a plan to test Saul's intentions and make the results known to David. |
national | 1 Samuel 20 | Saul | Jonathan | on the second day of the month in the New Moon festival David's place at the meal was empty. Saul asked Jonathan where he was and Jonathan said what he had agreed to say in his plan with David, that he was in Bethlehem with his family. Saul was angry, accusing Jonathan of siding with David against him. Saul, in his anger, threw a spear at Jonathan in an attempt to kill him. Jonathan knew his father was intent on killing David. |
national | 1 Samuel 20 | Jonathan | a small boy | Jonathan went to the field where he was to meet David, and according to their plan, he shot arrows into the field. When the boy went to retrieve the arrows, Jonathan shot one beyond him, and told him the arrow was beyond him. After the boy got the arrows Jonathan sent him home. |
national | 1 Samuel 20 | Jonathan | David | after the boy left David came out of hiding and spoke with Jonathan. They wept together over the confirmation of Saul's plans to kill David. |
national | 1 Samuel 21 | David | Ahimelech | David came to the priest at Nob and asked for some bread. The priest told him the only bread he had was consecrated and it could only be eaten by David and his men if they were consecrated. David assured him they were, and the priest gave him the bread. David also asked for a sword, and was told the only sword there was that of Goliath, which David took. |
national | 1 Samuel 21 | Achish | his servants | David fled to the land of the Philistine king, Achish, who was told about David by his servants. But David, in fear of Achish, acted like he was insane. The king asked his servants why they troubled him with a mad man. |
national | 1 Samuel 22 | king of Moab | David | David, now fleeing from Saul, spoke to the king of Moab asking permission for his father and mother to stay there until he discovers what God will do for him. |
national | 1 Samuel 22 | Gad | David | the prophet Gad tells David not to stay in the stronghold where he was hiding but to return to Judah. |
national | 1 Samuel 22 | Saul | his officials | Saul publically laments the lack of cooperation he feels from his leaders in the pursuit to kill David. Doeg, the Edomite, replied to Saul, saying he saw David come to Ahimelech at Nob, where was given bread and the sword of Goliath. |
national | 1 Samuel 22 | Saul | Ahimelech | Saul sent for Ahimelech after hearing the words of Doeg. He interrogated Ahimelech, asking why he was conspiring against the king. Ahimelech told the king David was a loyal servant, the captain of the king's bodyguard and his son-in-law. Why would he not inquire of the LORD for him? Saul, in his anger, said Ahimelech would be put to death. |
national | 1 Samuel 22 | Saul | his guards | Saul ordered his guards to put to death Ahimelech and his family, but they were unwilling to lift their swords against the priests. Saul then instructed Doeg to do it. Doeg killed 85 men who wore the ephod as well as all those living in Nob. |
national | 1 Samuel 23 | David | his men | David was told that the Philistines had attacked Keilah and were looting their threshing floors. He inquired of God about going to their rescue and God said go. David told his men but they responded, explaining they were in enough danger where they were, even more if they went to Keilah. David inquired of the LORD again and was again to go to. His men followed him and they inflicted heavy losses on the Philistines. |
national | 1 Samuel 23 | David | Abiathar the priest | David told Abiathar to bring the ephod so he could inquire of the LORD about Saul's intentions and how the people of Keilah would respond. Based on the response from God, David and his men fled for their lives and were moving from place to place. |
national | 1 Samuel 23 | David | Jonathan | Jonathan went out to meet David and helped him find strength in God. He affirmed God's plans for David's kingship and they made a covenant together. |
national | 1 Samuel 23 | Saul | Ziphite leaders | Saul was approached by the Ziphites with information that David was in their territory and they would hand him over. Saul praised their loyalty and asked them to gather more information about David's hiding places and patterns of movement so he could come track David down. |
national | 1 Samuel 23 | Saul | a messenger | Saul was tracking David and his men when told by a messenger the Philistines were attacking. Saul abandoned his pursuit of David and went with the men to meet the Philistines. |
national | 1 Samuel 24 | David | his men | Saul, having received a report with info about where David was hiding, went looking for him. Saul went into a cave to relieve himself where David and his men were hiding. David's men told David this is the moment when God was delivering Saul into his hands. David cut off the corner of Saul's robe but was then grieved he had done it and rebuked his men, not allowing them to kill Saul. |
national | 1 Samuel 24 | Saul | David | after Saul left the cave David went out and called to him. He showed Saul the portion of his robe he had cut off, proving he had spared Saul's life. David reaffirmed he would not raise his hand against Saul. Saul was ashamed and affirmed he knew David would become king. He asked David to make an oath to spare his family, and David did. |
national | 1 Samuel 25 | David by way of ten messengers | Nabal | David sent ten young men to Nabal to ask him for supplies. Nabal disrespected the young men and sent them away empty handed. |
national | 1 Samuel 25 | David | his men | when the ten young men returned empty handed with the message from Nabal, David instructed his men to put on their swords and rallied them to pursue Nabal. |
national | 1 Samuel 25 | Abigail | a servant | one of Nabal's servants told Abigail how he had rebuffed David's men and how well they had been treated by David. |
national | 1 Samuel 25 | Abigail | her servants | and sent them out toward where David and his men would be coming. She did not tell Nabal and followed along behind the supplies to meet David. |
national | 1 Samuel 25 | David | Abigail | David and his men met Abigail on their way to put Nabal and his men to death. She bowed down before David, apologized for how her husband treated David's men, pleaded for mercy, and gave him the supplies she had gathered. David received her gift and because of her actions spared Nabal and his men. |
national | 1 Samuel 25 | David by way of messengers | Abigail | the day after she had gone out to meet David, Abigail told Nabal what had happened. His heart failed him and in ten days he was dead. David sent messengers to bring Abigail to him to become his wife. She and five maidservants went to be with David. |
national | 1 Samuel 26 | Saul | the Ziphites | the Ziphites came to Saul and gave him information about the location of David, who was hiding on the hill of Hakilah. |
national | 1 Samuel 26 | David | Ahimelech and Abishai | David spoke to two of his men asking who would come with to Saul's camp, and Abishai agreed to come. |
national | 1 Samuel 26 | David | Abishai | David and Abishai snuck up on Saul while he and his men were sleeping. Abishai told David this was the opportunity God was giving him to kill Saul. But David rebuked him, saying he would not raise a hand against God's anointed. He instructed Abishai to get the spear and water jug near Saul's head. |
national | 1 Samuel 26 | David | Abner and Saul | David shouted to Abner and rebuked him, along with his men, for not protecting the king's life, highlighting the missing spear and water jug. Saul recognized David's voice and spoke to him. David again asked the king why he was trying to take his life. Saul again repented and asked David to return to him. David asked Saul to send a messenger to collect the spear and water jug. Saul affirmed that David will do great things. |
national | 1 Samuel 27 | Achish | David | David, having fled from Saul to the land of the Philistines, when to their king, Achish, and asked for a town in the country-side. Achish gave him Ziklag. |
national | 1 Samuel 27 | Achish | David | David reported to Achish about his raiding party activities and Achish grew to trust David. |
national | 1 Samuel 28 | Achish | David | The Philistines were preparing for battle against Israel and Achish told David that he and his men would join them in the fight. David told Achish he would now see firsthand what David and his men could do. Achish promised David he would become his bodyguard for life. |
national | 1 Samuel 28 | Saul | his attendants | Saul, having inquired of the LORD about what to do in response to the threat from the Philistine army without a response, sent his attendants to find a woman who is a medium so he could inquire of her. They found a medium in Endor and reported back to Saul. |
national | 1 Samuel 28 | Saul | the medium at Endor | Saul, in a disguise, asked the medium to bring up a spirit for him. She resisted, saying the king had forbid this practice. Saul convinced her it would be OK and asked her to call forth the spirit of Samuel. She did, but when she saw it really was Samuel, she was afraid. |
national | 1 Samuel 28 | Samuel | Saul | Samuel asked Saul why he was disturbing him. Saul explained that God was not answering him and he was unsure of what to do about the threat from the Philistines. Samuel rebuked Saul, reminding him God had rejected him as king and would be giving the kingdom to David. He also told him the Philistines would prevail in battle, and both Saul and Jonathan would die. |
national | 1 Samuel 28 | Saul | the medium | Saul was devastated by the message from Saul and weak from not eating. The medium urged Saul to eat but he refused. His men joined the medium in encouraging Saul to eat but they eventually convinced him. She prepared food for Saul and his men and they ate. |
national | 1 Samuel 29 | Achish | the commanders of his army | as Achish and his soldiers marched out to battle against Israel, the Philistine commanders spoke to Achish expressing their lack of trust with David. Achish defended David, saying he found no fault in him. But his commanders persisted in their dissent. |
national | 1 Samuel 29 | Achish | David | Achish told David about the dissent from his commanders and David defended himself. Achish agreed with David, but could not go against all his commanders. He sent David and his men back to Ziklag. |
national | 1 Samuel 30 | David | Abimelech the priest | after arriving back at Ziklag, David and his men discovered their base had been raided and their families taken captive. David's men were heartbroken and talked of stoning him. David instructed Abimelech to bring him the ephod so he could inquire of the LORD. David asked the LORD if he should pursue this raiding party and if he would overtake them. The LORD said he should and would be successful. |
national | 1 Samuel 30 | David | Egyptian | in pursuit of the raiding party David's men found an Egyptian servant of the Amalekites in a field and brought him to David. After reviving the man with food and water, David asked him if he could lead them to the Amalekites. He asked David to swear he would not kill him or turn him over to his master and he would lead them to their camp. David agreed to these terms and the Egyptian led David to the Amalekite camp. |
national | 1 Samuel 30 | David | his men | after they had defeated the Amalekites and recovered everything that had been taken from them, David returned with his 400 men to the place where 200 had been waiting. The 400 men said the 200 who had been too tired to continue the pursuit would not share in the plunder. But David overruled them, saying those who had stayed behind would share equally in the plunder. |
national | 1 Samuel 30 | David | elders in the towns of Judah | after returning to Ziklag, David took some of his share of the plunder and sent it to the elders of the towns where his men had roamed and receives supplies. He said to them, "Here is a present for you from the plunder of the LORD'S enemies." |
national | 1 Samuel 31 | Saul | his armor bearer | the battle with the Philistines went as Samuel had prophesied. The fighting was fierce around Saul and his sons had already been killed. Saul was wounded and instructed his armor bearer to kill him so the Philistines would not be able to. The armor bearer refused to do so; Saul fell on his own sword. |
national | 2 Samuel 1 | David | an Amalekite | David and his men returned to Ziklag after their victory over the Amalekite raiding party. Three days later, an Amalekite arrived with a message for David, saying Saul and Jonathan were dead, and bringing the crown off Saul's head, and the band on his arm, for David. When David heard this he asked the messenger how he knew Saul was dead. He replied that he had come upon Saul after he fell on his spear and that Saul was not dead but asked the Amalekite to finish him off, so he did. David, and the men with him grieved for Saul and Jonathan. Then David told one of his men to kill the Amalekite, saying, "Your blood is on your own head," because he had confessed to killing the LORD's anointed. |
national | 2 Samuel 1 | David by way of messengers | the men of Jabesh Gilead | David heard the men of Jabesh Gilead had recovered the bodies of Saul and Jonathan and properly buried them. He sent them a message of appreciation and encouragement, telling them God would show them favor, as would he, for this act of respect. He also informed them the people of Judah had made him king. |
national | 2 Samuel 2 | Abner | Joab | Abner was commander of the army of Israel and Joab was David's commander. The two commanders with some of there men met at the pool of Gibeon. Abner suggested to Joab they have some of their young men engage in hand to hand combat. They chose 12 men each, who quickly killed each other by plunging a dagger in each other's side. |
national | 2 Samuel 2 | Abner | Asahel | Asahel was fleet footed and was chasing Abner in the battle that ensued after the hand to hand combat. Abner spoke to Asahel as he was fleeing, instructing him to get a weapon from one of the younger soldiers and fight him properly. Asahel would not stop chasing Abner, so he plunged the butt of his spear into Aashel's stomach and the spear came out his back. |
national | 2 Samuel 2 | Abner and Joab | Abner and Joab, | Joab and Abishai pursued Abner, who took a stand with his men on the top of a hill. He called out to Joab asking when he would stop pursuing, that this would end in bitterness. Joab responded saying if he had not spoken they would have pursued him all night. Joab blew the trumpet and called off the pursuit. |
national | 2 Samuel 3 | Ish-Bosheth | Abner | Ish-Bosheth became suspicious of Abner and asked him why he slept with his father Saul's concubine. Abner was indignant, denying having done so, and reminding Ish-Bosheth that his loyalty was evidenced by the fact he had not turned him over to David. But the exchange made Ish-Bosheth even more wary of Abner. |
national | 2 Samuel 3 | Abner, via messengers | David | Abner sent a message to David, saying he was prepared to turn over the land to him and consolidate his rule as king. David told him not to come without Michal, Saul's daughter, who had been betrothed to him but given to someone else. |
national | 2 Samuel 3 | David, via messengers, | Ish-Bosheth | David sent a message telling Ish-Bosheth to turn over Michal, who had been betrothed to him for the price of 100 Philistine foreskins. |
national | 2 Samuel 3 | Ish-Bosheth | Paltiel, Michal's husband | Ish-Bosheth gave orders for Michal to be taken from her husband and returned to David. Paltiel followed her in anguish but Ish-Bosheth told him to go home and he did. |
national | 2 Samuel 3 | Abner | the elders of Israel | Abner came to the elders and encouraged them to make David king over all Israel. |
national | 2 Samuel 3 | Abner | the elders of Israel | Abner and 20 of his men met with David to confirm the plan to turn all Israel over to him. |
national | 2 Samuel 3 | David | Joab | Joab returned with his men with plunder from a raiding expedition and discovered Abner had been speaking with David but was sent away in peace. He confronted David saying Abner was spying on him with evil intent. Joab then pursued Abner, lured him to the side like he was going to have a private conversation and to avenge the death of his brother, Joab killed Abner with his dagger. |
national | 2 Samuel 3 | David | Joab | David was distraught over the murder of Abner and rebuked Joab, cursing his family. He instructed Joab and his men to tear their clothes and put on sackcloth as they walked behind the body on a processional to Abner's burial in Hebron. |
national | 2 Samuel 3 | David | his men | the men encouraged David to eat as he was weak from mourning. But he took an oath refusing to do so. He told his men that a great man had died that day, speaking of Abner, and he lamented the acts of Joab. |
national | 2 Samuel 4 | David | Recab and Baanah | Recab and Baanah were leaders of raiding bands under Ish-Bosheth. They came to the house of Ish-Bosheth and killed him while he was sleeping in his bed. They cut off his head and brought it to David, saying they had avenged the king against Saul and his offspring. David told them the man who brought the news of Saul's death thought he was bringing good news, but David put him to death for raising a hand against the LORD'S anointed. And he ordered his men to kill them as well. |
national | 2 Samuel 5 | David | the elders of Israel | the elders of Israel came to David at Hebron to crown him as king. They acknowledged he had led the military campaigns under Saul and had been chosen by God as their ruler. |
national | 2 Samuel 5 | David | the Jebusite leaders | David marched with his men to take the city of Jerusalem, held by the Jebusites. The Jebusite rulers told David he would not get in, and mocked him saying even the blind and the lame could ward him off. |
national | 2 Samuel 6 | David | Michal | when David was bringing the Ark to Jerusalem Michal, his wife, saw him dancing before the LORD in worship. When David returned home, she rebuked him for what she believed was vulgar conduct. David rebuked Michal, saying it was God who chose him over her father and he was prepared to act even more undignified than this, to be humiliated in his own eyes. Michal was barren for life. |
national | 2 Samuel 7 | David | Nathan | after David had settled peacefully in Jerusalem he spoke to Nathan the prophet saying it was not right for him to be living in a nice house while the ark of God remained in a tent. Nathan replied telling David to do whatever he had in mind, for the LORD was with him. |
national | 2 Samuel 7 | David | Nathan | the night after Nathan told David to do whatever he had in mind God spoke to him, giving him a message for David. The message was a reminder of how God had chosen David and would bless him and his offspring. It also informed David that he was not the one to build a house for the ark of God, but rather his son, who would be king after him, would build it. |
national | 2 Samuel 9 | David | Ziba | David was looking for someone from the house of Saul to whom he could show kindness, for Jonathan's sake. Ziba was brought to him. David inquired about a descendant, and was told about Jonathan's son, Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth was crippled in both feet. |
national | 2 Samuel 9 | David | Mephibosheth | when Mephibosheth was brought before King David, he was told that he had been given everything that belonged to his grandfather's family, and he would eat at the king's table for life. |
national | 2 Samuel 9 | David | Ziba | David called Ziba back and told him he had restored Saul's land to Mephibosheth and instructed Ziba and his sons to farm the land for Mephibosheth. Ziba affirmed his commitment to follow the king's command. |
national | 2 Samuel 10 | Hanun, king of the Amonites | Amonite nobles | David sent a delegation to convey his sympathy for Hanun in the death of his father, who had been good to David. Hanun's nobles were suspicious of David and convinced the king David's men were there to spy on him. The king humiliated the men by shaving off their beards and cutting their garments in the middle of their buttocks, and sending them away. |
national | 2 Samuel 10 | David via messengers | the men he had sent to Hanun | David heard about what happened and sent messengers to instruct the men to remain in Jericho until their beards grew back. |
national | 2 Samuel 10 | Joab | Abishai | Joab instructed Abishai to come to his rescue if the Ammonites were too strong for him, and pledged to do the same for Abishai. |
national | 2 Samuel 11 | David | unnamed person | After seeing a woman bathing while walking on the palace roof, David sent a person to inquire about her. He brought back information saying she was Bathsheba, daughter of Eliam, wife of Uriah, the Hittite. |
national | 2 Samuel 11 | David | Bathsheba | After discovering she was pregnant, Bathsheba sent word via messengers to David, to let him know she was carrying his child. |
national | 2 Samuel 11 | David | Joab via a messenger | David instructed Joab to send Uriah the Hittite to him. |
national | 2 Samuel 11 | David | Uriah | David asked Uriah about the Joab and the soldiers and the state of the battle. He then sent him on his way, telling him to go to his house and then sending a gift after him. But Uriah did not go home. Instead he spent the night at the entrance to the palace with the other servants. |
national | 2 Samuel 11 | David | Uriah | David found out Uriah did not go home and asked why? Uriah told him he could not provide himself with this comfort while Joab and the other soldiers were sleeping in the fields. David told him to stay one more night and he would send him back. David sent Uriah with a letter for Joab, instructing him to put Uriah where the fighting was the fiercest and then withdraw from him so he would die in battle. That is what Joab did. |
national | 2 Samuel 11 | Joab | messenger | Joab sent a messenger to report to David about the battle. He warned the messenger that David might become angry at the report, and he should tell the king that Uriah was dead. |
national | 2 Samuel 11 | David | Joab via the messenger | David, after receiving the message that Uriah was dead, told the messenger to tell Joab not to be discouraged and to press the attack against the city and destroy it. |
national | 2 Samuel 12 | David | Nathan | God send Nathan to David to confront him about his sin with Bathsheba and Uriah. Nathan told David a story that exposed this sin. David responded to Nathan's confrontation with admission and confession. Nathan explained how God was going to punish David because of his sin. |
national | 2 Samuel 12 | David | leaders of his servants | David noticed the behavior of his servants and asked them if the child born to him by Bathsheba had died. They said yes. David then rose, washed, worshiped and ate. |
national | 2 Samuel 12 | David | his servants | The servants asked David to explain his behavior, mourning while the child was sick, but moving on after the child died. David explained that while the child still lived there was hope God might relent. Now that the child was dead he could do nothing but find hope they would be together in the afterlife. |
national | 2 Samuel 12 | David | Joab via the messenger | Joab sent a message to David that he had taken the water supply for the city of Rabbah, and now David must bring the rest of the army to take the city or it would be named after Joab. David brought the troops and secured the victory. |
national | 2 Samuel 13 | Amnon | his personal servant | After raping his sister Tamar, Amnon instructed his servant to put her out of his room, as she had refused to leave. The servant sent her out and bolted the door, as he had been instructed. |
national | 2 Samuel 13 | David | Absalom | Absalom invited David and his officials to come celebrate the shearing of his sheep. The king declined, saying it would be too much of a burden. Absalom asked if the king could send his brother Amnon. David asked why, but Absalom persisted so the king sent Amnon and the rest of his sons. |
national | 2 Samuel 13 | Absalom | his men | Absalom instructed his men to be ready to follow his order to kill Amnon after he was drunk with wine. |
national | 2 Samuel 13 | David | Jonadab | David had heard an erroneous report that Absalom had killed all the king's sons and he was devastated. Jonadab told his uncle, the king, that only Amnon was dead, and this had been Absalom's plan ever since Amnon had raped Tamar. |
national | 2 Samuel 13 | David | a messenger and Jonadab | a messenger passed along word from a watchman who saw men approaching. Jonadab spoke up and told the king these were his sons and just as he had said, only Amnon was dead. The king's sons arrived and mourned with him. |
national | 2 Samuel 14 | Joab | wise woman from Tekoa | David's heart longed for Absalom. Joab, knowing this, sent for a wise woman from Tekoa and instructed her to pretend she was mourning for a dead loved one, and put words in her mouth as a message for the king. |
national | 2 Samuel 14 | David | the wise woman and Joab | David granted the woman and audience and she told him a story about her husband dying and one of her sons killing his brother. Now people wanted to kill her only surviving son. She pleaded for mercy that her husband's seed would not be cut off. When the king sympathized with her request she asked why he had not sent for Absalom. The king asked her if she had been put up to this by Joab, and she admitted she had. David then spoke to Joab, telling him to send for Absalom. |
national | 2 Samuel 14 | David | Joab | David gave instructions that Absalom must go to his own house, that he should not see David's face. |
national | 2 Samuel 14 | Absalom | his servants | Absalom was frustrated by the fact Joab would not come to see him so he instructed his servants to set Joab's field on fire to get his attention. |
national | 2 Samuel 14 | Absalom | Joab | Joab came to Absalom and asked why he had set his barley field on fire. Absalom told him he had sent word to Joab but he had refused to come. He explained that he wanted to see the king's face and asked Joab to tell the king to let him come. Joab did and the king invited Absalom, who bowed before David. David then kissed his son. |
national | 2 Samuel 15 | David | Absalom | Absalom came to David asking for the king's permission to go to Hebron to fulfill a vow he had made to the Lord. David told him to, "Go in peace." |
national | Samuel 15 | Absalom | the tribes of Israel | Absalom sent secret messengers throughout Israel, saying when they heard the trumpets to should that Absalom was king in Hebron. |
national | 2 Samuel 15 | David | messenger | a messenger came to David to tell him the hearts of the people were with Absalom. |
national | 2 Samuel 15 | David | his officials | Based on the information about Absalom, David instructed his officials they should flee Jerusalem before Absalom could kill them. His servants responded they were ready to do whatever the king requested. |
national | 2 Samuel 15 | David | Ittai the Gittite | David spoke to Ittai, who along with his 600 men were fleeing the city with David. He told Ittai that he had permission to return to Jerusalem and pledge his loyalty to Absalom. Ittai affirmed he was ready to die for the king, and would remain with him at any cost. |
national | 2 Samuel 15 | David | Zadok the priest | David sent Zadok the priest, along with Abiathar and their sons, back to Jerusalem with the ark of God. He instructed them to pass along information that would inform him of what is happening in the city. |
national | 2 Samuel 15 | David | Hushai the Arkite | as he fled the city, David met his friend Hushai, who had torn his clothes and put dust on his head as a sign of mourning. David sent Hushai back to Jerusalem, instructing him to pledge his allegiance to Absalom, but to thwart him and send word by way of Abiathar's sons. |
national | 2 Samuel 16 | David | Ziba | as David was fleeing Jerusalem he came upon Ziba, the servant of Mephibosheth, who brought a string of donkeys, bread and wine. David asked what this was about and Ziba told him it was for the king and his men. David asked Ziba where his master was and Ziba told David (he was lying) that Ziba remained in the city believing this was the day he would be given his grandfather's (Saul's) kingdom. David told Ziba that all he had given to Mephibosheth was now his. |
national | 2 Samuel 16 | David | Abishai | as David was fleeing, Shimei the Benjamite shouted curses at him, saying he was a man of blood who had ruled in Saul's place, and was now receiving his due. Abishai, one of David's men, asked the king for permission to cut off Shimei's head. But David rebuffed him, saying that perhaps God had instructed Shimei to curse him. And perhaps God would show him favor for what he is receiving. |
national | 2 Samuel 16 | Absalom | Hushai the Arkite | Hushai came to Absalom to pledge his allegiance, saying, "Long live the king!" Absalom asked why he was not loyal to David. Hushai said he would serve the son even as he served the father. He said the one chosen by the Lord would be his master. |
national | 2 Samuel 16 | Absalom | Ahithophel | Absalom asked Ahithophel for advice. Ahithophel told him to lay with his father's concubines in the site of the people as a means of declaring himself king. They pitched a tent on the palace roof and in the site of the people Absalom lay with this father's concubines. |
national | 2 Samuel 17 | Absalom | Ahithophel | Absalom asked for additional advice. Ahithophel told him to take twelve-thousand men and attack David while he was weak. To kill only the king, and bring the rest of the people back with him. |
national | 2 Samuel 17 | Absalom | Hushai | Absalom also invited Hushai to give him advice, saying this is what Ahithophel has suggested, and asking for input. Hushai said Ahithophel's advice was not good. He said David and his men were fighters and likely David was not staying with the men, but hiding in a cave. He said if they attacked first the people would say he had won a great victory and even the bravest of soldiers would lose heart. Hushai said they should rally the entire army and swarm after David, pursuing him wherever he went. Absalom and his men liked Hushai's advice better. |
national | 2 Samuel 17 | Hushai | Zadok and Abiathar | Hushai told Zadok and Abiathar, the priests, about the advice Ahithophel had given and the advice he had given. He told the priests to send a message to David, telling him not to spend the night in the desert but to cross over the river or he and his men would be swallowed up. |
national | 2 Samuel 17 | Absalom's men | wife of the man in who's house Jonathan and Ahimaaz were staying | Absalom sent men to follow Jonathan and Ahimaaz, who had been sent by Zadok and Abiathar to warn David, as they had been seen leaving the city. They had been seen in the home of a man in Bahurim, but his wife hid them in a well and told Absalom's men they had crossed over the brook. |
national | 2 Samuel 17 | David | Jonathan and Ahimaaz | these two messengers reported to David, telling the advice Absalom had been given and warning him to take his men and cross the river. David and his men crossed the Jordan. |
national | 2 Samuel 18 | David | his troops (most likely via their leaders, Joab, Abishai, and Ittai) | David told his men he would go with them into battle. They pushed back, saying he was more valuable than all the men, and should not come into the battle with them. David agreed to follow their advice. |
national | 2 Samuel 18 | David | Joab, Abishai and Ittai | David instructed his three commanders to be gentle with Absalom, for his sake. All the troops heard this, which probably means word spread throughout the army of what David had said. |
national | 2 Samuel 18 | Joab | one of his men | during the battle as Absalom was riding his mule his head got caught in a tree and he was left hanging in midair. One of Joab's men came and reported it to him. Joab was confused, asking the soldier why he did not kill Absalom. The answer was he had heard about the king's command to protect Absalom. Joab said he would not wait for the man and went to Absalom, plunging his javelin into Absalom's heart. Ten of Joab's armor bearers surrounded Absalom and killed him. |
national | 2 Samuel 18 | Joab | Ahimaaz, son of Zadok, and a Cushite | Ahimaaz told Joab he wanted to be the runner who brought the message to the king. Joab told him he would not be the message-bearer that day. Joab turned and told a Cushite to bring word to David. Ahimaaz persisted with Joab, asking to run. Joab relented and told him to run. Ahimaaz ran a different way and out ran the Cushite. |
national | 2 Samuel 18 | David | a watchman | the watchman saw a runner approaching and told the king. David said if he is running alone, he must be bringing good news. Then the watchman reported seeing a second runner. The king said, he too, must be bringing good news. The watchman reported the first runner looked like Ahimaaz, son of Zadok. The king said he is a good man, he must be bringing good news. |
national | 2 Samuel 18 | David | Ahimaaz, son of Zadok | Ahimaaz bowed before the king saying the Lord has delivered up those who rebelled against the king. David asked about Absalom, and Ahimaaz said there was much confusion as he left and he did not know (which was a lie). The king told Ahimaaz to stand aside and await news from the next runner. |
national | 2 Samuel 18 | David | the Cushite runner | the Cushite arrived and David asked about Absalom. The Cushite, in circuitous wording, told David Absalom was dead. David was shaken, and as he went to mourn, he said he wished he had died instead of his son. |
national | 2 Samuel 19 | Joab | one of his men | upon returning from battle Joab was told the king was mourning for his son. |
national | 2 Samuel 19 | David | Joab | Joab went to David and confronted him, saying the king had humiliated the men who had risked their lives to save his. Joab told David he was suggesting he would rather Joab and all the men had died instead of Absalom. He told the king he needed to go out and encourage the troops or no one would be left by nightfall and it would be worse than anything that had happened to him since his youth. David listened to Joab and went out on the gateway in sight of the men. |
national | 2 Samuel 19 | David | the elders of Judah, and Amasa, via Zadok and Abiathar | the king sent word asking the elders of Judah why they should be last to welcome the king back to the city? He also sent word to Amasa that he would be commander of the army in place of Joab. The elders of Judah sent for David, inviting him to return, along with his men. |
national | 2 Samuel 19 | David | Shimei, and Abishai | Shimei met David as he crossed the Jordan and bowed down asking forgiveness for the insults he hurled at the king when he fled Jerusalem. Abishai insisted Shimei should be put to death for what he had done. David, rebuked Abishai, and promised Shimei by an oath he would not be put to death. |
national | 2 Samuel 19 | David | Miphibosheth | Mephibosheth came also to meet David, who asked him why he did not join him in fleeing Jerusalem. Mephibosheth told the king he was lame so he instructed that his donkey be saddled but Ziba betrayed him and lied to the king. David, who had given Mephibosheth's inheritance to Ziba, told Mephibosheth to divide the fields with Ziba. Mephibosheth said he did not care about the fields, only that the king was safe. |
national | 2 Samuel 19 | David | Barzillai | Barzillai came to greet David as well. He had provided for David out of his wealth when he was at Mahanaim. David Invited Barzillai to come to Jerusalem and let him provide for him out of the royal treasury. Barzillai was eighty years old and said he wanted to return home and be buried with his people. But he suggested to the king that Kimham go with the king. David agreed to take Kimham and provide for him. |
national | 2 Samuel 19 | leaders of Judah and leaders of the ten tribes of Israel | neither group is really followers | the leaders of the tribes of Israel complained to the leaders of the tribe of Judah, saying they had monopolized the situation of the king's return. The leaders of Judah said the king was their close relative and they had not taken any thing from the king's provisions. The leaders of Israel said they had ten stakes in the king compared to one. |
national | 2 Samuel 20 | Sheba | leaders of Israel | As David and his men crossed the Jordan, Sheba, a trouble maker from the tribe of Benjamin, shouted, "We have no share in David…" and incited the leaders of Israel to leave. The men of Israel went with Sheba; the men of Judah stayed with David. |
national | 2 Samuel 20 | David | Amasa | After returning to Jerusalem, David instructed Amasa, who he had put in charge of the army, to summon the men of Judah and return to him in three days. Amasa took longer than three days. |
national | 2 Samuel 20 | David | Abishai | David was impatient so he summoned Abishai and told him to take the men of Joab and pursue Sheba before he did more harm than Absalom and found refuge in a fortified city. Abishai, along with Joab's men pursued Sheba. |
national | 2 Samuel 20 | one of Joab's men | the men of Judah | Joab had deceitfully murdered Amasa and left his body lying in the road. One of Joab's men stood by the body and as the soldiers of Judah approached he said, "Whoever favors Joab, and whoever is for David, let him follow Joab!" |
national | 2 Samuel 20 | Joab | wise woman from Abel Beth Maacah | Joab and his men surrounded and laid siege to this city in pursuit of Sheba. A wise woman from the city called for Joab to speak to him. The woman told Joab the city was peaceful, and he was trying to destroy a mother in Israel. Joab said he did not want to destroy the city, but he did want to capture Sheba, who had rebelled against David. She told him Sheba's head would be thrown from the wall. She then shared her report with the people, who beheaded Sheba and threw his head from the wall. Joab then retreated from the city. |
national | 2 Samuel 21 | David | the Gibeonites | David sought the LORD because their was a famine in the land for three years. God told him the famine was the result of Saul's treatment of the Gibeonites. David spoke to the leaders of the Gibeonites and asked them what he could do for them. They asked for seven of Saul's descendants to be put to death. David spared Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan. |
national | 2 Samuel 21 | David | the leaders of David's men | David had gone out to battle with them against the Philistines and become exhausted during the fight. Abishai had to rescue David from a Philistine leader who had planned to kill him. David's men swore to him that he would never go into battle with them again. |
national | 2 Samuel 23 | David | his mighty men | David longed for water and his three mighty men broke through the Philistine lines and went to the well at Bethlehem to get water. David, realizing his men had risked their lives to get him a drink, refused to drink it and poured it out as a drink offering before the LORD. |
national | 2 Samuel 24 | David | Joab and the army commanders | David instructed Joab and his men to go throughout Israel and count the fighting men. Joab pushed back, asking David why, but the king overruled his men. |
national | 2 Samuel 24 | David | Gad | David felt conscience-stricken after he counted the troops and acknowledged his sin before the LORD. Gad, the prophet of the LORD, was sent by God to give David three options: three years of famine, three months of fleeing from his enemies or three days of plague. David chose to place himself in the hands of the LORD, not the hands of men, which meant he chose the plague. |
national | 2 Samuel 24 | David | Gad | the prophet came to David, after the plague had stopped, and told him to build an altar on the threshing floor of Araunah, the Jebusite. |
national | 2 Samuel 24 | David | Araunah | David went to build the altar on Araunah's threshing floor. As David approached, Araunah asked why he had come. David told him and Araunah offered to give David the threshing floor for the altar, but David insisted on paying for it, saying he would not offer a sacrifice that cost him nothing. |
national | 1 Kings 1 | Nathan | Bathsheba | Adonijah, one of David's sons, had put himself forward as king, with the support of Joab, and Abiathar. Nathan spoke to Bathsheba telling her to speak to David and ask why he had allowed Adonijah to take the throne when he had promised it to Solomon, Adonihah's older brother. Nathan said he would come in as she was speaking to confirm to the king that Adonijah had put himself forward as king. |
national | 1 Kings 1 | David | Bathsheba | Following Nathan's advice, Bathsheba went to David and informed him of Adonijah's actions. She then reminded the king he had promised the throne to Solomon. She said the eyes of Israel were on the king to see who he would back as king. As she was speaking, Nathan arrived to confirm what Bathsheba said was true. |
national | 1 Kings 1 | David | Nathan | The king was told Nathan had arrived to see him and was brought in to see David. Nathan reported to the king that Adonijah had put himself forward as king and yet David had not told them about it. Nathan asked if this was a plan the king had developed but chosen not to reveal. |
national | 1 Kings 1 | David | Bathsheba | Following Nathan's report, David asked for Bathsheba to be brought to him. When she came, he confirmed to her that as he had promised, Solomon would be king after him. Bathsheba bowed to the king and said, "May my lord King David live forever!" |
national | 1 Kings 1 | David | Nathan, Zadok and Benaiah | David sent for Nathan, Zadok and Benaiah, and instructed them to take their servants and put Solomon on the king's mule and take him down to Gihon. There Zadok was to anoint Solomon as king, and they were to blow the trumpet and shout, "Long live King Solomon!" Then they were to return to Jerusalem and have Solomon seated on the king's throne. |
national | 1 Kings 1 | Adonijah | Jonathan, son of Abiathar | the people dining with Adonijah heard the noise from the city where the people were celebrating Solomon's ascendance to the throne. As they were wondering what the noise was about Jonathan arrived. Adonihah invited him to speak and Jonathan explained how Solomon was anointed king and was now sitting on David's throne with his support and the support of David's officials. Adonijah's guests fled in terror. |
national | 1 Kings 1 | Solomon | messengers | word was brought to Solomon that Adonijah had gone to the temple and was clinging to the hors on the altar. Solomon sent word to him that if he showed himself to be a worthy man not a hair on his head would be harmed. |
national | 1 Kings 1 | Solomon | Adonijah | Adonijah came and bowed down to Solomon. Solomon told him to go to his house. |
national | 1 Kings 2 | David | Solomon | as David was about to die, he gave final instructions to Solomon, who had succeeded him as king. David encouraged his son to walk in God's ways, and gave instructions about how to treat Joab, who had killed two of David's commanders, about the sons of Barzillai, who had come his aid when fleeing Absalom, and Shimei, who had hurled curses on David when he fled Absalom. |
national | 1 Kings 2 | Bathsheba | Adonijah | Adonijah came to Bathsheba and asked her to approach Solomon to allow him to take Abishag, the Shunnamite who had kept king David warm in his old age, to be his wife. |
national | 1 Kings 2 | Solomon | Bathsheba | in response to Adonijah's request, Bathsheba asked Solomon to allow his brother Adonijah to take Abishag as his wife. Solomon viewed this a backhanded attempt on the throne by his brother and decreed he must be put to death. Benaiah, at Solomon's request, killed Adonijah. |
national | 1 Kings 2 | Solomon | Abiathar | Solomon removed Abiathar from the priesthood and sent him home to tend the fields. He chose not to kill him for supporting Adonijah because he had served king David as a priest. |
national | 1 Kings 2 | Solomon | Benaiah | When Solomon learned Joab had gone to the "tent of the LORD" and taken hold of the horns of the altar, he told Benaiah to go strike him down. |
national | 1 Kings 2 | Benaiah | Joab | when Benaiah arrived he told Joab to come out, but Joab said, "No, I will die here." |
national | 1 Kings 2 | Solomon | Benaiah | Benaiah reported what Joab said to King Solomon and was told to strike him down and bury him. Solomon put Benaiah in charge of the army in place of Joab and made Zadok the priest in place of Abiathar. |
national | 1 Kings 2 | Solomon | Shimei | Solomon called for Shimei and told him to build a house in Jerusalem and remain there. The day Shimei left Jerusalem, Solomon said, he would be put to death. Shimei accepted the king's word as good and stayed in the city for three years. |
national | 1 Kings 2 | Shimei | one of his servants | Shimei was told two of his slaves had run off to Gath. He saddled his donkey and went off in search of his slaves. |
national | 1 Kings 2 | Solomon | Shimei | after learning Shimei had left Jerusalem, Solomon sent for him and reminded him that the king had said he would be put to death if he left the city. Solomon ordered Benaiah to kill Shimei and he did. |
national | 1 Kings 3 | Solomon | two prostitutes | after Solomon was established on the throne, two prostitutes were brought to him to settle a dispute. The both had son's three days apart. During the night, while they were sleeping, one of the baby boys died. They were arguing over whose son was still alive. Solomon asked for a sword so he could cut the child in two pieces for them. One of the woman pleaded with Solomon to spare the boy's life and give him to the other. One of the woman said neither of them should have the child, to go ahead and kill him. Solomon declared the one who wanted to spare the child was the mother, and they should give the child to her. |
national | 1 Kings 5 | Solomon and Hiram, king of Tyre | Solomon and Hiram's messengers, king of Tyre, | Hiram, who had always been on friendly terms with David, sent envoys to Solomon when he heard he had succeeded his father as king. Solomon sent a message to Hirman saying he had been charged to build the temple instead of David. He asked for cedar logs for this project. When Hiram received this message he was pleased and agreed to send Solomon cedar in return for food. |
national | 1 Kings 8 | Solomon | elders of Israel, heads of tribes, chiefs of Israelite families, | Solomon called these leaders to assemble in Jerusalem. After they arrived he instructed the priests to bring the ark and the Tent of Meeting to the newly constructed temple where they sacrificed so many sheep and cattle they lost count. Solomon spoke to the leaders and all the people, affirming that David had it in his heart to build the temple, but God had instructed Solomon to do it instead. He then offered a powerful prayer of dedication for the temple. After his prayer, he stood and blessed the people. |
national | 1 Kings 10 | Solomon and Queen of Sheba | Solomon and Queen of Sheba | word about Solomon's greatness and wisdom spread and the Queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon and to test him with hard questions. He answered all her questions wisely and overwhelmed her with his wealth and stature. She praised Solomon, along with his God, and gave him gifts of gold, spices and precious stones. Solomon also gave gifts to the Queen of Sheba. |
national | 1 Kings 11 | Pharaoh | Hadad | Joab, the commander of David's army, had killed the men of Edom after defeating their army. Hadad, who was from the royal line, escaped to Egypt. Pharaoh was pleased with Hadad and gave the sister of his wife in marriage. When Hadad learned both Joab and David were dead, he asked Pharaoh to let him return. Pharaoh asked what he was lacking in Egypt, but Hadad would not be dissuaded. |
national | 1 Kings 11 | Ahijah | Jeroboam | In his old age, Solomon allowed his foreign wives to turn his heart toward idols, and he built temples to their false gods. Because of his unfaithfulness, God determined to tear the kingdom apart and give a portion of it to an adversary. Jeroboam was a man of standing who did his work so well Solomon placed him in charge of the entire house of Joseph. Ahijah the prophet came to Jeroboam and took the new cloak he was wearing, tearing it into twelve pieces, giving ten to Jeroboam. These symbolized the ten tribes God was going to tear away from Solomon and give to Jeroboam. Ahijah told Jeroboam if he walked in God's ways as a faithful leader, he would inherit a dynasty as lasting as David's. |
national | 1 Kings 12 | Rehoboam | Jeroboam and the leaders of the assembly | After Solomon died, Jeroboam, who had fled to Egypt, returned to Israel. The people had gathered at Shechem where Rehoboam was to be crowned king. They sent for Jeroboam, who along with the assembly, spoke to Rehoboam expressing that his father, Solomon, had placed a heavy yoke on the people, if he would lighten the harsh labor they would serve him. Rehoboam sent them away, saying to come back in three days and he would answer. |
national | 1 Kings 12 | Rehoboam | the elders who served his father | after sending the people away, Rehoboam sought the counsel of the elders who served his father. They told him if were to be a servant to the people, and give them a favorable answer, they would serve him. But Rehoboam rejected their counsel. |
national | 1 Kings 12 | Rehoboam | the young men who grew up with him | Rehoboam's peers told him to tell the people that his little finger would be thicker than his father's waist, and he would make their burden even heavier. |
national | 1 Kings 12 | Rehoboam | Jeroboam and the elders of Israel | after the three days, Jeroboam and the people returned to hear Rehoboam's response. He told them what his peers had advised, that he would make their burden even heavier than his father. The people said they had no share in David and left. But the Israelites in the towns of Judah remained under Rehoboam's rule. |
national | 1 Kings 12 | Rehoboam | Shemaiah | the people had stoned Adoniram, who was in charge of the king's forced labor, and Rehoboam had escaped with his life. So Rehoboam gathered the army, 180,000 fighting men, to fight against the remaining tribes of Israel who had rebelled against him. Shemaiah, the man of God, brought a message from the LORD to Rehoboam, telling him not to go up and fight against his brothers. He listened to this word from the LORD and went home. |
national | 1 Kings 13 | Jeroboam | man of God from Judah | a man of God from Judah was sent by the LORD to Shechem, where Jeroboam had built an altar. The man of God prophesied against the altar, saying a future leader, Josiah, from the line of David, would desecrate this altar by sacrificing the false priests on it, and the altar would split in two. Jeroboam was standing there and heard the prophesy, so he stretched out his arm toward the man of God and told his men to arrest him. As he spoke, the hand he had stretched out shriveled and became useless; the altar split in two, as the man of God had prophesied. Jeroboam pleaded with the man of God to pray for his shriveled hand. The man of God did pray and Jeroboam's hand was restored. Jeroboam invited the man of God to come eat with him, but he refused, saying God had told him not to do so. |
national | 1 Kings 13 | prophet from Bethel, man of God from Judah | prophet from Bethel, man of God from Judah | an old prophet from Bethel heard about the message from the man of God from Judah, and went after him on his donkey. When he came to the man of God, sitting under a tree, he invited the man of God to return with him to eat together. The man of God said he could not, because God had told him not to eat with anyone but to return home. The old man said he too was a prophet and God told him to bring the man of God home for a meal. The man of God from Judah returned with the old prophet. When they were eating, the old prophet, who had been lying about the message from God to bring the man of God home with him, said God would judge the prophet for disobeying and that he would not be buried in the tomb of his fathers. As the man of God from Judah went on his way, a lion came and mauled him, and he died. |
national | 1 Kings 13 | the old prophet from Bethel | his sons | the old prophet heard about the lion who had killed the man of God from Judah. He instructed his sons to saddle his donkey and went to where the man lay dead in the road. He took the man of God's body and buried it in his own tomb. He mourned for the dead man of God, and instructed his sons, to bury him next to the man of God when he died. |
national | 1 Kings 14 | Jeroboam | his wife | Jeroboam's son became ill, so he instructed his wife to disguise herself and go to Ahijah, the prophet who had told him he would become king, and he would tell her what would happen to their son. She was to bring with her bread, cakes and a jar of honey. |
national | 1 Kings 14 | Ahijah | Jeroboam's wife | the LORD had revealed to Ahijah, who was blind, that Jeroboam's wife would be coming in disguise to see him. When she arrived, he greeted her and asked why she came under the pretense of a disguise. He then delivered bad news, saying because of Jeroboam's wickedness, the kingdom would be taken from him and disaster would come on his household. When she returned home, her son would die and be buried. But he would be the only descendant of Jeroboam to be placed in a tomb. When she returned home, the boy died, and all Israel mourned for him. |
national | 1 Kings 15 | Asa | Ben-Hadad | Asa, King of Judah, was at war with Baasha, king of Israel. Asa sent his officials to Ben-Hadad, the King of Aram, asking for a treaty between them, as there had been between Asa's father and Ben-Hadad. He asked Ben-Hadad to break his treaty with Baasha, so he would withdraw his soldiers. Ben-Hadad agreed with Asa, and broke his treaty with Baasha. |
national | 1 Kings 17 | Elijah | widow at Zarepheth | Elijah has predicted there would be no rain for three years to king Ahaz and is instructed by God to hide from the king. He is told by God to speak to the widow at Zarepath and ask her for water and bread. She replied saying she did not have any bread and there was only enough oil and flour for one cake for a last meal for her and her son. Elijah told her to go home and do as she said, but to make a small cake for him first, that God had told him her oil and floor would not run out. She did as he said, and there was food for her, her son and Elijah as God had said. |
national | 1 Kings 17 | Elijah | widow at Zarepheth | the widow's son became ill and she spoke to Elijah, asking if he had come to expose her sin and punish her by killing her son. Elijah took the boy to the upper room where he was staying and prayed for him and God healed him. He gave the widow back her son. The woman told him that she now knew for sure he was a man of God. |
national | 1 Kings 18 | Ahab | Obadiah | Ahab instructed Obadiah to look for grass to keep the mules and horses alive during the three years of famine. |
national | 1 Kings 18 | Elijah | Obadiah | as Obadiah was looking for grass for the horses and mules to graze, he came across Elijah. When he saw Elijah, Obadiah bowed down, asking if it really was Elijah. Elijah instructed Obadiah to go tell Ahab that Elijah wanted to meet with him. Obadiah was fearful and reluctant because he was afraid Elijah would be carried off somewhere by God and Ahab would be angry enough to kill Obadiah. But Elijah convinced Obadiah he would indeed present himself to Ahab that day. Obadiah told Ahab Elijah wanted to meet. |
national | 1 Kings 18 | Ahab | Elijah | Elijah met with Ahab, who believed Elijah was the cause of Israel's trouble. Elijah pointed out it was Ahab's disobedience that was the root cause of the famine. Elijah then instructed Ahab to meet him on Mount Carmel, with 450 prophets of Baal, and 400 prophets of Asherah. Ahab sent word throughout Israel and assembled the prophets at Mount Carmel. |
national | 1 Kings 18 | Elijah | the people of Israel, including Ahab and the prophets he had assembled, | Elijah exhorted the people to stop wavering between two opinions, and to either worship Baal or to worship God. He instructed them to get two bulls, one for him and one for the other prophets. They would both prepare sacrifices on the altars they had built, then pray for fire from heaven to burn up the sacrifice. Whichever God answered with fire would prove to be the true God. The people said this was good and followed Elijah's instructions. Elijah allowed the prophets of Baal to go first. He taunted them as the prayed to Baal asking him to send fire to burn up their offering. When no fire came and they had no answer by the time of the evening sacrifice, Elijah called the people to himself. He repaired the altar of God, which was in disrepair. He placed twelve stones on the altar, one for each of the tribes of Israel, and then dug a trench around the altar. Elijah invited the people to fill four large jugs with water and pour it on the sacrifice. This they did three times, totally twelve large jugs of water. Then Elijah prayed, asking God to reveal himself by sending fire, and fire came out from heaven to consume the sacrifice and lap up the water. The people fell on their faces and acknowledged Elijah's God as the true God. Elijah then instructed the people to seize the prophets of Baal and put them to death. They were taken to the Kishon Valley and executed. Elijah then told Ahab to go "Eat and drink, for there is the sound of heavy rain." Ahab went, and Elijah bowed down to the ground and put his face between his knees. |
national | 1 Kings 18 | Elijah | his servant | Elijah instructed his servant to go and look toward the sea, but he returned saying nothing was there. Elijah had him go back seven times. On the seventh time, he reported seeing a cloud, the size of a man's hand, rising from the sea. |
national | 1 Kings 18 | Elijah | his servant | Elijah instructed his servant to tell Ahab to hitch up his chariot and go down before he was stopped by the rain. The power of the LORD came upon Elijah and he ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel. |
national | 1 Kings 19 | Jezebel by way of a messenger | Elijah | Ahab told his wife Jezebel what had happened on Mount Carmel. She sent word to Elijah via a messenger vowing to kill him by the following day. Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. |
national | 1 Kings 19 | Elijah | Elijah | Elijah went to Elisha, who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen. Elijah threw his cloak over Elisha, who ran after Elijah asking for permission to kiss his father and mother goodbye. Elijah said, "What have I done to you?" Elisha went back and slaughtered the oxen, burned the plowing equipment, served the meat to the people, then left to follow Elijah. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ben-Hadad via messengers | Ahab | Ben-Hadad, the king of Aram, sent word to Ahab saying, "Your silver and gold are mine, the best of your wives and children are mine." Ahab submitted to Ben-Hadad's demands. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ben-Hadad via messengers | Ahab | Ben-Hadad sent his messengers again saying, the following day he would send his officials to search Ahab's palace and the homes of his officials to carry off anything of value. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ahab | his elders | Ahab explained how he had submitted to Ben-Hadad's initial demand, but this second was going to far. His elders and officials advised him not to surrender to Ben-Hadad's demands. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ahab | Ben-Hadad's messengers | Ahab told the messengers he would comply with the initial demand, but not the second one. They brought the word back to Ben-Hadad. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ben-Hadad via messengers | Ahab | Ben-Hadad told Ahab he would destroy Samaria. Ahab replied that one who puts on armor should not boast like one who takes it off. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ben-Hadad, | his soldiers | Ben-Hadad received Ahab's message while with the kings drinking in his tent. He immediately instructed his me to prepare to attack Samaria. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ahab | a prophet | an unnamed prophet came to Ahab to tell him the LORD would give the army of Ben-Hadad into his hands. Ahab asked questions about who would do this and who would start it. The prophet told him the young officers of the provincial commanders would do it and that Ahab would start it. Ahab rallied the army and sent out the young officers first to engage Ben-Hadad. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ben-Hadad, | his scouts | Ben-Hadad's scouts reported that men were advancing from Samaria. Ben-Hadad told his men to take them alive, if they have come out in peace or for war. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ahab, | a prophet | an unnamed prophet came to Ahab to tell him to strengthen his position because the king of Aram would attack again in the spring. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ben-Hadad | his officials | the king's officials told him the gods of Israel were gods of the hills, and since they fought in the hills, Israel won. They should fight again on the plains with an army exactly like the one he lost. Ben-Hadad followed their instructions. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ahab | a prophet | the unnamed prophet came to Ahab and told him because the king of Aram believes their god is god of the hills and not the valleys, God would deliver them into his hands, then he would know the true God. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ben-Hadad | his officials | after suffering major losses to the Israelite army, Ben-Hadad's officials told him they had heard the kings of Israel are merciful. They told him to dress in sackcloth and surrender to Ahab appealing for mercy. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ahab | officials of Ben-Hadad | the officials came to Ahab saying, "Your servant, Ben-Hadad, says, 'Please let me live.'" Ahab asked if we was alive and they said yes. Ahab told them to go get him. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ahab | Ben-Hadad | the king of Aram appeared before Ahab and offered to return the cities his father had taken from Israel and to allow Ahab to set up a market in Damascus, as his father had in Samaria. Ahab established a treaty with him on these terms and set him free. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | a prophet | his companion | the prophet instructed his companion to strike him but the man refused. The prophet said because he had refused a lion would kill him. When the man left, a lion found him and killed him. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | a prophet | another man | the prophet instructed the man to strike him, and he did. The prophet, now wounded, put a headband on to disguise himself, and stood by the road where Ahab would pass by. |
national | 1 Kings 20 | Ahab | a prophet | the prophet called to Ahab as he passed by and told him he had been charged by a fellow soldier to guard a captive, it would be life for life or a talent of silver. He got distracted and the man escaped. Ahab said, "You have pronounced your own sentence." Then the prophet removed the disguise and said to Ahab, "The LORD says, 'You have let a man live I determined should die. Therefore it is your life for his, your people for his people.'" Ahab went on his way sullen and angry. |
national | 1 Kings 21 | Ahab | Naboth | Ahab went to Naboth, who owned land near the king's palace, and asked if he could have his land for a vegetable garden. He offered to give Naboth another piece of land or to pay him for it. But Naboth did not want to part with the inheritance of his fathers. Ahab went home sullen and angry. |
national | 1 Kings 21 | Ahab | Jezebel | Ahab retreated to his bed and refused to eat as a show of his frustration with Naboth. Jezebel came to find out what was wrong. When she discovered the situation with Naboth she told her husband to get up and cheer up, she would take care of getting him Naboth's vineyard. |
national | 1 Kings 21 | Ahab | Jezebel | after receiving word that her plot to kill Naboth had been carried out, Jezebel told Ahab to take the vineyard, because Naboth was dead. Ahab went and took possession of the vineyard. |
national | 1 Kings 21 | Ahab | Elijah | God spoke to Elijah and instructed him to bring a message to Ahab. Elijah came to the vineyard and told Ahab that God was going to bring disaster on his house and his offspring because of their wickedness. He also prophesied that Jezebel would be devoured by dogs. Upon hearing this Ahab tore his clothes and fasted. He lay in sackcloth and went about meekly. God noticed his humility and determined to bring this disaster after Ahab died. |
national | 1 Kings 22 | Ahab | his officials | Ahab spoke to his officials about the city of Ramoth Gilead, which belonged to Israel but was under the control of the king of Aram. He asked his officials why they were not doing anything to retake this city. |
national | 1 Kings 22 | Ahab | Jehoshaphat | Ahab asked Jehoshaphat if he would go down with them to fight against the king of Aram to retake Ramoth Gilead. Jehoshaphat said he would, but first he wanted to see the counsel of the LORD. |
national | 1 Kings 22 | Ahab | 400 prophets | Ahab asked the four hundred prophets if he should go to war against the king of Aram. They said, yes, the LORD would deliver Ramoth Gilead into their hands. |
national | 1 Kings 22 | Ahab | Jehoshaphat | Jehoshaphat asked Ahab if there was a prophet of the LORD from whom they could inquire. Ahab replied saying, yes, there was a prophet of the LORD, named Micaiah, but he did not like to ask him for input because he never prophesied good news. Jehoshaphat told Ahab he should not say that. Ahab sent for Micaiah. |
national | 1 Kings 22 | Ahab via a messenger | Micaiah | all the other prophets were prophesying success for Ahab against the Arameans. The messenger told Micaiah this and encouraged him to bring a message in agreement with the others. Micaiah said he could only say what he heard from the LORD. |
national | 1 Kings 22 | Ahab/Jehoshaphat | Micaiah/Zedekiah, | when Micaiah arrived Ahab asked if they should go up in battle against Ramoth Gilead. Micaiah told him to go into battle and he would be victorious. But Ahab must have picked up some sarcasm in Micaiah's voice, because he told him only to speak the truth based on what he had heard from the LORD. So Micaiah replied saying he had seen all Israel scattered as sheep without a shepherd, and the LORD said, "These people have no master. Let them go home in peace." Ahab turned to Jehoshaphat and said this is why he did not like to ask Micaiah for advice. Micaiah then continued, saying the LORD had put a lying spirit in the mouths of the prophets to entice Ahab into battle. Zedekiah came and slapped Micaiah in the face, asking a sarcastic question about which direction the Spirit of the LORD went. Micaiah replied saying Zedekiah would find out on the day he goes to hide in his inner room. |
national | 1 Kings 22 | Ahab | one of his officials | Ahab instructed that Micaiah be put in prison and given only bread and water until he returned safely. Micaiah replied saying, if the king returned safely, the LORD had not spoken through him. |
national | 1 Kings 22 | Ahab | Jehoshaphat | Ahab told Jehoshaphat to wear his royal robes to battle, but that he would go in disguise. |
national | 1 Kings 22 | king of Aram | his 32 chariot commanders | the king of Aram told his chariot commanders not to attack anyone accept the king of Israel. When they saw Jehoshaphat in his royal robes the assumed he was Ahab and turned to attack him. Jehoshaphat cried out and they realized he was not the king of Israel and stopped pursuing him. |
national | 1 Kings 22 | Ahab | his chariot driver | a soldier in the king of Aram's army shot an arrow at random that hit Ahab between the sections of his armor and wounded him. He told his chariot driver to wheel around and retreat from the fighting because he was wounded. |
national | 2 Kings 1 | Ahaziah | his messengers | Ahaziah had fallen through the lattice in the upper room of his palace and hurt himself. He sent his messengers to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron, to see if he would recover. |
national | 2 Kings 1 | Elijah | Ahaziah's messengers | Elijah intercepted Ahaziah's messengers and asked them if they were seeking advice from Baal-Zebub because there was no God in Israel. He then sent them back to the palace to tell the king he would not leave the bed he was lying on but would surely die. |
national | 2 Kings 1 | Ahaziah | his messengers | the king asked his messengers why they came back so soon. They told him a man intercepted them and told them the king would not recover from his injuries. The king asked what the man looked like and deduced it was Elijah. |
national | 2 Kings 1 | Ahaziah | a captain with 50 men | Ahaziah sent the captain and his men to get Elijah and bring him back to the king. When they came to Elijah they told him the king had ordered him to come down. Elijah responded saying if he was a man of God that fire would come down and consume them. Then fire came down from heaven and consumed the captain and his 50 men. |
national | 2 Kings 1 | Ahaziah | a captain with 50 men | Ahaziah sent a second captain and his men to get Elijah and bring him back to the king. When they came to Elijah they told him the king had ordered him to come down. Elijah responded saying if he was a man of God that fire would come down and consume them. Then fire came down from heaven and consumed the captain and his 50 men. |
national | 2 Kings 1 | Ahaziah | a captain with 50 men | Ahaziah sent a third captain and his men to get Elijah and bring him back to the king. When they came to Elijah the captain bowed before Elijah and pleaded for mercy for him and his men. The LORD spoke to Elijah and told him to go with the captain to see the king. Elijah went to meet the king. |
national | 2 Kings 1 | Ahaziah | Elijah | Elijah asked the king if he was seeking advice from Baal-Zebub because there was no God in Israel? He then told him he would not recover from his injury. The king died, just as Elijah had predicted. |
national | 2 Kings 2 | Elijah | Elisha | Elijah spoke to Elisha telling to stay in Gilgal while he went on to Bethel. Elisha said he would not leave Elijah so they went to Bethel together. |
national | 2 Kings 2 | Elisha | the company of prophets at Bethel | the company of prophets at Bethel spoke to Elisha asking if he knew the LORD was going to take Elisha that day. He said yes, but he did not want to talk about it. |
national | 2 Kings 2 | Elijah | Elisha | Elijah told Elisha to remain at Bethel while he went on to Jericho. Elisha said he would not leave Elijah, and they went to Jericho together. |
national | 2 Kings 2 | Elisha | the company of prophets at Jericho | the company of prophets at Jericho spoke to Elisha asking if he knew the LORD was going to take Elisha that day. He said yes, but he did not want to talk about it. |
national | 2 Kings 2 | Elijah | Elisha | Elijah told Elisha to remain at Jericho while he went on to the Jordan. Elisha said he would not leave Elijah, and they went to the Jordan together. |
national | 2 Kings 2 | Elijah | Elisha | Elijah asked Elisha what he could do for him before he was taken from him. Elisha asked for a double portion of Elisha's spirit. Elisha said this was a hard thing, but if Elisha saw Elijah when he was taken from him, it would be granted, otherwise, not. |
national | 2 Kings 2 | Elisha | company of the prophets | fifty men from the company of the prophets came and bowed before Elisha; they said they wanted to send men to look for Elijah. Elisha told them not to go, but they persisted, and he agreed to send them. |
national | 2 Kings 2 | Elisha | company of the prophets | when the men returned from looking for Elijah, Elisha asked them, "Didn't I tell you not to go?" |
national | 2 Kings 2 | Elisha | the men of the city | the men of the city came to Elisha and told him their water was bad. Elisha asked them for a new bowl with salt in it. He went to the spring and threw the salt in it, saying, "I have healed this water. Never again will it cause death or make the land unproductive." And the water became wholesome. |
national | 2 Kings 2 | Elisha | youths from Bethel | a group of young people jeered at Elisha as he went up to Bethel, telling him to, "Go on up you baldheald!" Elisha called down a curse on them, and two bears came out of the woods, mauling forty-two of them. |
national | 2 Kings 3 | Joram/Jehoshaphat | Joram/Jehoshaphat | Joram the king of Israel sent a message to Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, asking if he would join together to fight against Mesha the king of Moab. Jehoshaphat said yes, but inquired by what route they would attack. The king of Israel said they would attack through the desert of Edom. |
national | 2 Kings 3 | Joram/Jehoshaphat/king of Edom | Joram/Jehoshaphat/king of Edom, | after a seven day journey through the desert, Joram the king of Israel lamented about the lack of water for the three armies, suggesting God had brought them out in the desert to die. Jehoshaphat asked if there was a prophet of the LORD available. |
national | 2 Kings 3 | Joram/Jehoshaphat | an officer in the army | one of the officers in the army spoke up saying Elisha was available and that he had been a disciple of Elijah. Jehoshaphat said the LORD was with him. So the three kings went down to speak with Elijah. |
national | 2 Kings 3 | Joram/Jehoshaphat | Elisha | when the kings arrived to speak with Elisha he told Joram that it was only because of his respect for Jehoshaphat that he was even willing to speak with them. He then asked for them to bring a harpist to play for him. |
national | 2 Kings 3 | Joram/Jehoshaphat | Elisha | when the harpist arrived Elisha told them to make the valley full of ditches and though they would see neither wind nor rain, the ditches would be filled with water. Their men and cattle would drink and they would overcome every city of their enemy. |
national | 2 Kings 4 | Elisha | wife of a man in the company of the prophets | the wife came to Elisha saying her husband had died and his creditor was attempting to take her sons as slaves. Elisha asked how he could help, what did she have? She said nothing, only a little oil. He told her to go to her neighbors and ask for empty jars, and not a few. She should then pour oil in each jar and when it was full to set it aside. She filled each jar until there was no more, then the oil stopped flowing. |
national | 2 Kings 4 | Elisha | wife of a man in the company of the prophets | wife of a man in the company of the prophets, Situation:the wife came to Elisha saying the jars were full. Elisha told her to sell the oil and pay her debts, then she and her son could live on what was left. |
national | 2 Kings 4 | Elisha | Gehazi and the Shunammite woman | Elisha told Gehazi to ask the Shunammite woman what he could do for her. Elisha then asked Gehazi what he could do for her. He said she had no son and her husband was old. Elisha told Gehazi to call her. |
national | 2 Kings 4 | Elisha | the Shunammite woman | Elisha told her by this time next year she would hold a son in her arms. The woman found it hard to believe. But as Elisha had said, by that time the next year she had a son. |
national | 2 Kings 4 | the Shunammite woman | her servant, | the Shunammite woman told her servant to saddle a donkey and don't slow down as they went to meet Elisha. |
national | 2 Kings 4 | Elisha | Gehazi | Elisha told Gehazi to ask the Shunammite woman, who they saw in the distance, what was wrong. She told him everything was alright. |
national | 2 Kings 4 | Elisha | Shunammite woman and Gehazi | upon reaching Elisha the Shunammite woman feel at Elisha's feet. As Gehazi tried to push her aside, Elisha stopped him, saying she was in deep distress but God had hidden the reason from him. She reminded Elisha she didn't ask for a son, or for him to get her hopes up. Elisha realized her son was ill and told Gehazi to take his staff and go swiftly to the boy and touch his face with it. The Shunammite woman said she would not leave Elisha's side. Gehazi ran to the boy and touched his face with the staff. He ran back to Elisha and told him the boy did not respond. |
national | 2 Kings 4 | Elisha | Shunammite woman and Gehazi | Elisha prayed and then laid on top of the boy and he became warm. He lay on him again and the boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes. Elisha summoned Gehazi and told her to call the Shunammite woman, and he gave her back her son. |
national | 2 Kings 4 | Elisha | his servant | Elisha told his servant to cook a large pot of stew for the company of prophets. |
national | 2 Kings 4 | Elisha, | the company of prophets | one of the men had cut up some wild gourds and a vine into the stew. When they began to eat it they cried out to Elisha saying there was death in the pot. Elisha instructed them to put flour in the pot. They did and ate it and were not sick. |
national | 2 Kings 4 | Elisha | a man from Baal Shalishah | the man brought 100 loafs of barley bread and heads of new grain. Elisha told him to feed the people (probably the company of prophets) with it. The man told Elisha it would not be enough. Elisha told him to go ahead, that the LORD had said they would eat and have bread left over. He set it before them, the people ate, and there was bread leftover. |
national | 2 Kings 5 | Naaman's wife | servant girl | the servant girl from Israel told Naaman's wife that the prophet in Samaria could cure him of his leprosy. |
national | 2 Kings 5 | the king of Aram | Naaman | Naaman told the king of Aram what his wife's servant said. The king told Naaman to by all means go, and sent with him a letter to be given to the king of Israel. Naaman went taking the letter, silver, gold and fine clothes. |
national | 2 Kings 5 | king of Israel (Joram) | Elisha by messenger | having heard about the king's frustration with the letter from the king of Aram asking him to cure Naaman's leprosy, Elisha sent a message telling the king to send Naaman to him and he would know there is a prophet in Israel. So Naaman and his entourage arrived at Elisha's house. |
national | 2 Kings 5 | Elisha by way of a messenger | Naaman | after arriving at Elisha's house, a messenger came out and told Naaman to dip in the Jordan River seven times and he would be healed of his leprosy. Naaman went away angry, wondering out loud why he couldn't have bathed in the rivers of Damascus. |
national | 2 Kings 5 | Naaman | his servants | Naaman's servants encouraged him to follow Elisha's advice. So Naaman dipped himself in the Jordan River seven times and his flesh was restored as the prophet had said. |
national | 2 Kings 5 | Elisha | Naaman and his entourage | after his healing Naaman returned to meet with Elisha, express his gratitude and give him gifts. Naaman acknowledged Elisha's God and offered gifts but Elisha refused to accept a gift, even after Naaman persisted. Naaman then asked to take some dirt with him, and for grace when bowing down by the king as he worships at the temple of Rimmon. Elisha told him to go in peace. |
national | 2 Kings 5 | Naaman | Gehazi, | Gehazi felt Elisha was too easy on Naaman and ran after him. When he reached Naaman he made up a story about two prophets arriving and Elisha sending him to collect a talent of silver and a garment for each of them. Naaman insisted he take two talents of sliver and two garments. He sent some of his men with Gehazi who took these items and hid them in his house before going to present himself before Elisha. |
national | 2 Kings 5 | Elisha | Gehazi, | Elisha asked Gehazi where he was. Gehazi said he had not gone anywhere. Elisha told him God had revealed to him about the meeting with Naaman and the gifts he had solicited. Elisha told him Namaan's leprosy would cling to him and his descendant's forever. As Gehazi left he became leprous, as white as snow. |
national | 2 Kings 6 | Elisha | the company of the prophets | the prophets told Elisha they needed a bigger place to meet with him and suggested they build it by the Jordan. He agreed and told them to go. They invited him to come with them and he did. |
national | 2 Kings 6 | Elisha | one of the prophets | while they were building the larger meeting space one of the prophets had the iron ax head fall of an ax while cutting down a tree. The ax head fell into the water and he was distraught because it had been borrowed. Elisha asked where it went in the water, then cut a stick and threw it into the water, making the ax head float. The man plucked it out of the water. |
national | 2 Kings 6 | the king of Aram | his officers | the king announced to his officers where they would set up camp. They were at war with Israel. |
national | 2 Kings 6 | Elisha by way of a messenger | the king of Israel | Elisha warned the king not to pass by the place where the king of Aram had decided to set up camp. Elisha warned the king often about the location of the king of Aram's troops. |
national | 2 Kings 6 | the king of Aram | his officers | the king summoned his officers and questioned them asking who was spying for the king of Israel and revealing their location. The officers said it was not a spy, but that Elisha who is informing the king of Israel. The king asked where Elisha was staying so he could send men to capture him. They told the king Elisha was in Dotham. The king sent a large force of men with horses and chariots to surround the city. |
national | 2 Kings 6 | Elisha | his servant | the servant arose in the morning to discover the large force from the king of Aram surrounding them. Elisha told him not to be afraid, that those who were with them were more than those against them. Elisha prayed, asking the LORD to open his servant's eyes, and he saw horses and chariots of fire all around them. |
national | 2 Kings 6 | Elisha | the Aramean soldiers | as the Arameans descended on Dotham Elisha prayed asking the LORD to blind them, and He did. Elisha then told the soldiers they were in the wrong place and led them into Samaria, into the hands of the king of Israel. After they arrived Elisha prayed and the LORD opened their eyes. |
national | 2 Kings 6 | Elisha | the king of Israel | the king asked Elisha if he should kill the Aramean soldiers. Elisha said no, and instructed the king of Israel to prepare a feast for them. After the feast the soldiers were sent home and the king of Aram ceased raiding Israel's territory |
national | 2 Kings 6 | Joram, the king of Israel | a woman, | Ben-Hadad, king of Aram, laid siege to Samaria with his entire army and the people of the city were starving. A woman called to Joram as he was passing by, pleading with the king for help. He expressed his helplessness and asked her what she needed. She explained that she had made an agreement with a woman to give up her son to be eaten by the two of them and the following day they would eat the other woman's son. But that woman had hidden her son and would not allow him to be eaten. The king tore his robes in disgust, and expressed his anger against Elisha. |
national | 2 Kings 6 | Elisha | the elders | the king had sent a messenger for Elisha, and he told the elders Joram was sending a murderer to cut off his head. He instructed them to shut the door on the messenger because the king would be right behind him. |
national | 2 Kings 6 – 7 | Elisha | the king by way of his messenger | the king's messenger arrived as Elisha was speaking to the elders and raised a question saying the disaster was from the LORD, so why should they wait on him any longer? |
national | 2 Kings 7 | Elisha | the king and officer at his right hand | the king had arrived following his messenger. Elisha spoke the word of the LORD saying about this time tomorrow food would be available in Samaria for very little money. The officer expressed his doubts about Elisha's prediction, and was told he would see it, but not eat any of it. |
national | 2 Kings 7 | gatekeepers of Samaria | four lepers | the four lepers had decided to go to the camp of the Arameans who had surrounded the city to surrender. They believed they would die of starvation anyway so they might as well throw themselves at the mercy of the Arameans. But when they arrived at the camp of the enemy no one was there. They ate until they were satisfied and then realized they should return and tell the leaders of the city. The gatekeepers passed this news along to the palace. |
national | 2 Kings 7 | Joram | his officers | Joram, king of Israel, told his officials he believed the Arameans were hiding in the countryside hoping to lure the Israelites into their camp so they could destroy them. The officers advised the king to send men of five of the horses that are left into the camp of the Arameans to find out what happens. So they selected two chariots with their horses and sent them after the Aramean army. |
national | 2 Kings 7 | Joram | the chariot drivers | Joram told the men to go into the Aramean camp to find out what happened. They followed the trial of the Aramean army all the way to the Jordan, finding plunder strewn along the road. They returned and gave their report to the king. |
national | 2 Kings 8 | Elisha | the woman whose son he had restored to life, | Elisha told her to go away with her family for a while because the LORD had decreed a famine in the land. She and her family went away to the land of the Philistines for seven years. |
national | 2 Kings 8 | Joram | Gehazi and the Shunammite woman | Joram, king of Israel, was inquiring of Gehazi about the great things Elisha had done. Gehazi was telling the king about Elisha raising the son of the Shunammite woman from the dead. As he was telling the king this story, the Shunammite woman arrived. Gehazi told the king, "This is the woman…and this is her son." The king asked her and she confirmed what Gehazi had said. The king then decreed that she be given back everything that belonged to her, including the income from the land for the seven years she was gone. |
national | 2 Kings 8 | Ben-Hadad, king of Aram | Hazael | the king of Aram was ill, he discovered Elisha had come and sent Hazael to inquire if he would recover from the illness from which he was suffering. |
national | 2 Kings 8 | Elisha | Hazael | Hazael went to meet with Elisha, arriving at the same time a gift of 40 camel-loads of the finest wares of Damascus. He asked Elisha if Ben-Hadad would recover from his illness. Elisha told him to return and tell Ben-Hadad that he would recover, but in fact would die. Then he stared at Hazael until he was ashamed, and Elisha began to weep.Hazael asked why Elisha was weeping. He said it was because he knew the harm he would do to Israel, setting fire to their fortified places, killing their young men and dashing their little children on the ground. Hazael asked how this could happen. Elisha said the LORD had revealed to him that Hazael would become king. Hazael went back and told Ben-Hadad he would recover, but then put a wet clothe over his face the next day and killed him |
national | 2 Kings 9 | Elisha | a man from the company of the prophets, | Elisha told the man to hurry to Ramoth Gilead and look for Jehu. When he found Jehu, he was to take him away from his companions into an inner room, pour the flask of oil on his head, and tell him he was anointed king over Israel. The young man ran to Ramoth Gilead, as Elisha had instructed, carrying the flask of oil. |
national | 2 Kings 9 | Jehu | man sent by Elisha from the company of the prophets | When the young man arrived, he found Jehu sitting with other army officers, and asked to speak with him in private. After they had gone into the house, the young man poured the flask of oil on Jehu's head, and anointed him king over Israel. He instructed him to destroy the house of Ahab (whose son Joram was now king) and avenge the blood of the prophets shed by Jezebel. Then he opened the door and ran. |
national | 2 Kings 9 | Jehu | the army officers | after Jehu emerged from the house his officers asked what the messenger had said. Jehu deflected their question and did not answer. When they pressed him, he told them the man had said, "I anoint you king over Israel." The army officers hurriedly took their cloaks, laid them on the steps under Jehu, and blew the trumpet, shouting, "Jehu is king!" |
national | 2 Kings 9 | Jehu | the army officers | after the army officers pledged their allegiance to Jehu, he told them not to let anyone slip out of the city to go tell the news in Jezreel. He then got in his chariot and rode to Jezreel because that's where Joram was recovering from his injuries. |
national | 2 Kings 9 | Joram | the lookout on the tower in Jezreel | as Jehu was approaching on his chariot the lookout saw him, and reported the news to Joram. Joram ordered a horseman to go meet Jehu to ask if he came in peace. The horseman went and Jehu told him to fall in behind him. The lookout told Joram and he sent a second horseman, but Jehu told him to fall in behind as well. The lookout reported this to Joran and said the charioteer looked like Jehu. Joram ordered his men to hitch up his chariot and he, along with Ahaziah, king of Judah, went out to meet Jehu. |
national | 2 Kings 9 | Joram | Jehu | Joram met Jehu on the plot of land that belonged to Naboth. When Joram saw Jehu he asked if he had come in peace. Jehu replied there could be no peace with the idolatry and witchcraft of his mother Jezebel. Joram turned and fled, warning Ahaziah to do the same. As Joram fled, Jehu drew his bow and shot him between the shoulders, threw his heart. He then instructed his men to throw Joram's body on the field that belonged to Naboth, fulfilling the prophecy made about Ahab, Joram's father, who had stolen the land from Naboth. |
national | 2 Kings 9 | Jehu | the army soldiers | after Ahaziah fled, Jehu instructed his men to kill him too. The men wounded Ahaziah but he escaped to the city of Megiddo and died there. |
national | 2 Kings 9 | Jehu | Jezebel and her attendants | after Jehu arrived in Jezreel he entered the gate and Jezebel spoke to him from the window, asking if he came in peace. Jehu spoke to the attendants of Jezebel, asking who was on his side. The attendants who looked down at Jehu were instructed to throw her body down and they did. Horses trampled her body underfoot. |
national | 2 Kings 9 | Jehu | his officials | after going in to eat and drink, Jehu ordered his men to burry Jezebel. But all that was left of her body was her skull, her feet and her hands. They reported this to Jehu and he affirmed what God had spoken through Elisha about Jezebel had come to pass. |
national | 2 Kings 10 | Jehu | the officials in Samaria | after putting Jezebel to death Jehu sent a message to the officials in Samaria, telling them to choose the best and most worthy of Ahab's seventy sons, install him as king, and fight for him. The officials replied to Jehu saying they were his servants and would not appoint a king to stand against him. Jehu replied saying they could prove they were on his side by bringing the heads of Ahab's seventy sons to him in Jezreel by the following day. The officials beheaded Ahab's sons and delivered their heads to Jehu in Jezreel. |
national | 2 Kings 10 | Jehu | his officials | after the heads of Ahab's sons were delivered Jehu told his men to put them in two piles at the entrance to the city gates until morning. |
national | 2 Kings 10 | Jehu | the people of Jezreel | Jehu spoke to the people telling them they were innocent of this slaughter, and that not a word the LORD had spoken through Elijah about Ahab would fail. Jehu killed everyone in Jezreel who remained of the house of Ahab. |
national | 2 Kings 10 | Jehu | relatives of king Ahaziah and his own men | on the way to Samaria Jehu met some relatives of Ahaziah, king of Judah, who were on their way to Samaria to greet the families of the king and queen mother. He ordered his men to take them alive but slaughtered them by the well of Beth Eked. |
national | 2 Kings 10 | Jehu | Jehonadab | after killing the relatives of Ahaziah, Jehu continued toward Samaria. Jehu met up with Jehonadab and asked if he supported him. Jehonadab said yes, and Jehu took his hand to invite him into his chariot. He killed all who were left of Ahab's family in Samaria. |
national | 2 Kings 10 | Jehu | the people of Samaria | Jehu spoke to the people saying he was going to serve Baal even more than Ahab. He called for a great sacrifice to Baal and insisted all the prophets, ministers and priests of Baal be in attendance. He said anyone who failed to come would be put to death. He was deceiving them as part of a plot to destroy the ministers of Baal. |
national | 2 Kings 10 | Jehu | the keeper of the wardrobe | with all the ministers of Baal in attendance, Jehu instructed the keeper of the wardrobe to give robes to the ministers of Baal. So he brought out robes for all of them. |
national | 2 Kings 10 | Jehu | the ministers of Baal, | after everyone had assembled in the temple of Baal, Jehu spoke to the ministers of Baal asking them to look around and ensure there were no ministers of the LORD present, only minsters of Baal. They went into the temple to offer their sacrifices. |
national | 2 Kings 10 | Jehu | eighty of his men posted at the doors of the temple of Baal | Jehu told them men guarding the doors if they let any of the ministers of Baal escape he would hold them accountable with their life. |
national | 2 Kings 10 | Jehu | the eighty men guarding the doors of the temple of Baal, | after he had finished making the burnt offering he ordered the guards and officers to kill all the ministers of Baal. They killed all the ministers of Baal, entered the inner shrine and brought out the sacred stone of Baal and tore down the temple of Baal. It was used as a bathroom. |
national | 2 Kings 11 | Jehoiada | commanders of units of 100, Carites, and the guards | after Ahaziah's death, his mother, Athaliah, proceded to destroy the royal family. Johsheba hid Joash, one of the king's sons, in a room of the temple for six years. In the seventh year, Jehoida spoke with the commanders of unites of 100, the Carites and the guards, telling them to station themselves around Joash and to put to death anyone who approached their ranks. |
national | 2 Kings 11 | Jehoiada | commanders of units of 100 | Athaliah heard the noise when they shouted long live the king to support Joash so she went to the temple to investigate. Jehoida ordered the commanders of the units of 100s to bring out Athaliah and put her to sword, because the priest had said not to put her to death in the temple. |
national | 2 Kings 12 | Joash | priests | Joash ordered the priests to collect the money brought to the temple of the LORD and use it to repair whatever damage is found in the temple. |
national | 2 Kings 12 | Joash | priests | after some time had passed the temple had still not been repaired. Joash summoned Jehoida and the other priests, asking them why the repairs had not been done. He told them to stop collecting money and that they would no longer be responsible for the repairs. Instead they took a chest and bored a hole in it for people to deposit their money. When the chest was full, the money would be counted and documented, then given to the men working on the temple. |
national | 2 Kings 13 | Jehoash | Elisha | Jehoash, king of Israel, went to see Elisha on his deathbed. He wept over Elisha, who told Jehoash to get a bow and some arrows. He then told him to open the east window and shoot. He shot the arrow, and Elisha proclaimed this as the LORD'S arrow of victory over Aram, declaring Jehoash would completely defeat the Arameans at Aphek. Elisha then instructed him to take the arrows and strike the ground. Jehoash struck the ground with the arrows three times. Elisha was angry with him, saying he should have struck the ground five or six times and he would have completely destroyed Aram. Now he would only defeat it three times. Elisha died and was buried. |
national | 2 Kings 14 | Amaziah, by way of messengers | Jehoash | Amaziah sent messengers to Jehoash telling him to come meet in person. Jehoash replied saying Amaziah should glory in his victory over Edom but not persist or he would be responsible for the downfall of Judah. Amaziah would not listen, and he was defeated in battle by Jehoash of Isreal. |
national | 2 Kings 16 | Ahaz, by way of messengers | Tiglath-Pileser, king of Assyria, | the kings of Israel and Aram were aligned against Ahaz in battle so he sent messengers to the king of Assyria, saying he was the servant and vassal of Assyria, and requesting help. With the messenger he sent the silver and gold from the temple as payment. |
national | 2 Kings 16 | Ahaz | Uriah | Ahaz had gone to Assyria to meet with Tilgath-Pileser after being rescued by his army. There he saw an altar so he sent word back to Uriah to build one like it. When he arrived back in Jerusalem he saw the altar and instructed Uriah to offer the regular offerings on it but that he would use the bronze altar for seeking guidance. |
national | 2 Kings 18 | Hezekiah, by way of messenger | Sennacherib, king of Assyria | the Assyrian army attacked the fortified cities of Judah. Hezekiah sent a message to Sennacherib saying he had done wrong, asking the Assyrian to withdraw and he would pay whatever is demanded. Sennacherib exacted 300 talents of silver and 30 talents of gold from Hezekiah, which he took from the temple and the royal palace. |
national | 2 Kings 18 | Sennacherib, king of Assyria, by way of messengers – supreme commander, chief officer, field commander | Hezekiah, represented by Eliakim, palace administrator, Shebna, the secretary, Joah, the recorder, | the messengers from Assyria mocked Hezekiah's military strength, his hope for help from Egypt, and his dependence on God. They told the people (speaking in Hebrew) to surrender and they would be better off. Hezekiah's messengers asked the messengers sent by Sennacherib to speak to them in Aramaic instead of Hebrew, because they did not want the people to hear these discouraging words. But they refused, and continued to encourage the people to surrender. But the people remained silent because the king had commanded them not to respond. Hilkiah, Shebna and Joah returned with their clothes torn and brought the message to Hezekiah. |
national | 2 Kings 19 | Hezekiah, by way of messengers | Isaiah | after hearing the report from Eliakim, Shebna and Joah, about Sennacherib's words, Hezekiah sent the three men to Isaiah to ask him to pray. Isaiah replied to the king, via his messengers, not to be afraid, that the king would hear a report and retreat only to be cut down with the sword. |
national | 2 Kings 19 | Sennacherib, by way of messenger | Hezekiah | Sennacherib received word that he was being attacked by Egypt so he sent a message to Hezekiah saying he should not let the god he depended on deceive him, that all the other kings he had defeated depended on their gods but were defeated. |
national | 2 Kings 19 | Hezekiah | Isaiah, by way of messengers | after Hezekiah had prayed to God about the situation with Sennacherib, Isaiah sent a message to him to explain God had heard his prayer and would answer. He also told Isaiah what God had spoken against Sennacherib, including encouragement for Hezekiah. An angel of the LORD put to death 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night. Sennacherib and his remaining army broke camp and withdrew. He was later put to death by his own sons as prophesied by Isaiah. |
national | 2 Kings 20 | Hezekiah | Isaiah | when Hezekiah became ill, to the point of death, Isaiah came to him with a message, saying he should put his house in order because he was going to die. Hezekiah wept bitterly and prayed to God, asking him to remember how he had served faithfully, with wholehearted devotion. |
national | 2 Kings 20 | Hezekiah | Isaiah | after Isaiah left, but before he had made it out of the middle court, God spoke to him, telling him to return to Hezekiah and say that God heard his prayer and would heal him in three days, extending fifteen years to his life, and deliver him from the hand of the king of Assyria. |
national | 2 Kings 20 | Isaiah | Hezekiah's attendants | after giving the message to Hezekiah, Isaiah told his attendants to prepare a poultice of figs. They did and applied it to the boil and Hezekiah recovered from his illness. |
national | 2 Kings 20 | Hezekiah | Isaiah | Hezekiah asked Isaiah what sign God would give that the LORD would heal him. Isaiah asked if the shadow of the sun should go forward or backward ten steps? Hezekiah said it is a simple matter to go forward, that the sign should be the sun moving backward ten steps. Isaiah called upon the LORD and the shadow went back ten steps. |
national | 2 Kings 20 | Hezekiah | Isaiah | Hezekiah went to Isaiah to ask about the visitors sent by the king of Babylon to visit him. Isaiah told him he had showed them everything in his palace, there was nothing among his treasures he did not show them. Isaiah, speaking on behalf of God, said the day would come when all the treasures stored up in Jerusalem would be carried off to Babylon, and all the descendants will be taken away and become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon. Hezekiah replied saying what Isaiah had spoken was good, because he believed this would not happen in his lifetime. |
national | 2 Kings 22 | Josiah | Shaphan | King Josiah told Shaphan to go up to Hilkiah, the high priest, and have him get ready the money collected from the people to be used to repair the temple. He instructed them to buy timber and dressed stone to do the work but not to worry about accounting for the money because they were acting faithfully. |
national | 2 Kings 22 | Shaphan | Hilkiah | Hilkiah, the high priest, told Shaphan, the secretary, that he had found the Book of the Law in the temple during the repair work. He gave the book to Shaphan, who read it. |
national | 2 Kings 22 | Josiah | Shaphan | Shaphan took the Book of the Law to Josiah. He reported on the progress repairing the temple, and told the king about the book Hilkiah had given him. Hilkiah then read from it in the presence of the king. Josiah, upon hearing the words, tore his robes. |
national | 2 Kings 22 | Josiah | Hilkiah, Ahikam, Acbor, Shaphan and Asaiah | King Josiah instructed these men to go and inquire of the LORD for him and for the people about what is written in this book. |
national | 2 Kings 22 | Hilkiah, Ahikam, Acbor, Shaphan and Asaiah | Huldah, | Hilkiah and his colleagues went to the prophetess named Huldah, to inquire of the LORD for the king. Huldah told them God was going to bring disaster on Judah because of their disobedience and idolatry. But because Josiah's heart was responsive and he humbled himself before the LORD, the judgment would not occur until after his death. They took her answer back to the king. |
national | 2 Kings 23 | Josiah | men of the city of Bethel, | Josiah was demolishing the high places and altars that had been constructed in Judah. When he came to Bether to destroy the altars he noticed a tombstone and asked the men of the city about it. They told him it was the grave of a prophet who had prophesied the very destruction Josiah has brought on the high places and altar of Bethel. Josiah instructed them to make sure this grave was unmolested. So they spared the bones of the prophet who had come from Samaria. |
national | 2 Kings 23 | Josiah | all the people (through their leaders) | after destroying the altars and high places, as well as putting to death the priests to these false gods, Josiah returned to Jerusalem and ordered the people (through their leaders) to celebrate the Passover to the LORD as it is written in the Book of the Covenant, which had been brought to him by Hilkiah. There had not been a Passover like this since the days of the Judges. |
national | 2 Kings 25 | Gedaliah, governor of Judah as appointed by Nebuchadnezzar | Ishmael, Seraiah, Jaazaniah, army officers | When these army officers heard that Gedaliah had been appointed governor, they came to meet with him. Gedaliah told them not to be afraid of the Babylonian officials and took an oath to reassure them and their men. He told them to settle down in the land and serve the king of Babylon and it would go well with them. But in the seventh month, Ishmael came with ten men and assassinated Gedaliah and the Babylonians with him. |
national | 1 Chronicles 12 | David | Amasai and other leaders from Benjamin and Judah | these men came to David at his stronghold in the desert (before he had become king). David went out to meet them inquiring if they came in peace to unite with him or to hand him over to his enemies. The Spirit of the LORD came upon Amasai, chief of the Thirty, saying "We are yours O David! With are with you son of Jesse! Success, success to you, and success to those who help you, for your God will help you." David received them and made them leaders of his raiding bands |
national | 1 Chronicles 13 | David | his commanders and officers, the leaders of the people, | David spoke to the people about his desire to bring the ark from Kiriath Jearim to Jerusalem. It seemed right to all the people, so they did it. |
national | 1 Chronicles 15 | David | Zadok, Abiathar, Uriel, Asaiah, Joel, Shemaiah, Eliel, and Amminadab | David spoke to these leaders, putting them in charge of bringing the ark to Jerusalem, and explaining that the first time he tried to do this it was not done in the prescribed way according to the LORD'S instructions. So the priests and Levites consecrated themselves and brought the ark to Jerusalem. |
national | 1 Chronicles 22 | David | Solomon, | David spoke to his son and explained his desire to build a temple for the LORD. He shared how God had blocked him because he had been a man of war. He shared about the preparations he had made for Solomon and spoke words of affirmation regarding God's presence with him and that he would have success. |
national | 1 Chronicles 22 | David | all the leaders of Israel | David charged the leaders of Israel to devote their heart and soul to seeking the LORD and to build the sanctuary of the LORD. |
national | 1 Chronicles 23 | David | all the leaders of Israel, including the priests and Levites | David was old and knew he was about to die. He made Solomon king, and appointed leaders for various roles in Israel. This included 24,000 to supervise the work of the temple, 6,000 officials and judges, 4,000 gatekeepers and 4,000 to praise the LORD with musical instruments he had provided for that purpose. |
national | 1 Chronicles 28 | David | the officials of Israel, officers over the tribes, commanders of the divisions in service of the king, the commanders of thousands, commanders of hundreds, the officials in charge of property and livestock of the king, palace officials, the mighty men and brave warriors, | David explained to them his desire to build a temple for the LORD and that God had stopped him, instructing him to prepare the way for his son Solomon to build it. He also charged Solomon in front of them, to acknowledge the God of his father, and to serve him with wholehearted devotion and a willing mind. David gave Solomon the written plans for the temple, explaining these had come to him from "the hand of the LORD," who had given him understanding in all the details of the plan. He also encouraged Solomon, in front of this group of leaders, to be strong and courageous and to do the work, not to be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, David's God, was with him. David then spoke again to the whole assembly of leaders. He talked about how Solomon was young and this was a major project, for God and not man. He explained how he was giving his personal treasures, on top of what he had already given, toward this project. He challenged them to consecrate themselves and give as well. This group of leaders gave willingly to the project. And David praised the LORD with them. |
national | 2 Chronicles 2 | Solomon | Hiram, king of Tyre | Solomon wrote a letter to Hiram asking to send a skilled craftsman to work with gold and silver on the temple he was planning to build in Jerusalem. He also asked for cedar, pine and algum logs from Lebannon. Hiram agreed to send Solomon Huram-Abi, a man of great skill, and the logs requested, after the payment was received. |
national | 2 Chronicles 12 | Rehoboam with leaders of Judah | Shemaiah | Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam to tell him the LORD says because they had abandoned Him they would be abandoned by God and handed over to Shishak, king of Eypt, who was preparing to attack them. Rehoboam replied in humility saying, "The LORD is just." Because of his humility, Shemaiah, speaking the words of God, said they would not be overtaken by Shishak but would be subservient to him so they could learn the difference between serving God and serving the kings of other lands. |
national | 2 Chronicles 13 | Abijah | Jeroboam, | Abijah spoke to Jeroboam, as their troops assembled for war, and affirmed the LORD was with them as their leader and would give them success in battle. Though outnumbered 2:1 Abijah's troops routed Jeroboam, with God's help. |
national | 2 Chronicles 14 | Asa | leaders of Judah | Asa instructed them to build up the towns of Judah, to put walls around them, with towers and gates and bars. So they build and prospered. |
national | 2 Chronicles 15 | Asa | Azariah, son of Oded | the Spirit of God came upon Azariah, and he came to Asa to tell him the LORD was with him when he was with the LORD. If you seek Him, you will be found by Him. He encouraged Asa to be strong and not to give up, for his work would be rewarded. |
national | 2 Chronicles 16 | Asa | Hanani | Hanani the seer came to Asa and told him that because he had relied on the king of Aram and not on the LORD the army of the king of Aram escaped from his hand. The prophet said Asa had done a foolish thing, and from now on he would be at war. Asa was angry with Hanani and put him in prison. |
national | 2 Chronicles 19 | Jehoshaphat | Jehu, the seer | Jehu came to Jehoshaphat and asked if he should help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? This was because he had aligned himself with Ahab in battle. The seer told him there was some good in him because he had rid the land of Asherah poles and set his heart on seeking God. |
national | 2 Chronicles 19 | Jehoshaphat | Amariah, Zebadiah, some of the Levites, priests and heads of families | Jehoshaphat appointed these leaders to administer the law of the LORD and to settle disputes. He charged them to serve faithfully and wholeheartedly, in the fear of the LORD. He put Amariah, the chief priest, over them in any matter concerning the LORD, and Zebadiah over them in matters related to the king, and the Levites as officials before them. He admonished them to act with courage. |
national | 2 Chronicles 20 | Jehoshaphat | some men, | the men gave Jehoshaphat a message that a vast army was coming against him from Edom. Jehoshaphat was alarmed and resolved to inquire of the LORD. So he proclaimed a fast for all Judah. |
national | 2 Chronicles 20 | Jehoshaphat | Jahaziel | after Jehoshaphat prayed, the Spirit of the LORD came upon Jahaziel, and he spoke to the king telling him not to be afraid or discouraged about the vast army because the battle belonged to the LORD. He encouraged them to go out and face them and the LORD would be with them. Jehoshaphat bowed his face to the ground in worship before the LORD. |
national | 2 Chronicles 20 | Jehoshaphat | the people of Judah and Jerusalem, | Early in the morning, as they left the desert of Tekoa, Jehoshaphat spoke to the people. He exhorted them to have faith in the LORD and His prophets and they would be successful. |
national | 2 Chronicles 20 | Jehoshaphat | Eliezer, | the prophet Eliezer spoke to Jehoshaphat saying that because he had made an alliance with Ahazaiah the LORD would destroy the ships he made. The ships were wrecked and unable to sail. |
national | 2 Chronicles 21 | Jehoram | Elijah | the prophet Elijah sent a letter to Jehoram rebuking him for his wickedness and warning him of God's judgment to come that would include an illness that would cause his death. Jehoram died as Elijah had prophesied in great pain to no one's regret. |
national | 2 Chronicles 24 | Zechariah, the priest | the people of Judah | After the death of Jehoida, king Joash and the people abandoned the temple of the LORD and worshiped idols. Although prophets warned them to repent, they did not listen. The Spirit of the LORD came up on Zehariah, son of Jehoida the priest, and he asked why they were disobeying the LORD'S commands. He also told them they would not prosper, that God had forsaken them, even as they had forsaken God. The people plotted against him and following an order by the king they stoned Zechariah in the courtyard of the temple, who said as he died, "May the LORD see this and call you to account." |
national | 2 Chronicles 25 | Amaziah | man of God, | Amaziah had rallied an army to fight the men of Seir. His army included 100,000 men, hired from Israel. A man of God came to him warning him not to bring the 100,000 men from Israel into battle, because even if his men fought courageously, God would oppose him. Amaziah asked about the money he had paid to hire these men. The man of God told the king God could give him much more than that. So Amaziah dismissed the troops he had hired from Israel and sent them away. They were angry and humiliated and raided towns in Judah on their way back. Amaziah marshaled his strength and won a victory over the men of Seir. |
national | 2 Chronicles 25 | Amaziah | a prophet of God | Amaziah brought the gods of the people of Seir back from the battle and set them up as his own, bowing down to them. The anger of the LORD burned against him. And a prophet came to ask why he would worship gods who were incapable of protecting the men of Seir? The king interrupted the prophet with a threat. But the prophet told him God had determined to destroy him because of his refusal to listen to the counsel of the prophet. |
national | 2 Chronicles 26 | Uzziah | Azariah and eighty priests | Uzziah entered the temple to burn incense on the altar, something only priests should do. Azaraiah, along with eighty other priests, confronted him, saying it was not right for him to do this, and telling him to leave the sactuary. But Uzziah became angry, and leprosy broke out on his forehead. The priests hurried him out of the temple, and he was eager to leave, because the LORD had afflicted him. |
national | 2 Chronicles 29 | Hezekiah | priests and Levites | in the first month of the first year of his reign, Hezekiah opened the doors of the temple and repaired them. He spoke to the priests and Levites, telling them to consecrate themselves. He recounted the sins of their fathers and explained his intention to make a covenant with the LORD so that his fierce anger would turn away from them. |
national | 2 Chronicles 29 | Hezekiah | priests and Levites | the priests and Levites followed Hezekiah's instructions to consecrate the temple by removing everything that was unclean. When they finished, they went to the king and told him they had purified the temple, the altar and all the utensils and the table for consecrated bread, with all its articles. Early the next morning, Hezekiah gathered the city officials together and went up to the temple of the LORD. |
national | 2 Chronicles 29 | Hezekiah | priests and Levites and city officials, | Hezekiah affirmed their work in consecrating the temple and invited them to now bring sacrifices and thank offerings to the temple of the LORD. |
national | 2 Chronicles 31 | Hezekiah | military officers | facing attack by the king of Assyria, Hezekiah spoke to the military leaders, telling them to be strong and courageous, and not to be afraid. He reminded them there is a greater power with them than with the king of Assyria and that the LORD is with them to fight their battles. The people gained confidence from what Hezekiah said. |
national | 2 Chronicles 35 | Neco, king of Egypt by way of messengers | Josiah, | Josiah marched out to do battle with Neco even though Neco was not planning to attack him. Neco sent messengers telling Josiah not to engage him, that he was not planning to attack Judah and that God had sent him. Josiah would not listen, and disguised himself to go into battle, where he was shot by an arrow. |
national | 2 Chronicles 35 | Josiah | his officers | after being wounded in battle Josiah told his officers to take him away. He died in a chariot returning to Jerusalem. |
national | Jonah 1 | captain of the ship | Jonah | the LORD had sent a great violent storm that was threatening to sink the ship and the captain went to Jonah, who was sleeping below the deck, telling him to call on his "god" to see if he will take notice of them and they would not perish. |
national | Jonah 1 | sailors of the ship | Jonah | the sailors had cast lots to determine who was responsible for the calamity and the lot fell to Jonah. They went to him and asked questions to determine the cause of the storm. They asked Jonah what they should do to appease his God and he told them to throw him into the sea and it would become calm. The men first attempted to row back to land, but they could not. So they cried out to God asking him not to hold it against them as they threw him into the sea. |
national | Jonah 3 | Jonah | the people of Nineveh | Jonah, after having been swallowed by a great fish and then vomited on to dry land, went to Nineveh proclaiming that in forty days the city would be overturned. The people of the city, including the king, believed Jonah. |
national | Jonah 3 | king of Nineveh | the people of Nineveh | the king responded to Jonah's message by removing his royal robes and covered himself with sackcloth. He issued a proclamation in Nineveh telling the people to cover themselves with sackcloth and call urgently on God hoping he will show compassion to them. When God saw what they did he had compassion on them. |
national | Psalms | no leadership conversations | ||
national | Proverbs | no leadership conversations | ||
national | Ecclesiastes | no leadership conversations | ||
national | Song of Songs | no leadership conversations | ||
national | Joel | no leadership conversations | ||
national | Amos 7 | Jeroboam | Amaziah, the priest of Bethel | Amos was prophesying that Jeroboam would die by the sword and Israel would go into exile. Amaziah reported this to king Jeroboam in a message. |
national | Amos 7 | Amaziah | Amos | Amaziah told Amos to go back to the land of Judah and do his prophesying there. Amos responded explaining it was at the LORD'S calling that he became a prophet, sent to Israel. He then shared a stinging word from the LORD for Amaziah, explaining the bleak future for him and his family. Hosea no leadership conversations Micah no leadership conversations |
national | Hosea | no leadership conversations | ||
national | Micah | no leadership conversations | ||
national | Isaiah 7 | Isaiah | king Ahaz | King Rezin of Aram, and Pekah, king of Israel, marched up to fight Ahaz in Jerusalem, but they could not overpower it. Isaiah, prompted by the LORD, went out to meet king Ahaz at the aqueduct of the Upper Pool, and gave him a message of encouragement. When Ahaz resisted the prompting of the LORD to ask for a sign, Isaiah spoke again, offering a rebuke and prophesying future judgment from Assyria. |
national | Nahum | no leadership conversations | ||
national | Habakkuk | no leadership conversations | ||
national | Zephaniah | no leadership conversations | ||
national | Jeremiah 19 | Jeremiah | the people in the court of the temple | Jeremiah spoke to them warning of the disaster that was coming because of their disobedience. |
national | Jeremiah 20 | Jeremiah | Pashur, the chief officer in the temple, | Pashur heard what Jeremiah was prophesying and had him beaten and put in stocks. The next day, when Pashur released Jeremiah, the prophet told him God would make him a terror to himself and all his friends and that with his own eyes he would see them fall by the sword of their enemies. He also prophesied that all the treasures would be plundered by the Babylonians and that Pashur would die in exile. |
national | Jeremiah 21 | Jeremiah | Pashur and Zephaniah | King Zedekiah sent Pashur and Zedekiah to Jeremiah to ask him to inquire of the LORD for him hoping God would rescue them from the armies of Babylon. But Jeremiah's message of judgment and destruction did not change. He told them to report to the king that not only the Babylonians would fight against him, but the LORD would also oppose him. And the people who stayed in the city will die by the sword. |
national | Jeremiah 22 | Jeremiah | Jehoiachin | Jeremiah was sent by God to deliver a message of judgment and condemnation against the king for his wickedness. |
national | Jeremiah 25 | Jeremiah | the people of Judah and Jerusalem | Jeremiah prophesied destruction at the hands of Babylon because of the disobedience of the people. He also prophesied that when the seventy years were fulfilled, God would punish the Babylonians. |
national | Jeremiah 26 | Jeremiah | the priests, prophets, and people of Jerusalem and Judah, | the LORD spoke to Jeremiah telling him to speak in the courtyard of the temple and tell them if they do not listen and return to the LORD he will make this place like Shiloh (destroy it). When the priests and prophets heard the message they seized Jeremiah saying he must die for saying the temple would be destroyed and the city made desolate. |
national | Jeremiah 26 | the priests and prophets | the officials and people | the priests and prophets made their case for putting Jeremiah to death before the officials and people. |
national | Jeremiah 26 | Jeremiah | the officials and the people | Jeremiah told them he had spoken these words at the command of the LORD. He told them to reform their ways and the LORD would relent and not bring this disaster upon them. He then placed himself in their hands to do what they think is good and right. He warned them that if they put him to death they would be shedding innocent blood and bring guilt on themselves as well as the city. |
national | Jeremiah 26 | the officials and the people | the priests and prophets | after hearing Jeremiah speak the officials and the people told the priests and prophets that Jeremiah should not be put to death because he had spoken in the name of the LORD. Some of the elders of the land spoke to the assembly and reminded them of Micah, who prophesied in the days of Hezekiah, with words of judgment. But neither Hezekiah or anyone else tried to put him to death. |
national | Jeremiah 27 | Jeremiah | envoys from the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon, | the LORD spoke to Jeremiah telling him to deliver a message to the kings who had come to meet Zedekiah through their envoys. Jeremiah told them to tell their masters that God, with his great power, made the earth and its people and the animals that are on it and he gives it to anyone he pleases. God is about to hand over their countries to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. Those who refused to serve Nebuchadnezzar would be punished with the sword, famine, and plagues. |
national | Jeremiah 27 | Zedekiah | Jeremiah | following his message to the envoys from the visiting countries, Jeremiah gave the same message to king Zedekiah, tell him to bow his neck to the yoke of the king of Babylon. |
national | Jeremiah 27 | Jeremiah | the priests and the people | Jeremiah told them not to listen to the false prophets who were telling them the articles of the temple will soon be returned from Babylon. Jeremiah warned them the king of Babylon would be taking even more from the temple and they would remain in Babylon until the LORD brings them back. |
national | Jeremiah 28 | Hananiah | Jeremiah | the false prophet Hananiah spoke on behalf of the LORD saying within two years all the articles taken from the temple would be returned along with the exiles. |
national | Jeremiah 28 | Jeremiah | Hananiah | Jeremiah responded sarcastically to Hananiah, before the priests and the people in the temple, saying he wanted these words to be true and warning the prophet who prophesies peace will be recognized only if his prediction comes true. |
national | Jeremiah 28 | Hananiah | Jeremiah | the false prophet Hananiah took the wooden yoke Jeremiah was wearing as a symbol of Babylonian power over Judah, and broke it. He said this is what God will do to the yoke Nebuchadnezzar has put on Judah and other nations within two years. Jeremiah responded saying he had broken a wooden yoke but God was going to put in its place a yoke of iron. He also told Hananiah that because he had prophesied lies he would die that same year. In the seventh month of that same year, Hananiah died. |
national | Jeremiah 29 | Jeremiah | elders, priests and people in exile | Jeremiah sent a letter, to be delivered by Elasah and Gemariah, whom Zedekiah sent to Babylon. The letter encouraged the people to settle in the land because the time of their exile would be seventy years. |
national | Jeremiah 29 | Shemaiah | Zephaniah | Shemaiah wrote a letter from Babylon to Zephaniah the priest, along with his priestly colleagues in Jerusalem. He exhorted Zephaniah to put anyone who acts like a prophet in stocks and neck-irons, including Jeremiah. He had read Jeremiah's letter and was responding to it. |
national | Jeremiah 29 | Jeremiah, | Shemaiah and the exiles | Zephaniah read the letter from Shemaiah to Jeremiah. Jeremiah then responded with a letter of his own to Shemaiah, along with the exiles in Babylon. He said the LORD would surely punish Shemaiah for his lies and he would have no one left among his people nor would he see the good things the LORD would do for them. |
national | Jeremiah 32 | Zedekiah | Jeremiah | Jeremiah was put in prison by Zedekiah. The king asked Jeremiah why he was prophesying that the LORD would hand the city of Jerusalem over to the Babylonians and the captivity of Zedekiah. |
national | Jeremiah 32 | Hanamel | Jeremiah | the LORD spoke to Jeremiah telling him his cousin Hanamel would be coming to ask him to buy his field at Anathoth, because as nearest relative it was his right and duty to buy it. Just as the LORD had said, Hanamel came to Jeremiah to ask him to buy the field. |
national | Jeremiah 32 | Jeremiah, | Baruch, | Jeremiah gave Baruch, his assistant, the sealed and unsealed copies of the deed of purchase and instructed him to put them in a clay jar so they would last a long time. They were to be a symbol of the promise that houses and vineyards again will be bought in this land. |
national | Jeremiah 34 | Zedekiah | Jeremiah | Jeremiah gave a message from the LORD to Zedekiah, telling him the city was about to be handed over to Nebuchadnezzar and he would be taken to Babylon. But Zedekiah would die peacefully, and they would make a fire in his honor. This was a promise from God. |
national | Jeremiah 35 | Jeremiah | Recabite family | Jeremiah invited them to meet him in one of the side rooms of the temple and at God's prompting, offered them wine to drink. They explained that they do not drink wine because their forefather Jonadab commanded them not to. God spoke to Jeremiah, saying the Recabites had obeyed the command of their forefather, but Judah had not obeyed the commands of God. Jeremiah then told the Recabites that because of their faithfulness to the word of their forefather, they would never fail to have a man to serve God. |
national | Jeremiah 36 | Jeremiah, | Baruch | Jeremiah dictated the words God had spoken to him to Baruch, who wrote them on a scroll. Then Jeremiah told Baruch to go to the temple and read these words in the hearing of the people. Jeremiah had been restricted from going to the temple by the king. |
national | Jeremiah 36 | Jehudi | Baruch | Jehudi was sent by a group of leaders to get Baruch and bring him to them along with the scroll because they had been told about the words of Jeremiah that were being read to the people. |
national | Jeremiah 36 | leaders in the temple | Baruch | Baruch came to the temple as requested along with the scroll. They told him to sit down and read it to them. So Baruch read it to them. The leaders were distressed, saying they needed to report this to the king. They asked Baruch how he came to write all this and if Jeremiah dictated it. Baruch told them these were the words of Jeremiah. They told him to go get Jeremiah and for the two of them to hide, without letting anyone know where they are. |
national | Jeremiah 37 | Jehucal | Jeremiah | Jehucal was sent by Zedekiah to plead with Jeremiah to pray for the king and the people. |
national | Jeremiah 37 | Irijah, the captain of the guard | Jeremiah | Jeremiah was leaving the city of Jerusalem to go to Benjamin to get his share of the property among the people. Irijah saw him leaving and accused him of defecting to the Babylonians. Jeremiah insisted it was not true, but Irijah would not listen to him, and had him arrested. |
national | Jeremiah 37 | Zedekiah | Jeremiah | Zedekiah sent for Jeremiah, who was been held in a vaulted cell in a dungeon, following his arrest by Irijah. The king asked if there was any word from the LORD. Jeremiah told him he would be handed over to the king of Babylon. Then Jeremiah pleaded with the king, asking him not to send him back to the house of Jonathan the secretary, where he was imprisoned, or he would die. The king gave orders to place Jeremiah in the courtyard of the guard and to be given bread each day until it was gone. |
national | Jeremiah 38 | Zedekiah | his officials | the king's officials heard Jeremiah's message to the people, saying whoever stays in the city will die, but whoever goes over to the Babylonians will live, and went to the king saying he should be put to death for discouraging the people. The king replied that Jeremiah was in their hands; he could do nothing to oppose them. So they took Jeremiah and put him in the cistern of Malkijah, the king's son, which was in the courtyard of the guard. |
national | Jeremiah 38 | Zedekiah | Ebed-Melech | Ebed-Melech, a Cushite, was an official in the royal palace. He went to Zedekiah saying the other officials had acted wickedly by putting Jeremiah in the cistern, where he would starve to death when there was no longer bread in the city. The king told Ebed-Melech to take thirty men and lift Jeremiah out of the cistern before he died. Ebed-Melech did as the king commanded and rescued Jeremiah. He remained in the courtyard of the guard. |
national | Jeremiah 38 | Zedekiah, | Jeremiah | the king sent for Jeremiah and had him brought to the third entrance to the temple, where he said he wanted to ask Jeremiah something and implored him not to hide anything with his answer. Jeremiah said if he told the king the truth he would be put to death, and the king would not take his advice. The king responded swearing an oath that he would not put Jeremiah to death, nor would he turn him over to the officials who wanted to kill him. So Jeremiah told the king if he surrendered, he would be spared, the city would not be burned down, and his family would live. But if he did not surrender, the city would be burned and he would be killed. The king explained he was afraid of the Jews who had surrendered to the Babylonians, for fear he would be handed over to them and they would mistreat him. Jeremiah told the king they would not hand him over, and encouraged the king to obey. Zedekiah told Jeremiah not to let anyone know about this conversation. |
national | Jeremiah 39 | Nebuchadnezzar | Nebuzaradan | the king of Babylon instructed his commander, Nebuzaradan, to look after Jeremiah, not to harm him, and to do whatever he asks. The commander, chief officer and other high officials of Babylon had Jeremiah taken out of the courtyard of the guard and returned him to his home. |
national | Jeremiah 39 | Jeremiah | Ebed-Melech | the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah while he was in the courtyard of the guard, instructing him to tell Ebed-Melech that God was about to fulfill his promise of judgment on the city but that he would be spared because of his trust in God. |
national | Jeremiah 40 | Nebuzaradan | Jeremiah | the commander of the imperial guard, Nebuzaradan, found Jeremiah bound in chains among the captives and released him. He told Jeremiah God had done just what he promised through Jeremiah's prophesy. He invited Jeremiah to come with him to Babylon, or to remain among his people; he could go wherever he pleased. As Jeremiah was turning to go, the commander told him to go to the towns of Judah and live wherever he pleased. Then they gave Jeremiah a present and let him go. |
national | Jeremiah 40 | Gedaliah | leaders of the people remaining in Judah | when the people learned Gedaliah had been put in charge by the Babylonians, they came to him at Mizpah. Gedaliah took an oath to reassure them, telling them not to be afraid to serve the Babylonians, but to settle down in the land. He promised to represent them before the Babylonians while they farmed the land. Jews from surrounding lands, Edom, Moab, and Ammon returned to Judah and harvested an abundant crop. |
national | Jeremiah 40 | Gedaliah | Johanan | Johanan came to Gedaliah to tell him Ishmael had been sent by Baalis, king of the Ammonites, to kill him. But Gedaliah didn't believe Johanan. Privately, Johanan asked Gedaliah for permission to kill Ishmael, but Gedaliah said not, refusing to believe the plot against him. Later, Ishmael, along with a group of ten men, did as Johanan had suspected, killing Gedaliah, as well as all the Jews and Babylonian soldiers with him. |
national | Jeremiah 41 | Ishmael | 80 men from Shechem, Shiloh and Samaria | the 80 men came bringing grain offerings and incense to the house of the LORD. Ishmael came out weeping to meet them, and invited them to come to see Gedaliah. But when they went into the city, Ishmael and his men killed them, throwing their bodies into a cistern. Ten of the men pleaded for their lives, saying they had wheat, barley, oil and honey, hidden in a field. So Ishmael spared them. |
national | Jeremiah 42 | Jeremiah | Johanan, along with the army officers and the people, | Johanan and the other army officers had rescued the people from Ishmael but were afraid to remain in the land. They were heading for Egypt and approached Jeremiah asking him to pray to the LORD for them and tell them where they should and what they should do. Jeremiah agreed, saying he would keep nothing back from them |
national | Jeremiah 42 | Jeremiah | Johanan, along with the army officers and the people | ten days after being asked to pray for the people, Jeremiah called them back together and said they should stay in the land and God build them up. If they determined to go to Egypt, then the sword and fear would overtake them. When Jeremiah had finished speaking, Azariah and Johanan and all the arrogant men among them said he was lying, that God had not sent him to say this. So they entered Egypt in disobedience to the LORD. |
national | Jeremiah 44 | Jeremiah | Jews living in Egypt | Jeremiah gave a message from the LORD to the people living in Egypt, he rebuked them for offering incense to the Queen of Heaven, and said they would destroy themselves because of their disobedience. The people responded saying they would not listen to Jeremiah and would carry out their promise to worship the Queen of Heaven. Jeremiah replied, saying that none from Judah living anywhere in Egypt would ever again invoke the name of the LORD. The sign he gave the people was that Pharaoh Hophra, king of Egypt, would be given over to his enemies, just like Zedekiah had been handed over to the Babylonians. |
national | Jeremiah 44 | Jeremiah | Baruch | Jeremiah spoke to his assistant Baruch, after he had finished writing Jeremiah's words on a scroll. He told Baruch that God heard his complaint, that he had added sorrow to pain and that Baruch was worn out with groaning, without rest. But God said he would overthrow what he has built and uproot what he has planted, and that Baruch should not seek great things for himself. Disaster was coming, but Baruch would escape with his life. |
national | Lamentations | no leadership conversations | ||
national | Obadiah | no leadership conversations | ||
transitional | Ezekiel – 14 | Ezekiel | elders of Israel | the elders of Israel came to Ezekiel and sat down in front of him. The word of the LORD came to Ezekiel, and he warned them about their idolatry and exhorted them to repent. |
transitional | Ezekiel – 20 | Ezekiel | elders of Israel | some of the elders came to inquire of the LORD, and they sat down in front of Ezekiel. Then the word of the LORD came to Ezekiel, and he spoke to the elders saying God would not let them inquire of him. He confronted the elders with their detestable practices and reminded them of their history, when God revealed himself to them in Egypt, how they had rebelled against God, and chased after idols. He spoke about the day when God would gather his people from among the nations and show himself holy among them. |
transitional | Ezekiel – 24 | Ezekiel | the people of Israel in exile | the LORD spoke to Ezekiel telling him his wife would die but he was not to mourn publically. The people realized Ezekiel was bringing a message to them by his actions and asked him what they meant. He told them the LORD was about to desecrate the sanctuary and the sons and daughters left behind in Jerusalem would die. But they would respond just like Ezekiel when he lost his wife. They would not mourn or weep, but would waste away because of their sins. |
transitional | Daniel – 1 | Ashpenaz, chief official for Nebuchadnezzar | Daniel | Daniel had asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself with the with the royal food and wine. Ashpenaz responded, telling Daniel he was afraid of how the king would respond if he looked weaker than the other young men. He believed the king would kill him. |
transitional | Daniel 1 | the guard, appointed by Ashpenaz over Daniel and his three Hebrew friends | Daniel | Daniel asked the guard to do a ten day test, allowing them to eat only vegetables and water, the to compare their health and appearance with the other young men, then make a decision about their diet. He agreed to the test, and at the end of ten days, they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. So the guard allowed them to continue with their preferred diet. |
transitional | Daniel 2 | Nebuchadnezzar | magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers | the king had a dream the troubled him to the point he couldn't sleep. He assembled his counselors and told to interpret his dream. They asked the king to tell them his dream and they would interpret it. But the king said he had firmly decided not to tell them his dream, but rather for them to tell him what he dreamt and what it meant. If they did so they would be rewarded with gifts and great honor. The wise men pushed back against the king, saying it was unreasonable and unprecedented. This made the king so angry and furious he decided to put all the wise men to death |
transitional | Daniel 2 | Arioch, commander of the king's guard | Daniel | the word reached Daniel that the king was going to put all the wise men to death, which included Daniel and his Hebrew friends. He approached Arioch and inquired why the king had issued this decree. With this new information, Daniel went in to see the king, to ask for time so that he could interpret the dream. He then spoke with his three Hebrew friends, urging them to plead with God for mercy. During the night, God revealed the dream to Daniel, and what it meant. |
transitional | Daniel 2 | Arioch | Daniel | after God revealed the dream to him, Daniel went to Arioch telling him not to execute the wise men, but to take him to the king and he would interpret the dream. Arioch took Daniel to the king at once. |
transitional | Daniel 2 | Nebuchadnezzar | Arioch and Daniel | taking Daniel with him, Arioch told the king he had found the man among the exiles from Judah who could interpret his dream. The king asked Daniel if he was able to interpret the dream. Daniel answered the king, saying he could not, but that there was a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and this God has shown the king what will happen in the future. Daniel then told the king what he had dreamed, about the large, amazing statue, with a head of gold, chest of silver, thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and feet partly of iron mixed with clay. He then explained the meaning of the dream, as a series of kingdoms, starting with Babylon as the head of gold. When Daniel finished, the king fell prostrate before Daniel, saying surely Daniel's God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings. Then the king placed Daniel in a high position, giving him lavish gifts. He also, at Daniels request, appointed his three Hebrew friends to prominent positions as administrators in the province of Babylon, while Daniel remained in the royal court. |
transitional | Daniel 3 | Nebuchadnezzar, via a herald | the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates and all the other provincial officials | the king, by way of his herald, proclaimed that the entire kingdom of Babylon, when the heard the music play, must fall down and worship the ninety-foot-high image of gold the king had made. Anyone who did not worship the image would be put to death in a blazing furnace. |
transitional | Daniel 3 | Nebuchadnezzar | a group of Chaldean astrologers | Daniel's three friends, known in Babylon as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, had refused to worship the idol. The astrologers had observed this and came to tell the king about their refusal to worship the image of gold. Furious, Nebuchadnezzar summoned these three men to question them. |
transitional | Daniel 3 | Nebuchadnezzar | Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego | the king asked them if it was true that they would not worship the image, and offering to give them a chance to prove their submission or be thrown into the blazing furnace. The three Hebrew men told the king they didn't need to defend themselves, that if they were thrown into the furnace their God was able to save them, but even if he didn't, they still would not serve the king's gods or worship the image of gold. The king was furious, and ordered his men to make the furnace even hotter, then had them thrown into the blazing fire |
transitional | Daniel 3 | Nebuchadnezzar | his advisers | the king saw four men walking around, unharmed, in the blazing furnace. So he leaped to his feet and asked his advisers to confirm only three men were put in the fire. They confirmed it. The king pointed out the fact there were now four, with the fourth appearing like a son of the gods. |
transitional | Daniel 3 | Nebuchadnezzar | Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego | the king shouted to the three men to come out of the blazing furnace. They came out of the fire, and the king, as well as the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers crowded around them, noticing they were not only unharmed, but didn't even smell like smoke. |
transitional | Daniel 3 | Nebuchadnezzar | the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers | the king praised the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, for rescuing his servants. He decreed that the people of any nation or language who say anything against their God be cut into pieces and their houses turned into rubble. Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. |
transitional | Daniel 4 | Nebuchadnezzar | Daniel | the king had another dream and told it to his counselors but they could not interpret it, so he also told Daniel. The dream was of a large tree, so tall that it touched the sky and was visible to all the earth. It had beautiful leaves and abundant fruit. The animals rested in its shade. But a messenger came down from heaven saying to cut the tree down and trim its branches, leaving only the stump. Daniel told the king the dream was about him, and like the tree he would be cut down. He would become like a wild animal for seven years, until he acknowledged that the Most High God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and he gives them to whoever he pleases. One year later, all this happened to Nebuchadnezzar. |
transitional | Daniel 5 | Belshazzar | the wise men of Babylon | while the king was having a banquet with a thousand of his nobles, a hand appeared and wrote on the wall, but the king did not understand the meaning of the words. He called for the wise men of Babylon to explain the meaning of the words to him but they could not. |
transitional | Daniel 5 | Belshazzar | the Queen | while the king was still distressed about the hidden meaning of the writing on the wall, the Queen heard the voices of the king and the nobles and came to tell him about Daniel, who had served his ancestors, and could interpret dreams, explain riddles and solve difficult problems. She advised the king to call for Daniel to interpret the meaning of the words. So Daniel was brought before the king. |
transitional | Daniel 5 | Belshazzar | Daniel | the king told Daniel his wise men could not interpret the meaning of these words, but if Daniel could he would be given gifts and made the third highest ruler in the land. Daniel told the king to keep the gifts or give them to someone else, but he would read the writing and give the meaning. Daniel reminded Belshazzar about Nebuchadnezzar's power and his downfall (the dream of the great tree) until he acknowledged the kingdoms of men belong to God, who gives them to whoever he pleases. Even though Belshazzar knew this, he did not humble himself, he brought the golden goblets from the temple to his banquet, and failed to honor the God who holds in his hand the king's life and ways. Then Daniel told him the meaning of the words, that his kingdom had been weighed and found wanting, and would be divided and given to the Medes and the Persians. Daniel was rewarded for interpreting the meaning. And that very night, Belshazzar was killed, and Darius the Mede took over the kingdom. |
transitional | Daniel 6 | Darius | the administrators and satraps | after failing to find anything in Daniels life they could use against him, the administrators and satraps (Daniel's colleagues) went to the king and exhorted him to issue a legally binding decree that anyone who prays to a god or man other than the king should be thrown in the lion's den. So King Darius put the decree in writing. |
transitional | Daniel 6 | Darius | the administrators and satraps | after the decree had been put into effect, the administrators and satraps went to the king to tell him Daniel was still praying three times every day to his God. When the king heard about this he was distressed, and was determined to find a way to rescue Daniel. |
transitional | Daniel 6 | Darius | the administrators and satraps | the administrators and satraps reminded the king that according the laws of the Medes and Persians, the decree of the king could not be changed. So the king relented and ordered Daniel to be thrown into the lion's den. |
transitional | Daniel 6 | Darius | Daniel | as he was being thrown into the lion's den, the king encouraged Daniel, offering a prayer himself, that the God Daniel served continuously would rescue him. The king went to bed without eating or drinking and could not sleep because of his concern for Daniel. |
transitional | Daniel 6 | Darius | Daniel | at dawn the king hurried to the lion's den and spoke to Daniel, asking if the God he served had delivered him. Daniel replied, saying God had sent an angel to protect him, because he had not done anything wrong. The king was overjoyed and gave orders to remove Daniel from the lion's den. |
transitional | Ezra 1 | Cyrus | the Jews in exile | after Cyrus conquered Babylon, in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah, the LORD moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make proclamation giving permission and encouragement for any of the Jews in exile to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. King Cyrus gave the Jews who wanted to return the articles belonging to the temple that Nebuchadnezzar had taken and brought to Babylon. Zerubbabel emerged as the leader of the exiles who returned to Jerusalem. |
transitional | Ezra 4 | enemies of Judah living around Jerusalem | Zerubbabel, and the heads of the families, | these Samaritans expressed a desire to help Zerubbabel rebuild the temple, saying they had been worshiping the God of the Jews and sacrificing to him since they had been brought to the land by the king of Assyria. Zerubbabel, Joshua, and the heads of the families understood their ulterior motives and said they would not allow them to help. The enemies set out to discourage the people, to make the afraid, and frustrate their plans |
transitional | Ezra 4 | Artaxerxes, king of Persia | Rehum the commanding officer and Shimshai, the secretary, | after their plot to undermine Zerubbabel did not work, Rehum and Shimshai wrote a letter to Artaxeres telling him about the work of the Jews to rebuild Jerusalem, and warning him this was a rebellious city that if rebuilt would cause him problems. Artaxerxes replied saying he had read and reviewed the contents of their letter and issued an order to stop the work. As soon as the letter was read to Rehum and Shimshai and their associates they went immediately to the Jews and compelled them by force to stop. |
transitional | Ezra 5 | Darius | Tattenai, governor of the Trans-Euprhates, and Shethar-Bozenai, and their associates, | a letter was sent to king Darius explaining the work to rebuild the temple and the defense Zerubbabel gave when asked who approved the project, explaining Cyrus had issued a decree that authorized their return and the rebuilding of the temple. The letter concluded with a request for the king to search the royal archives to see if Cyrus had issued such a decree. |
transitional | Ezra 5 | Darius | Tattenai, governor of the Trans-Euprhates, and Shethar-Bozenai, and their associates, | a letter was sent to Tattenai and Shethar-Bozenai telling them the decree from Cyrus had been found and they were not to interfere with the work on the temple. Moreover, Darius instructed them to pay the expenses of the workers out of the royal treasury, and warned anyone who tried to change this decree with a death penalty. |
transitional | Haggai 1 | Haggai | Zerubbabel, Joshua and the remnant of the people, | Zerubbabel had led the people to settle in Jerusalem and the prophet Haggai exhorted them to reengage with their work on the temple after they had been stopped by the opposition from Rehum and Shimshai. Haggai rebuked the people for giving priority to their own houses and ignoring the work on the house of God. He explained why their lives were empty and unfulfilled, challenging them to go up into the mountains and bring down timber and build the house of God so that he may take pleasure in it. Zerubbabel, Joshua and the remnant of the people obeyed the voice of the LORD their God as spoken by the prophet Haggai. |
transitional | Haggai 1 | Haggai | Zerubbabel, Joshua and the remnant of the people | :as the people went to work, Haggai encouraged them with a message from God, reminding them God was with them. This message stirred up the spirit of the leaders and the people. |
transitional | Haggai 2 | Haggai | Zerubbabel, Joshua and the remnant of the people | Haggai spoke to the people, asking them who could remember the temple built by Solomon, before it was destroyed. He asked them how their memory of the temple's former glory compared to what they were building. Then he encouraged them, with special focus on the leaders, to be strong and work, for God was with them. He continued with prophetic words about God's purposes in the future, and how the glory of the temple they were building would be greater than that of the former temple. |
transitional | Haggai 2 | Haggai | the priests | Haggai spoke to the priests to give them a lesson and a word of encouragement about the future. He told them to take stock of their situation, which was dire, and remember that from this day on God would bless them. |
transitional | Haggai 2 | Haggai | Zerubbabel | God prompted Haggai to speak a private word of encouragement to Zerubbabel, telling him what God was going to do to foreign kingdoms, and affirming God was about to make him like a signet ring, because he had been chosen. |
transitional | Zechariah 7 | Zechariah | Sharezer and Regem-Melech | the people of Bethel had sent their leaders to ask the priests if they should mourn and fast according to their customs and calendar. Zechariah responded based on God's prompting, saying when they fasted in the past it was not really for God and when they feasted in the past it was only for themselves. Zechariah exhorted them to administer true justice, to show mercy and compassion to one another, and not to oppress the vulnerable among them (widows, orphans, aliens or the poor). But the people would not listen to him. |
transitional | Ezra 7 | Artaxerxes | Ezra | Ezra asked king Artaxerxes for permission and assistance to return to Jerusalem and because the favor of God was on Ezra the king agreed. He drafted a letter documenting his support for Ezra and the people, which included resources and authority to carry out his mission. Ezra took courage from this letter and gathered leading men to accompany him. |
transitional | Ezra 8 | Ezra | twelve of the leading priests, together with Sherebiah, Hashabiah and ten of their brothers | Ezra weighed out the offering of silver and gold and the articles donated for the temple. He then told this group they were consecrated to the LORD, along with the treasures, and they should guard the resources apportioned to them carefully until they were again weighed out after they arrived in Jerusalem. |
transitional | Ezra 9 | Ezra | leaders in Jerusalem | after Ezra and the remnant traveling with him arrived in Jerusalem, the leaders came to him and confessed that the people, including priests and Levites, had not kept themselves separate from the neighboring peoples and had intermarried, violating God's law. The leaders of the people had led the way in this unfaithfulness. Ezra was grieved, and tore his cloak, pulled hair from his head and beard, and sat down appalled |
transitional | Ezra 10 | Ezra | Schecaniah and the people | while Ezra was still praying, confessing and weeping before God, the people gathered around him and also wept bitterly. Then Shecaniah told Ezra they had been unfaithful by intermarrying, but there was still hope. He encouraged Ezra to courageously lead the people in sending away their foreign wives and affirmed the people would follow him. So Ezra gathered the leading priests and Levites, giving them instructions about what to do. |
transitional | Ezra 10 | Ezra | the assembly of people | :the men of Judah and Benjamin were called together for a sacred assembly in the square before the temple. Then Ezra stood and told them they had been unfaithful by marrying foreign women, and exhorted the people to confess their sin and separate themselves from their foreign wives. The people responded with a loud voice affirming Ezra was right and committing to do what he said. They also explained this process would take some time and asked permission to allow their officials to act for the assembly and oversee the follow through. Only a few leaders opposed this plan. So the exiles did as was proposed. |
transitional | Esther 1 | King Xeres | Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan, the seven nobles of Persia and Media who had special access to the king and were highest in the kingdom, | after Queen Vashti had refused to come at Xeres request he asked his counselors for advice on what to do. Memucan told the king her disrespect would have a ripple effect among all the women of the kingdom and therefore she must be punished. He suggested she be banished from the king's presence permanently and that her position be given to another. This advice pleased the king and his nobles, so the king did as suggested. |
transitional | Esther 3 | royal officials | Mordecai | afterHaman had been elevated by the king and given a seat of honor, all the royal officials at the king's gate knelt down when he passed by. Mordecai did not kneel before Haman and the royal officials asked him why. They pressed him on this issue for days and eventually told Haman to see if Mordecai's behavior would be tolerated. |
transitional | Esther 3 | Xeres | Haman | because of his anger about Mordecai's unwillingness to bow to him, and because Haman knew Mordecai was a Jew, he spoke to the king about a certain people (Jews) scattered throughout the kingdom with different customs, saying they did not obey the king's laws, and that it would not be in the king's interest to tolerate them. Haman offered to pay for the initiative to destroy them. The king told Haman to keep his money but authorized the plan to destroy them. Haman gathered the royal secretaries to issue the decree to destroy the Jews on a specific day. |
transitional | Esther 4 | Mordecai, by way of Hathach | Esther, by way of Hathach, | after Haman's plot was in place and Mordecai learned of it, he tore his clothes and went about the city in mourning. Esther learned of this and sent Hathach, one of the king's eunuch's, to ask what was troubling Mordecai. He explained the plot and gave a copy of the text Haman had circulated in the provinces, and encouraged her to seek an audience with the king. Esther sent a message back explaining that anyone approaching the king uninvited could be put to death, and she had not been summoned in thirty days. Mordecai exhorted Esther, saying God would rescue them even if she failed to act. And who knows, perhaps she was in this high position for a moment like this. Esther replied asking Mordecai to gather the Jews in Susa to fast and pray for her for three days, after which she would approach the king, even if it meant she might be put to death. So Mordecai went away and carried our Esther's instructions. |
transitional | Esther 5 | Xerxes | Esther | Esther approached the king, and he held out his golden scepter to approve of her meeting without being invited. He asked what she wanted and Esther said she wanted to hold a banquet for the king and Haman. The kind sent for Haman immediately to attend the banquet. |
transitional | Esther 5 | Xerxes and Haman | Esther | as they were eating and drinking wine, the king again asked Esther about her request. She said if the king looked favorably upon her, he and Haman would come to another banquet the following day, at which she would explain her request. |
transitional | Esther 5 | Haman | Haman's friends and his wife, Zeresh | Haman boasted to his friends about his influence, wealth and leadership status as the only guest invited to Esther's banquet besides the king. He then expressed his disdain for Mordecai. His wife and friends advised him to use his influence and access to the king to put Mordecai to death. Haman was delighted with this advice and had a 75-foot-high gallows built. |
transitional | Esther 6 | Xerxes | his attendants | the king couldn't sleep so he asked for the book of chronicles to be read to him. It came to his attention that Mordecai had reported a plot to kill the king. When he asked what honor or recognition had been given Mordecai and the attendants said nothing. About the same time the king heard someone in the court and asked his attendants who was there. He was told Haman was in the court. The king told his attendants to bring Haman in. |
transitional | Esther 6 | Xerxes | Haman | the king asked Haman what he should do for the man the king delights to honor. Haman believed the king must be talking about him. So he said the person should be given a robe the king has worn and a horse the king has ridden with a royal crest to be placed on his head. Then he should be led through the streets with a person proclaiming this is how the king honors those in whom he delights. The king responded telling Haman to do just this for Mordecai. |
transitional | Esther 6 | Haman | Haman's advisors and his wife, Zeresh | Haman came home in disgrace from leading Mordecai through the streets. His advisors told him that because Mordecai was of Jewish origin Haman would not be able to stand against him. While they were still talking the king's eunuchs arrived to bring Haman to the banquet with Queen Esther. |
transitional | Esther 7 | Xerxes | Esther | the king, along with Haman, attended the banquet Esther had prepared for them. The king asked Esther what was her request, and assured her he would grant it, even if were a big request ("up to half the kingdom"). Queen Esther said her request was to spare her life, and the lives of her people, for they had been sold for slaughter and annihilation. The king asked who had done such a thing, and Esther told him the adversary was Haman. The king got up in a rage and walked out into the garden. Haman, realizing his fate had been decided, stayed behind to beg Esther for his life. When the king returned he saw Haman falling on the couch where Esther reclined. |
transitional | Esther 7 | Xerxes | Harbona, a eunuch attending the king | Harbona told the king about the gallows Haman had built to hang Mordecai, who had spoken up to help the king. Xeres ordered them to hang Haman on it. After Haman was hanged, the king's fury subsided. |
transitional | Esther 8 | Xerxes | Esther and Mordecai | Esther pleaded with the king to overturn the ruling Haman had devised to slaughter the Jews. Xerxes told them the king's edict could not be overturned, but he told Mordecai to write another decree on behalf of the Jews and seal it with the king's signet ring, which he had given to Mordecai. At once the royal secretaries were summoned, and they wrote Mordecai's orders to be distributed among the 127 provinces in each language. The orders gave the Jews the right to assemble and protect themselves on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month. |
transitional | Esther 9 | Xerxes | Esther | the king spoke to Esther after the day of Purim (where they could protect themselves) asking for a report of what happened throughout the kingdom. He also asked Esther if she had any other petition. She asked for the king's permission for the Jews to protect themselves for one more day, and for Haman's ten sons to be hanged. The king commanded this be done. |
transitional | Nehemiah 2 | Artaxerxes | Nehemiah | the king spoke to Nehemiah, who appeared sad in his presence while serving the king wine, asking why his face looked so sad. Nehemiah explained his sadness was because Jerusalem was in ruins. The king asked what he wanted, and Nehemiah asked for permission to return to Jerusalem to rebuild it. The king asked how long it would take, and Nehemiah gave him a time for his return, then asked for letters to the governors of the Trans-Euphrates so they would give him safe passage. He also asked for a letter to the keeper of the king's forest to provide timber. Because God's favor was on Nehemiah, the king granted his requests. |
transitional | Nehemiah 2 | Nehemiah | the priests, nobles, and officials in Jerusalem | after inspecting the city at night, Nehemiah spoke to the leaders in Jerusalem about the disrepair of the city, and exhorted them to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. He also told them about the favor of God and the support of the king. And the leaders affirmed their desire to start rebuilding. |
transitional | Nehemiah 2 | Nehemiah | Sanballat and Tobiah | Sanballat and Tobiah opposed the rebuilding of the city, ridiculed Nehemiah and accused him of rebelling against the king. Nehemiah rebuffed them, saying God would give them success and they would have no share, claim or historic right to Jerusalem. |
transitional | Nehemiah 4 | Sanballat and Tobiah | their associates and leaders of the army of Samaria | They ridiculed Nehemiah and the Jews, scoffing at their ability to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah responded by praying to God for help. |
transitional | Nehemiah 4 | Nehemiah | the people in Judah | they reported to Nehemiah that the strength of the workers was giving out because their enemies were saying they would kill them to put an end to their work. Nehemiah stationed some of the people behind the workers at the lowest points of the wall with swords, spears and bows. He encouraged the people to remember their great and awesome God, and to fight for each other. |
transitional | Nehemiah 4 | Nehemiah | the people in Judah | the people were spread out from each other in their work on the wall, so Nehemiah told them whenever they hear the sound of the trumpet to assemble there to fight together with God's help.mi |
transitional | Nehemiah 4 | Nehemiah | the people in Judah | :Nehemiah instructed the people to have every man and his helper stay inside the wall at night to serve as guards and return to their work by day. |
transitional | Nehemiah 5 | Nehemiah | the people in Judah | the people complained to Nehemiah about their financial difficulty they were experiencing and the bondage they were in because of debt to their fellow countrymen who had exacted usury from them. Nehemiah pondered in his mind this information. |
transitional | Nehemiah 5 | Nehemiah | the nobles and officials | Nehemiah rebuked the nobles and officials, saying what they were doing was not right. He told them to stop exacting usury, to give back immediately the fields, vineyards, olive groves and houses, along with the grain, new wine and oil. The people agreed to give it back and affirmed they would not demand anything more. |
transitional | Nehemiah 5 | Nehemiah | the priests, nobles and officials | Nehemiah summoned the leaders to take an oath to do what they had promised. He shook out the folds of his robe and said that God would shake out the house and possessions of everyone who did not keep this promise. The leaders responded by saying Amen. And the people did as they had promised. |
transitional | Nehemiah 6 | Nehemiah | Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem the Arab via message | after hearing the wall had been completed (but without the doors in the gates), the enemies of Nehemiah sent him a message asking for a meeting in a village on the plain of Ono. Nehemiah knew they were plotting against him, and replied by messenger that he was doing a great work and could not stop to meet with them. Four times they requested to meet with him and each time Nehemiah responded the same way. |
transitional | Nehemiah 6 | Nehemiah | Sanballat, via a message delivered by his aid, | Sanballat made a specific allegation, saying Nehemiah was rebuilding the wall with plans to proclaim himself king and plotting a revolt. Nehemiah sent a message back saying nothing like what Sanballat said is true, he was just making it up. |
transitional | Nehemiah 6 | Nehemiah | Shemaiah | Nehemiah went to meet Shemaiah in his home, as he was a shut in. Shemaiah told Nehemiah they should meet inside the templebecause people were trying to assassinate him. But Nehemiah realized Shemaiah was working with Sanballat, trying to intimidate him and trick him into doing something that would discredit him in the eyes of the people. |
transitional | Nehemiah 8 | Nehemiah, Ezra, the Levites | the people in Judah | the people had gathered for a sacred assembly and Ezra had read to them from the Book of the Law. They proclaimed this day as sacred, encouraging the people not to mourn or weep. Nehemiah to them to go enjoy choice food, to share with those who had nothing prepared, and to remember the joy of the LORD is their strength. The Levites encouraged the people to be still and not grieve as this was a sacred day. The people went on their way and celebrated with great joy. |
transitional | Nehemiah 9-10 | numerous Levite leaders | the people in Judah | the people had assembled again in fasting, wearing sackclothe and with dust on their heads. The Levites told them to stand and praise the LORD their God, leading them in a prayer of commitment. The people agreed, putting the agreement in writing and authorizing their leaders to affix their seals to it. |
transitional | Nehemiah 13 | Nehemiah | the officials | Nehemiah had returned to Babylon and then made another visit to Jerusalem where he learned that the portions assigned to the Levites had not been given to them and they had gone back to their own fields instead of remaining at the temple. He rebuked the officials for neglecting the house of the LORD. He called the Levites together and stationed them at their posts. |
transitional | Nehemiah 13 | Nehemiah | the nobles of Judah | men from Tyre who lived in Jerusalem were bringing their fish and merchandise and selling them in Jerusalem on the Sabbath. Nehemiah rebuked the nobles of Judah for desecrating the Sabbath, reminding them their forefathers did the same thing and brought about the judgment of God on the city. Nehemiah ordered that the gates of Jerusalem be shut before the Sabbath and not opened until the Sabbath was over. He also stationed men to guard the gates to prevent anything from being brought in on the Sabbath. |
transitional | Nehemiah 13 | Nehemiah | merchants and sellers of goods | several times merchants and sellers of goods spent the night by the wall, hoping to find a way to bring their goods into the city on the Sabbath. But Nehemiah warned them not to do it again or he would lay hands on them. Then Nehemiah commanded the Levites to purify themselves and guard the gates in order to keep the Sabbath holy |
transitional | Nehemiah 13 | Nehemiah | the people in Judah who married women from Ashdod, Ammon and Moab | they had children who could not speak Hebrew because of their intermarriage with foreigners. Nehemiah rebuked them strongly, calling curses down on them and beating them. He told them not to give their daughters in marriage to foreigners or to allow their sons to marry foreign wives. He reminded them of Solomon's downfall through foreign wives. |
transitional | Malachi 1 | no leadership conversations | ||
spiritual | Matthew 2 | King Herod | Magi from the east | the Magi had followed a star to Jerusalem believing it signaled the birth of a king for the Jews. The went to Herod and asked for his help finding this king. When Herod heard this he was disturbed. |
spiritual | Matthew 2 | King Herod | chief priests and teachers of the law | Herod called the chief priests and teachers of the law together and asked them where the Christ was to be born. They told him based on the words of the prophet, the Christ would be born in Bethlehem. |
spiritual | Matthew 2 | King Herod | Magi from the east | after his meeting with the priests and teachers of the law, Herod called the Magi to meet with him and told them to go make a careful search for the child then report back to him so he could worship the new king also. |
spiritual | Matthew 3/Mark 1/Luke 3 | John the Baptist | Pharisees, Sadducees, soldiers and tax collectors | John the Baptist confronted the religious leaders of the day, warning them regarding their lack of real fruit. Others in the crowd, such as soldiers and tax collectors, asked John for guidance and he gave it to them. He also spoke about the Messiah, who would come after him, bringing the baptism of the Holy Spirit. |
spiritual | Matthew 3 | Jesus | John the Baptist | while John the Baptist was preaching in the region of the Jordan, Jesus came to be baptized by him. John resisted, saying he was the one who needed to be baptized by Jesus. But Jesus told John this was needed, and proper to fulfill all righteousness. So John baptized Jesus in the Jordan, and the voice of the Father was heard affirming Jesus, even as the Holy Spirit descended like a dove and lighting on him. |
spiritual | John 1 | John the Baptist | priests and Levites, sent by the Jews in Jerusalem | the priests and Levites asked John who he was. He understood the implications of their question and told them he was not the Christ. They asked if he was Elijah, and he said no. They asked if he was the Prophet and he again said no. Finally, they asked what he had to say about himself, wanting an answer for the leaders in Jerusalem who sent them. John replied by quoting Isaiah, saying he was a voice calling in the desert. The Pharisees asked him why he was baptizing if he was not the Christ or Elijah or the Prophet. He told them there was one coming after him whose sandals he was not worthy to untie. This all happened at Bethany on the other side of the Jordan where he was baptizing. |
spiritual | John 1 | John the Baptist, Jesus | two of his disciples | John saw Jesus passing by and spoke with two of his disciples, telling them Jesus was the Lamb of God. They approached Jesus and he asked them what they wanted. They asked Jesus where he was staying. He told them to come, and they would see. So they went and saw where Jesus was staying, and spent the day with him. |
spiritual | John 1 | Andrew | Simon | after spending the day with Jesus, Andrew sought out his brother and told him they had found the Messiah. And he brought Peter to Jesus. |
spiritual | John 1 | Jesus | Simon | when Peter came with Andrew to see Jesus, Jesus told him that his name was Simon son of John, but he would be called Cephas, which means Peter, Greek for rock. |
spiritual | John 1 | Jesus | Philip | Jesus, having decided to leave for Galilee, told Philip to follow him. |
spiritual | John 1 | Philip | Nathanael | Philip found Nathanael and told him they had found the leader Moses and the prophets had written about, and Jesus was that leader. When discovering Jesus was from Nazareth, Nathanael was skeptical, but Philip convinced him to come and see for himself. |
spiritual | John 1 | Jesus | Nathanael | when Jesus saw Nathanael approaching he told him he was a true Israelite and there was nothing false in him. Nathanael asked how Jesus knew him, and Jesus responded saying he saw Nathanael under the fig tree before Philip called him. Then Nathanael was convinced Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus said he believed only because he saw Nathanael under the fig tree, but he would see greater things than that, including heaven opening with angels ascending and descending on the Son of God. |
spiritual | John 2 | Mary | Jesus | Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana of Galilee. When they ran out of wine, Mary went to Jesus and told him. Jesus understood she was asking him to intervene, and said it was not the right time. |
spiritual | John 2 | Mary | the servants | Mary told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. |
spiritual | John 2 | Jesus | the servants | Jesus told the servants to fill six stone jars with water. After they filled the jars to the brim, Jesus told them to draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet. |
spiritual | John 2 | bridegroom | master of the banquet | the master of the banquet, after tasting the wine, called the bridegroom aside and commented on the fact the best wine is normally served first, followed by the cheaper wine after guests have had too much to drink. But he has saved the best wine for last. This was the first miracle performed by Jesus. This revealed his glory to the disciples, who in turn put their faith in him. |
spiritual | John 2 | Jesus | the men selling doves in the temple | Jesus told them to leave the temple and not turn his Father's house into a market. The Jews asked him how he could prove he had the authority to do all this, asking for a miraculous sign. Jesus replied that he would raise up a destroyed temple in three days. The Jews were baffled, saying it had taken forty-six years to build this temple, and asking how he could rebuild it in three days. |
spiritual | John 3 | Jesus | Nicodemus, a Pharisee and member of the Jewish ruling council | Nicodemus came to Jesus at night, acknowledging he was a teacher come from God, as evidenced by the miraculous signs he was performing. Jesus had an intimate conversation with Nicodemus about being born of the Spirit, believing in God, and living in the light of truth. |
spiritual | John 3 | John the Baptist | some of John's disciples and a certain Jew | some of John's disciples had been arguing with a Jew about ceremonial washing. They brought the discussion to John, asking about the man (Jesus) who was with him on the other side of the Jordan, saying he was also baptizing and many people were going to him. John explained he was like the friend of a bridegroom, who waits and listens, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom's voice. John said he must become less, while Jesus becomes greater. |
spiritual | John 4 | Jesus | his disciples | Jesus was still talking to the Samaritan woman at the well when his disciples returned from getting food. They were surprised to see him talking to her but did not say anything about it. They encouraged Jesus to eat some of the food they had purchased and he responded saying he had food they did not know about, which was confusing to the disciples. Jesus went on to admonish them to look at the fields, ripe for harvest. |
spiritual | John 4 | Jesus | a royal official | the royal official had a son close to death and sought out Jesus asking him to come and heal the boy before he died. Jesus responded speaking not just to the royal official but the people in general saying they would not believe unless they see miraculous signs. The royal official persisted, imploring Jesus to come. Jesus told him to go, his son would live. The man took Jesus at his word and departed. While he was still on the way he received word from his servants that his son was alive. He inquired and discovered the boy recovered at the same time Jesus told him to go. The man, and his household, put their faith in Jesus. |
spiritual | Luke 4 | Jesus | the people attending the synagogue in Nazareth | Jesus stood up to read from the scroll in the synagogue, choosing a passage from Isaiah 61. After reading it he told them this passage was fulfilled today, in that it was referring to him. The people were amazed but murmured about him being Joseph's son. Jesus rebuked them, explaining a prophet is never received in his home town, reminding them about Elijah, who was sent to a foreign widow, and about Naaman the Syria, who was healed of leprosy by Elisha, while there were many with leprosy in Israel. The people in the synagogue were very angry at Jesus because of what he said. They drove him out of town with the intent to kill him, but he walked right through the crowd and went on his way. |
spiritual | Mark 1/Matthew 4 | Jesus | Peter, Andrew, James, and John | Jesus was walking beside the sea of Galilee and spoke to Peter and Andrew, two fishermen, telling them to come follow him, and he would make them fishers of men. He then saw James and John, in a boat with their father, preparing nets. Jesus called them also, and the left the boat, as well as their father, and followed him. |
spiritual | Luke 5 | Jesus | Peter | Jesus sat in one of Peter's boats to teach the crowds. When he finished speaking, he told Peter to take the boat out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch. Peter explained to Jesus that they had been fishing all night without success, but because Jesus was asking he would let down the nets. After doing so, they caught a large number of fish, more than their boat could handle. Peter recognized this as a miracle and spoke to Jesus, asking him to go away because Peter was a sinful man. Jesus reassured Peter, telling him from now on he would catch men. |
spiritual | Mark 1/Luke 4 | Jesus | Peter and some of the people of Capernaum | at daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place to pray. Peter and others from Capernaum sought him out, and urged him to remain in their town. Jesus told them he must preach the good news to other town also, because that was why he was sent. So he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea. |
spiritual | Mark 2/Matthew 9/Luke 5 | Jesus | Pharisees, teachers of the law | Jesus was teaching in a house with a crowd so large the people gathered outside. Some men brought a paralytic man, hoping Jesus would heal their friend. When they couldn't get in, the climbed on the roof, removed the tiles and lowered the man down to Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he told the paralytic man his sins were forgiven. Jesus knew the Pharisees and teachers of the law were thinking his words were blasphemous. So Jesus asked them a rhetorical question about whether it would be easier to pronounce a man's sins were forgiven or to heal him. Then to prove he had power to forgive sins, he healed the man, who immediately stood up and went home, taking his mat with him. Everyone watching was amazed and gave praise to God. |
spiritual | Mark 2/Matthew 9/Luke 5 | Jesus | Matthew | Jesus came across a tax collector named Matthew and asked him to become his disciple (Follow me). Matthew left his tax collecting booth and followed Jesus. |
spiritual | Mark 2/Matthew 9/ Luke 5 | Jesus | Matthew | Matthew threw a feast with Jesus as his guest, along with many of his tax collector friends. The Pharisees and their scribes grumbled to Jesus' disciples, asking why he associated with tax collectors and sinners. Jesus replied to them, saying healthy people don't need a doctor, but sick people do. And he came to call sinners, not the righteous, to repentance. |
spiritual | Mark 2/Matthew 9/ Luke 5 | Jesus | not specifically identified | some people asked Jesus why his followers eat and drink, while the disciples of John the Baptist often fast and pray, as do the disciples of the Pharisees. Jesus responded metaphorically, saying the guests of the bridegroom do not fast while he is with them. But the time will come when he will be taken from them, and in those days they will fast. He also told them a parable about sowing a patch from a new garment on an old one, or pouring new wine into old wineskins. |
spiritual | John 5 | Jewish leaders | an invalid man Jesus had healed | Jesus had told this man to get up and take his mat and walk. This happened on the Sabbath, and when the Jews saw him they said the law forbids carrying your mat on the Sabbath. The man who was healed told them the person who healed him instructed him to pick up his mat. They asked who healed him but he did not know. Later Jesus found the man and told him to stop sinning or something worse may happen to him. |
spiritual | John 5 | Jesus | Jewish leaders | Because of what Jesus was doing on the Sabbath, religious leaders among the Jews persecuted him. Jesus told them his Father was always working, and that he too was working. This made the Jewish leaders all the more angry, because they knew Jesus was making himself equal with God. Jesus then gave them a long answer, explaining the Son can do nothing by himself, but only what he sees the Father doing, because whatever the Father does, the Son also does. |
spiritual | Mark 3/Matthew 12/Luke 6 | Jesus | Pharisees and teachers of the law, | Jesus was teaching in a synagogue on the Sabbath. The Pharisees and teachers of the law were watching him closely to look for a reason to accuse Jesus for healing on the Sabbath. Jesus spoke to a man with a shriveled hand, telling him to stand in front of everyone. He then asked the religious leaders if it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath, to save life or destroy it? Then he told the man to stretch out his hand, and it was completely restored. The religious leaders were furious and began talking about what they could do to Jesus |
spiritual | Matthew 8/Luke 7 | Jesus | centurion | a centurion came to Jesus, probably with some Jewish elders, asking Jesus to heal his servant, who was suffering terribly. Jesus agreed to go and heal the servant. But the centurion said he was not deserving of Jesus coming to his house, and he understood authority, both as one under it and with authority over others. He suggested Jesus just speak the word and his servant would be healed. Jesus was astonished and said to those following him he had not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. |
spiritual | Matthew 11/Luke 7 | Jesus | John the Baptist, by way of two messengers | John the Baptist sent two of his disciples to Jesus, to ask if he was the Messiah they were looking for or they should expect someone else. At that time, Jesus was healing many who had diseases, sickness, and casting out demons. He told the messengers to report to John what they had seen, that the blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, and even the dead are raised, while the good news is being preached to the poor. He told them the man who does not fall away on account of him would be blessed. |
spiritual | Matthew 11/Luke 7 | Jesus | the crowds, including Pharisees and experts in the law | after John's disciples left Jesus spoke to the crowds about John, telling them he was the one about whom it was written that he we be a messenger, sent to prepare the way. He rebuked the people for criticizing John for his lifestyle and then criticizing Jesus for the opposite lifestyle. |
spiritual | Luke 7 | Jesus | Simon, the Pharisee | Simon had observed the woman who had lived a sinful life wash the feet of Jesus with her tears, wipe them with her hair, and pour expensive perfume on them. He was taken back, believing Jesus should know what kind of women she was, and thereby not allowed her to touch him. Jesus, knowing what Simon was thinking, said he had something to tell him. Jesus went on to tell Simon a story about men who owed a lender money, one a small amount, the other much. Both had their debts forgiven. Jesus asked which would love the man more for forgiving the debt. Jesus then rebuked Simon and forgave the sins of the woman. The people grumbled, wondering why Jesus believed he could forgive sin. |
spiritual | Mark 3/Matthew 12 | Jesus | Pharisees | the people brought a demon-possessed man to Jesus and he healed him. The Pharisees responded saying it was by the prince of demons that Jesus drove out demons. Jesus knew what they were thinking and said a kingdom divided against itself could not stand. He then rebuked them harshly. |
spiritual | Matthew 12 | Jesus | Pharisees | The Pharisees told Jesus they wanted to see a miraculous sign from him. Jesus rebuked them as part of a wicket and adulterous generation, and spoke to them about the sign of Jonah, saying like Jonah, he would also spend three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. He also warned them about the danger of being overcome by evil spirits. |
spiritual | Matthew 12/Mark 3/Luke 8 | Jesus | the people and his disciples | Jesus' mother and brothers arrived while he was speaking to the Pharisees and he was told they were outside wanting to speak to him. He pointed to his disciples and said, his mother and brothers are the people who do the will of the Father in heaven. |
spiritual | Matthew 13/Mark 4/ Luke 8 | Jesus | his disciples | Jesus had told the crowds the parable of the sower and they came to him alone and asked why he spoke to the people in parables and what the parable of the sower meant. Jesus explained his reason for using parables and the meaning of the story he had just told. |
spiritual | Matthew 13 | Jesus | his disciples | Jesus left the crowd and went into the house with his disciples, who asked him to explain the parable of the weeds in the field. Jesus explained the meaning of the parable, and followed it by telling them two additional parables about the hidden treasure and the pearl, as well as the parable of the net. He then asked his disciples if they understood the meaning of the stories. They replied yes. Jesus told them a teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures, as well as old. |
spiritual | Matthew 8/Mark 4/Luke 8 | Jesus | his disciples | Jesus told the disciples to come with him to the other side of the lake. As they sailed a violent storm came down the lake and they were in great danger. The disciples woke Jesus, who had fallen asleep, saying they were going to drown. Jesus got up and rebuked the storm, and it subsided. He then rebuked his disciples, asking why they were afraid, and why they had so little faith. The disciples were amazed at his ability to command the winds and water. |
spiritual | Matthew 9/Mark 5/Luke 8 | Jesus | a man delivered from demons | Jesus had cased demons out of a man he encountered after crossing the lake. The man begged Jesus to allow him to come along as one of his disciples. Jesus told the man to return home and tell others how much God had done for him. So the man went away and told people all over the town how Jesus had delivered him. |
spiritual | Matthew 9/Mark 5/Luke 8 | Jesus | his disciples | Jesus was moving in the crowds and felt someone touch him in a way that power went out from him. He asked his disciples who touched him. Peter responded saying there were many people jostling and it would not be possible to know. But Jesus persisted in asking and the woman who had reached out with faith to be healed came and confessed. Jesus told her to go, that her faith had healed her. |
spiritual | Matthew 9/Mark 5/Luke 8 | Jairus | a servant from his household | the servant came to report to Jairus that his daughter was dead and he should not trouble Jesus any further. |
spiritual | Matthew 9/Mark 5/Luke 8 | Jesus | Jairus | Jesus told Jairus not to be afraid, but to believe, and his daughter would be healed. He then proceeded to go to Jairus' house and heal his daughter. |
spiritual | Matthew 9 | Jesus | wo blind men | after healing two blind men who called out to him, Jesus told them not to let anyone know about it. But they went out and spread the news all over the region. |
spiritual | Matthew 9 | Jesus | his disciples | Jesus went through the towns and villages teaching, and preaching the good news. He had compassion on the crowds, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He told his disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest, asking him to send out workers into his harvest field. |
spiritual | Matthew 10/Mark 6/Luke 9 | Jesus | disciples/apostles | Jesus sent his apostles to the lost sheep of Israel and gave them specific instructions about their journey, as well as instructions about the future. |
spiritual | Matthew 14/Mark 6/Luke 9 | King Herod | the daughter of Herodias | Herod threw a banquet for his high officials. The daughter of his wife Herodias danced for Herod he was pleased and offered to give her a gift, up to half his kingdom. She asked her mother, and then told Herod she wanted the head of John the Baptist on a platter right now. Herod did not want to be embarrassed in front of his guests, so he sent an executioner who brought back John's head. John's disciples took his body and buried it. |
spiritual | Matthew 14/Mark 6/Luke 9/John 6 | Jesus | disciples/apostles | the apostles returned from the ministry assignment Jesus had given them, reporting what they had done. Jesus withdrew with his apostles but the crowds learned about it and followed. Late in the afternoon, the apostles came to Jesus telling him to send the crowd away so they could get food and lodging. But Jesus told them to give the crowds something to eat. The apostles said they did not have enough food, but Jesus told them to organize the people in groups of about fifty each. Jesus blessed the five loaves and two fishes and the disciples distributed the food among the people. They all ate and were satisfied. |
spiritual | Matthew 14/Mark 6/John 6 | Jesus | disciples/apostles,Peter, | Jesus had left the disciples to go up on a mountainside to pray. He made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. During the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went to them, walking on the lake. The disciples thought he was a ghost, but Jesus called out to them, telling them to take courage and not to be afraid. Peter spoke to Jesus, saying if it really was him, to invite him to come out on to the lake. Jesus told him to come. Peter walked on the water toward Jesus but then started to sink. Jesus reached out and caught him, asking why he doubted. When Jesus and Peter got back on the boat, the disciples worshiped him, saying he truly was the Son of God |
spiritual | John 6 | Jesus | disciples/apostles | the disciples were grumbling about the hard teaching Jesus had delivered and he asked if it offended them. Some of Jesus' followers chose to leave him because of the hard teaching. He asked the Twelve if they also wanted to leave. Peter spoke up, saying they had no other place to go, and affirming that Jesus had the words of eternal life, and was the Holy One of God. Jesus affirmed he had chosen them, but one was a devil. He was referring to Judas, who he knew would later betray him. |
spiritual | Matthew 15/Mark 7 | Jesus | Pharisees and teachers of the law | the Pharisees and teaches of the law came to Jesus and asked why his disciples break the tradition of the elders by not washing their hands before they eat. Jesus replied with a question of his own, asking why they break the command of God for the sake of their tradition. He then gave a specific example, exposing their hypocrisy and quoting the words of Isaiah to rebuke them. Jesus then called the crown to him told them a short parable, saying it is not what goes into a man's mouth that makes him unclean, but what comes out of it. |
spiritual | Matthew 15/Mark 7 | Jesus | disciples/apostles | the disciples came to Jesus asking if he knew the Pharisees were offended by his rebuke. Jesus explained the Pharisees were blind guides and exhorted the disciples to leave them. Peter asked Jesus to explain the parable to them. Jesus explained that what goes into the mouth as food goes into the stomach and out of the body, but the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and thus make a man unclean. Eating with unwashed hands does not make a man unclean. |
spiritual | 56Matthew 15/Mark 7 | Jesus | disciples | the disciples came to Jesus urging him to send a Canaanite woman away who was trying to get Jesus to deliver her daughter from demon-possession. Jesus told them he was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. But the woman begged him for help. Jesus told her it is not right to take the children's bread and give it to their dogs. She replied that even the dogs get the crumbs that fall from the table. Jesus affirmed the woman's faith, and granted her request. Her daughter was healed from that moment. |
spiritual | Matthew 15/Mark 7 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus was ministering to the crowds along the Sea of Galilee, performing many miracles. He called his disciples together and told them he felt compassion for the people who had been with him for three days and were hungry. He was afraid they would collapse if he sent them away. The disciples questioned where they could get enough food in this remote setting for a crowd of this size. Jesus asked how many loaves of bread they had. The disciples said they had seven, with a few small fish. Jesus blessed the food, then gave it to his disciples, who distributed it among the people, who ate and were satisfied. |
spiritual | Matthew 16/Mark 8 | Jesus | Pharisees and Sadducees | the religious leaders came to test Jesus, asking him to show them a sign to validate his ministry. Jesus told them they could read the signs in the sky about the weather but not the signs of the times. He rebuked them, saying only wicked and adulterous generations look for miraculous signs, and none would be give except the sign of Jonah. |
spiritual | Matthew 16/Mark 8 | Jesus | disciples/apostles | the disciples forgot to bring bread when they went across the lake with Jesus. He told them to be careful to guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees. The disciples were confused, thinking he said this because they didn't bring bread. Jesus was aware of their confusion and rebuked them, explaining he was warning them to beware of the teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees. |
spiritual | Matthew 16/Mark 8/Luke 9 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus asked his disciples who the people say he is. They answered him explaining some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, Jeremiah, or another prophet. Jesus asked who they say he is. Peter spoke up saying Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus replied, blessing Peter, and saying this was revealed to him by the Father, and it would become the rock on which he would build the church. He also warned his disciples not to tell anyone he was the Christ. |
spiritual | Matthew 16/Mark 8/Luke 9 | Jesus | disciples, Peter | Jesus spoke to his disciples about going to Jerusalem and suffering many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, including his death and resurrection after three days. Peter pulled Jesus aside and rebuked him, saying this would never happen. Jesus then rebuked Peter. He then spoke to the disciples about the importance of self-denial, giving your life away, and the eternal future of his kingdom. |
spiritual | Matthew 17/Mark 9/Luke 9 | Jesus | Peter, James, John | Jesus took three of his disciples and led them up on a high mountain by themselves. He was transfigured before them; Moses and Elijah appeared and the spoke about Jesus' departure and what was to come. The Father spoke from heaven, affirming his love and pleasure for Jesus, exhorting the disciples to listen to him. The three were terrified, but Jesus told them not to be afraid. As they came down off the mountain Jesus told them not to tell anyone what they had seen until after he had been raised from the dead. They asked him why the teachers of the law say Elijah must come first. He told them Elijah had already come, and they did what they wanted to him, and in the same way, he would suffer at their hands. The disciples realized Jesus was talking about John the Baptist as the Elijah to come. |
spiritual | Matthew 17/Mark 9/Luke 9 | Jesus | disciples | After coming down off the mountain Jesus was met by a man with a son possessed by a demon that gave him seizures. The disciples had tried to cast it out but could not. Jesus expressed disappointment in the unbelieving generation, but asked them to bring the boy to him, and he was healed. The disciples asked why they couldn't drive out the demon and Jesus told them this kind comes out only by prayer and fasting. |
spiritual | Matthew 17/Mark 9/Luke 9 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus went away with this disciples to Galilee to speak with them in private. He told them he would be betrayed, killed, and after three days rise again. But they did not understand what he meant and were afraid to ask him about it. |
spiritual | Matthew 17 | temple tax collectors | Peter | the tax collectors came to Peter asking if Jesus paid the temple tax. Peter told them yes, that Jesus did pay the tax. |
spiritual | Matthew 17 | Jesus | Peter | when Peter came into the house after talking with the tax collectors, Jesus spoke to him who the kings of the earth collect taxes from, their own sons, or from others. Peter said from others. Jesus affirmed the sons were exempt, but so as not to offend the tax collectors, he instructed Peter to go to the lake, and throw out his line. The first fish he would catch would have a four-drachma coin, which Peter was to use to pay the tax for both himself and for Jesus. |
spiritual | Matthew 18/Mark 9/Luke 9 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus asked his disciples what they were discussing along the way. They didn't want to say because they had been arguing about who was the greatest. Jesus told them anyone who wanted to be first, must be the last of all, and the servant of all. He called a little child to his side, and said, whoever humbles himself like a little child is the greatest in the kingdom, because the one who is least is the one who is great. |
spiritual | 68 Matthew 18/Mark 9/Luke 9 | Jesus | John, and the disciples | John came to Jesus to tell him they had seen a man casting out demons in his name so they told him to stop, because he was not one of us. But Jesus told them not to stop him, because whoever is not against us is for us, and even those who give a cup of cold water in his name will get a reward. Jesus went on to warn them about the dangers of causing those who believe in him to sin, and how far one should go to avoid sin. |
spiritual | Matthew 18 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus taught his disciples to resolve differences with a brother who sins against you, and what to do if he won't listen. He also taught them about the connection between what is bound or loosed on earth and what is bound or loosed in heaven, along with the power of gathering to pray, even if only with two or three others. |
spiritual | Matthew 8/Luke 9 | Jesus | a scribe | Jesus responded to a scribe who told him he would follow Jesus wherever he went, saying, foxes have holes and birds have nests but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head. |
spiritual | Matthew 8/Luke 9 | Jesus | a disciple | Jesus responded to another disciple who said he would follow but first wanted to bury his father, saying he should follow, and let the dead bury their own dead. |
spiritual | John 7 | Jesus | his brothers | Jesus' brothers told him he should go to the feast of Tabernacles and show himself, because those who want to be public figures should act in secret. Jesus told them the right time for him had not yet come. |
spiritual | Luke 9 | Jesus | disciples, James and John | Jesus was resolutely heading for Jerusalem, and sent messengers ahead to make preparations in a Samaritan village. But the people there did not welcome him, because they knew he was only passing through to Jerusalem. When James and his brother John became aware of the lack of cooperation by the Samaritans they asked Jesus if he wanted them to call fire down from heaven to destroy them. Jesus rebuked James and John, and they went to another village. |
spiritual | John 7 | Pharisees | temple guards | the Pharisees had sent the temple guards to arrest Jesus, but them came without him. The Pharisees asked why they didn't bring Jesus in, and were told no one ever spoke like him. The Pharisees scoffed at the guards, asking if they had also been deceived, and reminding them none of the Pharisees believed in him. Nicodemus spoke up, saying the law doesn't condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he is doing. His colleagues chided him, saying no prophet comes from Galilee. |
spiritual | John 8 | Jesus | teachers of the law | some teachers of the law brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus, saying she should be put to death, and asking what he thought they should do. Jesus, after bending down to write in the dirt, told them the person without sin should cast the first stone at her. The teachers of the law began to walk away, one at a time. Jesus then told the woman to go and sin no more. |
spiritual | John 8 | Jesus | Pharisees | as Jesus taught at the temple the Pharisees questions his authority, accusing him of saying things that were not true. Jesus said his Father, who sent him, also bore witness on his behalf. They asked where his Father was, and Jesus said if they knew him, they would know his Father also. This angered the religious leaders, who wanted to arrest him, but were unable to do so, because his time had not yet come. Jesus went on to explain more about his purpose and his ministry but they could not understand him. Eventually they picked up stones to throw at Jesus, but he slipped out of the temple. |
spiritual | John 9 | Jesus | disciples | they came across a man blind from birth and the disciples asked Jesus who had sinned to cause this blindness, the man or his parents. Jesus told them neither, but this was an opportunity for the works of God to be displayed in him. Jesus then spit on the ground to make mud, put it on the man's eyes, and told him to wash in the pool of Siloam. He did and was healed. |
spiritual | John 9 | Pharisees | blind man who was now healed | the blind man had been healed by Jesus on the Sabbath. People brought the man to the Pharisees who wanted to know who healed him. The man did not know. The Pharisees were divided, some saying Jesus could not be from God or he would not have healed this man on the Sabbath. Others said only a man from God could perform such miracles. |
spiritual | John 9 | Jesus | blind man and Pharisees | the blind man had been cast out by the Pharisees who had questioned him, and Jesus came to talk with him. Jesus revealed himself as the Son of Man, and the blind man put his faith in Jesus. Pharisees who were listening to the conversation asked Jesus if he was suggesting they also were blind. Jesus said if they were blind they would not be guilty, but because they claimed to see, their guilt remained. |
spiritual | Luke 10 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus appointed seventy-two others and sent them two-by-two ahead of him to every town and place where he was going. He taught them about the harvest, about what to say and what to look for, and how to respond when not welcomed. |
spiritual | Luke 10 | Jesus | disciples | the seventy-two returned with joy explaining that even demons had submitted to them in Jesus' name. Jesus helped the disciples put their ministry in perspective, reminding them to rejoice because their names were written in heaven. |
spiritual | Luke 10 | Jesus | an expert in the law | the expert in the law asked Jesus how to inherit eternal life. His question was a test for Jesus, who responded by asking a question of his own, about what was written in the law. The expert quoted from Deuteronomy, about loving God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus told him he had answered correctly. But the man, wanting to justify himself, asked Jesus a follow-up question: Who is my neighbor? Jesus answered by telling him a story about a man who was beaten, robbed and left by the side of the road. After a priest and Levite passed by on the other side, a Samaritan man came and helped him. Jesus asked the expert who of these three was a neighbor to the man, and he answered the one who showed mercy on him. Jesus told the expert to go and do likewise. |
spiritual | Luke 10 | Jesus | Martha | Jesus was with his disciples at the home of Mary and Martha. Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus, while Martha was busy with all the preparations. Martha came to Jesus, asking if he didn't care that she was left to do all the work while Mary sat at his feet. Jesus told Martha that Mary had chosen what is better and it would not be taken from her. |
spiritual | Luke 11 | Jesus | disciples | the disciples came to Jesus when he was praying; after he finished they asked him to teach them to pray, just as John had taught his disciples. Jesus gave them a pattern for prayer, then told them a story to illustrate the need for persistence in prayer. He also told them to ask, seek, and knock, and the door will be opened. He reminded them of the love of a father for a son, and that God the Father wants to give good gifts to his children, especially the Holy Spirit. |
spiritual | Luke 11 | Jesus | Pharisees | Jesus was invited to be the dinner guest of a Pharisee. When Jesus didn't wash before dinner, he was astonished. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for being so concerned about external matters and ignoring matters of the heart. He chastised them for their obsession with status and told them they were accountable for the blood of the prophets. The Pharisees were angry with Jesus, lying in wait hoping to catch him in something he said. |
spiritual | Luke 12 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus began to teach his disciples, warning them to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees. He exhorted them not to be afraid, even in the face of death, but to be prepared to acknowledge their allegiance to him. He promised the Holy Spirit would give them words to speak when brought before rulers and authorities. |
spiritual | Luke 12 | Jesus | a man in the crowd | Jesus was asked by a man in the crowd to tell his brother to divide their inheritance. Jesus warned the man about the dangers of greed, then told a parable about a rich farmer to explain the importance of being rich toward God. |
spiritual | Luke 12 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus taught the disciples about the importance of not worrying, being afraid and being generous, using the imagery of the birds and flowers. He then told them a parable about being watchful, like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet. |
spiritual | Luke 12 | Jesus | Peter and the disciples | Peter asked Jesus if this parable was just for them or for everyone. Jesus answered by telling another story about being a faithful and wise manager put in charge of the servants by his master. He explained that to everyone who has been given much, much will be required. |
spiritual | Luke 13 | Synagogue ruler | Jews in the Synagogue | Jesus had headed a woman on the Sabbath, which angered the Synagogue ruler. He chastised the people, telling them there are six days for work and they should come seeking healing on one of those days, not on the Sabbath. |
spiritual | Luke 13 | Jesus | Synagogue ruler | Jesus heard him rebuke the people and rebuked him as a hypocrite. Jesus pointed out he untied his donkey and took it to get water on the Sabbath, how much more should this woman, a daughter of Abraham, be set free from what bound her on the Sabbath. The opponents of Jesus, the religious leaders, were humiliated; the people were delighted. |
spiritual | John 10 | Jesus | Jews in the temple | Jesus was attending the Feast of Tabernacles at the temple in Jerusalem and was approached by the Jews (almost certainly leaders) who asked him not to keep them in suspense as to whether he was the Christ. Jesus said he had told them but the refused to believe him, because they are not his sheep. They were angry and wanted to stone him. Jesus as for which of the miraculous signs he had performed were they going to stone him? They said not for the signs, but for claiming to make himself equal with God. Jesus told them if they did not believe his testimony, to at least believe based on his works. They were again angry and wanted to arrest him. |
spiritual | Luke 13 | Jesus | Pharisees | some Pharisees came to Jesus to tell him he should not travel to Jerusalem because Herod wanted to kill him. Jesus told them to go tell Herod he would continue casting out demons and healing people on his way to Jerusalem. He went on to mourn for the city of Jerusalem, expressing how he longed to comfort them like a mother hen brings chicks under her wings. |
spiritual | Luke 14 | Jesus | ruler of the Pharisees | one Sabbath Jesus went to dine at the house of a ruler of the Pharisees. Jesus saw a man with dropsy and asked the lawyers and Pharisees at the dinner if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath. They remained silent. Jesus healed the man and sent him away. He then rebuked the Pharisees, asking which of them, if they had a donkey or ox that fell into a well on the Sabbath, would not get it out. The leaders had no reply. Then Jesus told them a parable, saying if you are invited to a dinner don't take the place of honor. Instead sit in a lowly place. It is better to be told to move up to a more prominent seat than to be demoted from one. He then told the man who invited him that when throwing a dinner or banquet he should not invite his friends or rich neighbors, but rather those who are poor, crippled, lame and blind, for which he would be blessed because they cannot repay him. Jesus also told a story about a man who planned a banquet but his guests made excuses as to why they could not come, so he sent his servant out to find the poor and needy so his banquet would be full. |
spiritual | Luke 15 | Jesus | Pharisees and scribes | tax collectors and sinners were coming to Jesus, which caused the scribes and Pharisees to grumble about the fact Jesus ate with sinners. So Jesus told the scribes and Pharisees three parables: the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the lost son, each showing the heart of God the Father for sinners. |
spiritual | Luke 16 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus told them a parable about a man who had been made the manager of his master's estate and charges were made against him for wasting the master's money. The master asked his manager for an accounting of the estate, and decided to remove him from his position. The manager thought about what to do and decided to summon his master's creditors and lower their debt in order to curry favor with them. When the master learned of his manager's actions he commended him for his shrewd behavior. Jesus then told his disciples that one who is faithful with little will be faithful with much, and one who is dishonest with little will be dishonest with much. No servant can serve two masters. |
spiritual | Luke 16 | Jesus | Pharisees | the Pharisees ridiculed Jesus because they were offended by his teaching. Jesus rebuked them, explaining God saw their hearts, and the things men exalt are nothing in the eyes of God. He told them a parable about a rich man and a poor man named Lazarus, further revealing that what man sees as important is not important to God. |
spiritual | Luke 17 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus warned his disciples about leading people into sin and the importance of releasing forgiveness to those who sin against us and repent. The apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith. Jesus told them even a small amount of faith could move a mountain, but they should understand their role as unworthy servants who are simply doing their duty. |
spiritual | John 11 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus told his disciples they were going to Judea. The disciples reminded him of the fact people there had recently tried to kill him. Jesus said a man who walks by day will not stumble, the explained that Lazarus was dead and for their sake Jesus was glad they were not there so they may believe. |
spiritual | John 11 | Caiaphas, the high priest | members of the Sanhedrin | when word of Lazarus being raised from the dead reached the Pharisees they, along with the chief priests, called a meeting of the Sanhedrin. The talked among themselves about how to deal with Jesus. Caiaphas, the high priest, spoke up saying it was better for one man to die for the people than for the nation to perish. Caiaphas had prophesied that Jesus would die on behalf of the Jewish nation and the children of God scattered among the nations. They plotted to take Jesus' life and he no longer moved about publically among the Jews. |
spiritual | Luke 17 | Jesus | Pharisees | Jesus was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come. He told them the kingdom of God doesn't come by careful observation but it is within you. |
spiritual | Luke 17 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus spoke to the disciples about the day of the Son of Man, which will be like lightning flashing across the sky, but first he must suffer and be rejected by this generation. He then explained the day of the Son of Man would be like the days of Noah or the days of Lot. |
spiritual | Luke 18 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus told the disciples a story to help them understand the importance of praying without giving up. The story was about a woman who kept coming to a judge asking for justice. The judge did not fear God or care about men but because of the woman's persistence he decided to intervene on her behalf. Jesus then explained how much more would their father in heaven act quickly on their behalf. |
spiritual | Matthew 19/Mark 10 | Jesus | Pharisees | the Pharisees asked Jesus a question in an effort to test him. Their question was about the lawfulness of divorce for any cause. Jesus answered by quoting from Genesis, where God said a husband and wife would become one flesh. They asked a follow-up question about why Moses authorized a certificate of divorce. Jesus responded saying it was because of their hardness of heart Moses did this and that divorce should not be permitted except for marital unfaithfulness. The disciples said in this case it would be better for a man not to marry. Jesus said not everyone can receive this. |
spiritual | Matthew 19/Mark 10/Luke 18 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus had just finished a conversation with a rich man who went away sad because Jesus had challenged him to sell his possessions and give to the poor in order to follow him. Jesus explained to the disciples how difficult it was for rich people to enter the kingdom of heaven. The disciples wondered out loud who then could be saved and affirmed they had left everything to follow him. Jesus said they would rule with him at the end of the age, indeed everyone who has sacrificed for his sake will be rewarded. Jesus then told them a parable about workers in the vineyard to reinforce his message that the last shall be first and the first will be last. |
spiritual | Matthew 20/Mark 10/Luke 18 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus pulled his disciples aside and told them he was going to Jerusalem where the Jewish religious leaders would betray him, condemn him, and turn him over to the Gentiles to be killed. But on the third day he would be raised to life. |
spiritual | Matthew 20/Mark 10 | Jesus | James and John with their mother | the mother of James and John came to Jesus with her sons to ask if they could sit on his right and left hand when he came into his kingdom. Jesus told them they did not understand what they were asking, and it was not for him to grant but these places have been prepared by his Father. |
spiritual | Matthew/20/Mark 10 | Jesus | disciples | Jesus realized the other ten disciples had learned about the request of James and John and had become indignant. He told them leaders in his kingdom would not lord their power over others, but instead the person who wants to become great would become a slave, just like the Son of Man who did not come to be served but to serve. |
spiritual | Luke 19 | Jesus | Zacchaeus, the disciples | while at Zacchaeus' house, Jesus told a parable about a noble who went away to a distant land to be made king, and put others in charge of his resources while he was gone, instructing them to put the money to work until he came back. The noble rewarded his servants based on what they had done with his resources while he was gone. |
spiritual | Matthew 21/Mark 11/Luke 19/John 12 | Jesus | two of his disciples | Jesus instructed two of his disciples to go ahead of him into the village, as they entered they would find a colt, on which no one has ever ridden. They were to untie the colt and bring it to him. If anyone asked why, they were to say that the Lord needs it. The did as Jesus instructed, and brought the colt to him. |
spiritual | Luke 19 | Jesus | Pharisees | Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the colt and the crowds cheered him, laying palm branches in front of him. The Pharisees told Jesus to rebuke his disciples for worshiping him. Jesus told them if the people kept quiet, even the rocks would cry out. |
spiritual | Matthew 21/Mark 11/Luke 19 | Jesus | the merchants and money changers at the temple, | Jesus arrived at the outer courts of the temple and saw the merchants and money changers set up to do business with worshipers attending the Passover. He turned over the tables of the money changers and chased out the merchants. He told them the house of the temple should be a house of prayer, but they had turned it into a den of robbers. |
spiritual | John 12 | Jesus | Andrew and Philip | some Greeks were also attending the Feast, and they came to Philip to tell him they would like to see Jesus. Philip told Andrew, and together they spoke to Jesus. Jesus responded by explaining the hour had come for the Son of Man to be glorified, and that a kernel of wheat must fall into the ground and die in order to produce many seeds. After Jesus spoke, the voice of the Father spoke, saying He had glorified the name of Jesus and would do so again. |
spiritual | Matthew 21/Mark 11 | Jesus | Peter, and the disciples | Jesus had cursed a fig tree that had leaves but no figs (even though it was not the season for figs). The next day as they walked past that fig tree Peter noticed it had withered from the roots. He pointed out to Jesus that the fig tree had withered. Jesus responded to Peter and the rest of the disciples, telling them about the importance of having faith in God, which would allow them to tell a mountain to go throw itself into the heart of the sea, and if they believe without doubt, it will happen. Therefore, whatever they asked for in prayer, they should believe they will receive it. He also emphasized the importance not holding anything against others so that the Father may also forgive us. |
spiritual | Matthew 21/Mark 11/Luke 20 | Jesus | chief priests and teachers of the law, along with the elders, | Jesus was teaching people in the temple courts when this group of leaders came to ask him by what authority he was speaking and acting. Jesus answered their question with a question of his own, if John the Baptist's ministry was from God or men? The leaders consulted among themselves about how to answer, and determined they should say they didn't know, because if they said it was from God, Jesus would ask why they didn't follow him. If they said it was from men the people, who followed John, would be angry with them. So Jesus said neither would he answer them. |
spiritual | Matthew 21/Mark 11/Luke 20 | Jesus | chief priests and teachers of the law, along with the elders | Jesus told a parable about a man who planted a vineyard then let it out to tenants. He went away for a long time and send a servant back to get some of the fruit from his vineyard. The tenants beat the servant and sent him away. The landowner sent another servant who was treated similarly. Finally the landowner sent his son, but the tenants killed him. Jesus then asked what the landowner would do in response. He then quoted from the Old Testament, saying the stone that was rejected has become the cornerstone. The religious leaders rightly understood Jesus told these stories about them, and they sought a way to dispose of him. |
spiritual | Matthew 22 | Jesus | chief priests and teachers of the law, along with the elders, | Jesus told them another story, about a king who gave a wedding feast. He sent his servants to tell the guests the feast was ready, but they would not come. The king sent other servants but they too were ignored by some, and killed by others. This angered the king, who sent his army to kill the invited guests. He then sent his servants to invite others to the feast, both good and bad. At the feat the king found a man without a wedding garment. He asked how he got in without a wedding garment and the man was speechless. So the king threw him out, for many are called but few are chosen. |
spiritual | Matthew 22/Mark 12/Luke 20 | Jesus | Pharisees | the Pharisees sent some of their disciples to Jesus, hoping to trap him. They asked if it was lawful to pay taxes unto Caesar. Jesus asked them for a coin, and whose picture was on it? He then told them to render to Caesar what was his, and to God what was his. This baffled the religious leaders and marveled the people. |
spiritual | Matthew 22/Mark 12/Luke 20 | Jesus | Sadducees | the Sadducees came to question Jesus seeking to trap him. They asked him a hypothetical question about a women whose husband died, and his brother took her as his wife, but died, and another brother took her as his wife, and this repeated seven times. They wanted to know whose wife she would be in heaven? The Sadducees did not believe in an afterlife. Jesus told them that in the resurrection people neither marry nor are they given in marriage, but are like the angels. The crowd was amazed and the scribes were afraid to ask him other questions. |
spiritual | Matthew 22/Mark 12 | Jesus | Pharisees | the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees so they sent a lawyer to ask Jesus which was the greatest commandment. Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love God with your whole being and to love your neighbor as yourself. The lawyer affirmed Jesus answer, and Jesus encouraged the lawyer, saying he was not far from the kingdom of God. And no one dared to ask Jesus any more questions. |
spiritual | Matthew 23/Mark 12/Luke 20 | Jesus | the crowds and his disciples | Jesus issued an extensive rebuke to the Pharisees and teachers of the law for their pride and hypocrisy. |
spiritual | Mark 12/Luke 21 | Jesus | the disciples | in the last words of his "public" ministry Jesus called the disciples to him after seeing the contrast between the gift of a poor widow and the rich to the temple treasury. He explained that in the eyes of God the poor widow gave more than all the rich because she gave sacrificially out of her poverty while the rich gave superficially out of their abundance. |
spiritual | Matthew 24/Mark 13/Luke 21 | Jesus | the disciples | Jesus instructs his disciples about the signs of the end of the age and the importance of being ready. |
spiritual | Matthew 25 | Jesus | the disciples | Jesus continues his teaching about the end of the age with the parables (ten virgins, talents, sheep and goats) designed to reinforce the importance of being ready for his return. |
spiritual | Matthew 26/Mark 14/Luke 22 | Jesus | chief priests and elders of the people | the leaders gathered in the palace of the high priest to plot about how they might arrest Jesus and kill him but they said it should not happen during the feast (Passover) to avoid a riot among the people. |
spiritual | Matthew 26/Mark 14/John 12 | Jesus | the disciples | Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon the Leper for dinner. A woman came with a jar of very expensive perfume and poured it on him. Observing this, the disciples (especially Judas) were indignant, believing this could have been sold and the money given to the poor. Jesus defended the woman, saying she had done a beautiful thing that would be long remembered, explaining she had anointed his body for burial. While he would be with them only a little longer, the poor would always be with them. |
spiritual | Matthew 26 | chief priests | Judas | the chief priests were looking for a way to arrest Jesus and put him to death. Judas went to them and asked what they would give him if he handed Jesus over to them. They agreed on thirty pieces of silver. Judas began looking for a time to hand Jesus over to them. |
spiritual | Matthew 26/Mark 14/Luke 22 | Jesus | Peter and John | Jesus sent Peter and John into the city to prepare for the Passover. He told them to follow a man they would see carrying a water jar and to ask the master of the house he entered for the guest room where Jesus could celebrate the Passover with his disciples. They were to make preparations in that room. Peter and John followed these instructions and it happened just as Jesus had said. |
spiritual | Luke 22 | Jesus | the disciples | Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples and they begin to argue amongst themselves about who is the greatest. Jesus rebuked them saying the Gentile leaders lord their authority over followers. But in the kingdom this is not how leaders act. In the kingdom, the greatest is like the youngest, the one who serves. Jesus then told them he would confer a kingdom to them, and they would eat and drink at his table, sitting on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel. |
spiritual | John 13 | Jesus | the disciples, especially Peter | As the evening meal was being served, Jesus got up, took off his outer clothing, wrapped a towel around his waist, poured water into a basin, and began to wash the feet of his disciples. Peter resisted initially, but Jesus said if he did not wash Peter's feet he would have no part in him. Peter asked Jesus to wash not just his feet, but his head and hands as well. When he had finished, Jesus spoke to his disciples about the example he had set for them, exhorting them to follow in his steps. |
spiritual | Matthew 26/Mark 14/Luke 22/John 13 | Jesus | the disciples | Jesus explained that one of the disciples would betray him. Peter asked John to ask Jesus who he was talking about. John did and Jesus said it was the one to whom he would give a piece of bread. He then dipped a piece of bread and gave it to Judas Iscariot, telling him to do what he would do quickly. Jesus then explained he would only be with them a little while longer. Peter asked where Jesus was going. He answered saying that where he was going they could not come, though they would follow later. Peter asked why they could not come, and Jesus told Peter he would deny knowing him three times before the rooster crowed.Note: 4.130 is included twice intentionally, as this is the same leadership conversation. The first 130 is only recorded in John 13, the rest of it is in all the Gospels. |
spiritual | Matthew 26/Mark 14/Luke 22 | Jesus | the disciples | Jesus changed the Passover meal, taking the bread and breaking it, saying it was his body, given for them. Then he instructed them to take the cup, which represented the new covenant of his blood. |
spiritual | John 14-16 | Jesus | the disciples | Jesus spoke to his disciples about the future and the place he was going to prepare for them. They were confused. Thomas spoke on behalf of the rest asking where Jesus was going or the way. Jesus explained that he is one with the Father and the way to the Father, in response to a question from Philip. Jesus then talked about the Holy Spirit, who he would send to comfort his followers. The conversation continues with one of the most intimate moments in Jesus' relationship with the twelve. He spoke about the vine and the branches, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the difficulties they will face, and how their grief will turn to joy. The intimate exchange concludes with Jesus pouring his heart out in prayer for his disciples and all believers. Note: It appears they left the upper room (14:31) and continued the conversation on route to Gethsemane. |
spiritual | Matthew 26/Mark 14/Luke 22 | Jesus | the disciples | Jesus and his disciples arrived at the Garden of Gethsemane where he asked them to watch and pray with him. He then continued farther alone and fell on the ground to pray. When he returned to the disciples he found them sleeping. He spoke to Peter, asking him if he could not watch and pray for one hour. He then exhorted Peter to pray so he would not fall into temptation, because the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Jesus returned to find the disciples sleeping three times. The third time he told them to get up because his betrayer was at hand. |
spiritual | Matthew 26/ Mark 14/Luke 22/John 18 | Jesus | the disciples | Judas arrived with a group of people representing the chief priests and elders, along with some soldiers. Judas kissed Jesus, giving the sign to those who were with him that Jesus was the person to arrest. Jesus told them to let his followers go. Peter pulled his sword and cut off the ear of the high priest's servant. Jesus rebuked him and healed the man's ear. Jesus reminded them he had been teaching daily in the temple court but they came in the night to arrest him. This was so the scriptures would be fulfilled. Then the disciples fled. |
spiritual | John 18 | Jesus | Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest | Annas questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching. Jesus responded saying he had taught publicly in the synagogues and temple, perhaps they should question his followers. One of the men struck Jesus, saying he should not speak to the high priest in this way. Jesus asked him to explain what he said that was wrong, and if there was nothing wrong, to explain why he hit him. |
spiritual | Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22 | High Priest | Jesus | the high priest asked Jesus what he had to say about the testimony against him, but Jesus remained silent. The high priest then asked Jesus if he was the Christ. Jesus answered yes, and that they would see him seated at the right hand of Power and coming with the clouds of heaven. The high priest ripped his robe in disgust and suggested no further witnesses were needed. He then asked the group of chief priests and elders for their decision on the charge of blasphemy and they condemned Jesus to death. |
spiritual | Luke 22 | assembly of the elders chief priests and scribes | Jesus | they brought Jesus before them and asked if he was the Christ. Jesus replied saying if he told them they would not believe, but from now on the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of God. They asked him if he was the Son of God, and Jesus replied that they say he is. At this they determined they did not need any further evidence to condemn him. |
spiritual | Matthew 27 | chief priests and elders | Judas | after seeing Jesus had been sentenced to death Judas changed his mind and brought the thirty pieces of silver back to the chief priests, saying he had sinned by betraying an innocent man. The chief priests and elders dismissed him. Judas threw the money down and went away distraught, to hang himself. |
spiritual | Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 18 | Pilate | Jewish elders | the Jews brought Jesus to Pilate who asked them what crime he had committed. They said if he wasn't a criminal they would not have brought Jesus to him. Pilate told them to deal with based on their own law. The Jews told Pilate they did not have authority to put him to death. |
spiritual | John 18 | Pilate | Jesus | After the Jews left Pilate summoned Jesus to meet with him inside the palace. He asked Jesus if he was king of the Jews. Jesus asked Pilate if that was his own idea or if he had heard others talk about him. Pilate reminded Jesus he was not a Jew, and that his own chief priests had turned him over. Jesus said his kingdom was not of this world. If it were, his followers would fight to prevent his arrest. Pilate said in this statement Jesus was proclaiming himself a king. Jesus said Pilate was right in saying he was a king. In fact, it was for this reason he was born, to testify to the truth. Pilate asked Jesus what is truth? |
spiritual | Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 18 | Pilate | chief priests and elders, | after talking with Jesus Pilate went out and told the Jews he found no basis to charge Jesus with anything. He then reminded them of the custom for him to release one prisoner at the time of the Passover. He asked if they wanted him to release Jesus, who he described as the king of the Jews. The elders said they wanted Pilate to release Barabbas instead. Barabbas had taken part in a rebellion |
spiritual | Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 19 | Pilate | chief priests and elders | after having Jesus flogged, Pilate went out to the Jews to tell them he found no guilt in him. But the Jewish leaders, upon seeing Jesus, shouted to crucify him. Pilate told them to take him and crucify him themselves. The Jewish leaders said they have a law stating he should die because he claimed to be the Son of God. When Pilate heard this he was even more afraid. |
spiritual | John 19 | Pilate | Jesus | Pilate asked Jesus where he was from, but Jesus didn't answer. Pilate then asked Jesus if he understood the power resident in his office to release or put to death. Jesus told Pilate he would have no authority if it was not given to him from above. After this exchange, Pilate was even more interested in releasing Jesus |
spiritual | Matthew 27, Luke 23, John 19 | Pilate | chief priests and elders | after speaking privately with Jesus Pilate again told the Jews he wanted to release him, but they shouted to crucify him, and that he was no friend of Caesar if he let Jesus go. So Pilate delivered Jesus over to be crucified. |
spiritual | John 19 | Jesus | Mary and John | while hanging on the cross, Jesus looked down and saw his mother, along with his disciple John. He spoke to Mary, and to John, giving his disciple responsibility to care for his mother. From that time forward, John took Mary into his home. |
spiritual | Matthew 27 | Pilate | chief priests and elders | after Jesus had been buried the leaders of the Jews went to Pilate and told him Jesus had said he would rise again after three days. They asked Pilate to secure the tomb so no one could steal his body and claim he was alive. Pilate assigned them a guard of soldiers and instructed them to make the tomb as secure as they could. |
spiritual | John 20 | Peter and John | Mary Magdalene | Mary went to the tomb early on the first day and saw that it was empty. She ran to Peter and John and told them what she had seen. Peter and John ran to the tomb to see for themselves. John ran faster than Peter, arriving first, and confirming the tomb was empty. |
spiritual | John 20 | Jesus | Mary Magdalene | Mary was weeping at the tomb after Peter and John had left. Jesus spoke to her, but she thought he was the gardener, and asked where they had put Jesus' body. He called her name, and she recognized him. Jesus told her not to touch him, for he had not yet ascended to the Father, but to go and tell the disciples he was ascending to his Father, and their Father. |
spiritual | John 20 | the disciples | Mary Magdalene | Mary went and told the disciples she had seen Jesus, and shared what he had told her. |
spiritual | Matthew 28 | Jesus | women at the tomb | Jesus told them not to be afraid, but to go and tell the disciples to go to Galilee and meet him there. |
spiritual | Matthew 28 | chief priests and Jewish elders | soldiers who were guarding the tomb | the soldiers told the chief priests what had happened, and the Jews paid them to say the disciples of Jesus came in the night and stole the body while they were asleep. They promised the soldiers they would make sure this story did not create problems for them with the governor. |
spiritual | Luke 24 | Jesus | two men on the road to Emmaus | the men were talking about the events of the last few days, and the rumors they had heard about the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus explained to them from the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms, how the scripture pointed to these events. He then disappeared, as they broke bread at the table, even as the two men recognized him. |
spiritual | Luke 24 | the disciples | the two men Jesus talked with on the road to Emmaus, | these two men went to meet with the disciples and told them about their experience and how Jesus had appeared to them, as well as to Simon Peter. |
spiritual | Luke 24 | Jesus | the disciples, minus Thomas | Jesus appeared to his disciples in the upper room. They thought he was a ghost, so Jesus took some food and ate with them. He comforted them with an exhortation of peace, and explained he was sending them, even as the Father had sent him. |
spiritual | John 20 | disciples | Thomas | Thomas was not with them when Jesus appeared, so the disciples shared their experience with him. Thomas said he could not believe unless he saw the nail scarred hands and placed his hand in Jesus' side. |
spiritual | John 20 | Jesus | the disciples, especially Thomas | eight days later, Jesus appeared to the disciples again. Jesus invited Thomas to put his finger on Jesus' hands, or his hand in Jesus' side. Thomas recognized Jesus, who then spoke about the blessing for others who believe even when they don't see. |
spiritual | John 21 | Jesus | seven of the disciples, including Peter and John, | this group of disciples had gone fishing and had caught nothing through the night. Jesus called to them from the shore, though they did not recognize him. He asked if they caught anything, and when they said no, he told them to cast the net on the other side of the boat. They did and caught a large number of fish. John recognized Jesus and told Peter, who jumped into the water and swam to shore ahead of the boat. |
spiritual | John 21 | Jesus | seven of the disciples, especially Peter | after coming ashore they discovered Jesus had a fire going and had cooked some bread and fish. Jesus told them to bring some of the fish they had caught. After breakfast Jesus went for a walk with Peter, and asked if he loved Jesus more than these. Peter said yes, but Jesus asked him three times. Peter, exasperated, told Jesus he knew everything, and that he knew Peter loved him. Jesus then spoke to Peter about the future, and how he would die for his faith. Peter then asked Jesus about John, and was told not to worry about others. |
spiritual | Luke 24 | Jesus | the disciples | Jesus again appeared to his disciples in Jerusalem, appearing in the room where they were meeting. He opened their minds so they could understand the scripture, and explained to them from the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms, how the Christ would suffer, and rise from the dead on the third day, and how repentance and forgiveness of sins would be preached in his name to all nations. |
spiritual | Mark 16, Matthew 28 | Jesus | the disciples, and 500 other followers, | Jesus met with the disciples and a large group of followers on a mountain in Galilee. There he told them that all authority in heaven and earth had been given to him. Based on that truth, he commissioned his followers to go make disciples of all nations, and to baptize them in the name of the triune God, and to teach them to obey everything he had commanded them. Jesus promised to be with them, to the end of the age. |
church | Acts 1 | Jesus | the apostles | on one occasion, while meeting with his disciples after the resurrection Jesus told them to wait in Jerusalem for the gift of the Holy Spirit the Father promised and he had spoken about. John had baptized with water but they were to baptized with the Holy Spirit. |
church | Acts 1 | Jesus | the disciples | during one of their post resurrection meetings with Jesus the apostles asked him if he was at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel. Jesus told them it was not for them to know the dates or times the Father has set by his authority, but they would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on them, and they would be his witnesses, beginning in Jerusalem, then in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. |
church | Acts 1 | Peter | a group of about 120 believers | Peter spoke about how the betrayal of Jesus by Judas was foretold by David in the Psalms, and that it was time to choose another who had been with them from the beginning to replace Judas. Two men were proposed, Joseph and Matthias. They prayed for direction, cast lots, and selected Matthias. |
church | Acts 4 | rulers, elders, teachers of the law, the high priest and members of his family | Peter and John | Peter had healed a man at the temple gate and it caused a commotion. The leaders called Peter and John to question them about this healing. They asked by what power or in whose name they had done this. Peter said they had done this in the name of Jesus, whom they had crucified, and that salvation is found in no one else. The members of the Sanhedrin were baffled, seeing the healed cripple standing with Peter and John. So they asked Peter, John and the man who was healed to step out while they conferred with each other. They were unsure of what to do since the miracle they had done was self-evident. They called Peter and John back in to the room and warned them not to speak to anyone else in this name. Peter and John told the Sanhedrin they could not stop speaking about what they had seen and heard. After further threats, they let them go. |
church | Acts 5 | Peter | Ananias | Peter asked Ananias how and why he lied to the Holy Spirit and kept for himself some of the money received from the sale of land. Ananias didn't have to sell the land, or when he did, he was not obligated to give the money to God through the apostles. But in pretending he gave all the money, and keeping some for himself, he was not lying only to men, but to God. Upon hearing Peter's words, Ananias fell over dead, and was carried out by young men who buried him. |
church | Acts 5 | Peter | Sapphira | about three hours later Sapphira, the wife of Ananias arrived, not knowing what had happened to her husband. Peter asked her to confirm the price they received for the land. She affirmed the price her husband had purported, hiding the amount they kept for themselves. Peter asked her how she could agree to test the Holy Spirit, and told her the men who had buried her husband were arriving and would bury her also. She then fell over dead, and was also buried by the young men who had buried her husband. Great fear seized the whole church and others who heard about these events. |
church | Acts 5 | Sanhedrin | officers of the Sanhedrin | the apostles had healed many people in Jerusalem, which provoked jealousy among the leaders of the Sanhedrin, who arrested them and put them in public jail. The angel of the Lord came during the night and opened the doors of the jail, telling the apostles to stand in the temple courts and tell the people the full message of new life. The leaders of the Sanhedrin sent officers to bring the apostles to them but when they arrived at the jail the apostles were not there, and they reported this to the Sanhedrin. At that time, a messenger arrived saying the apostles were in the temple courts teaching the people. |
church | Acts 5 | Sanhedrin | the apostles | the Sanhedrin sent the captain along with his officers to bring the apostles to meet with them. The high priest reminded them he had given strict orders not to teach in the name of Jesus, yet they had filled Jerusalem with his teaching and were determined to make them guilty of his blood. Peter and the other apostles replied that the must obey God rather than men, and that while they killed Jesus, God raised him from the dead. God had then exalted Jesus to his right hand. They were witnesses, along with the Holy Spirit to all these things.This made the Sanhedrin furious and they wanted to put the apostles to death. But a Pharisee named Gamaliel spoke, asking for the apostles to be removed for a while. He then explained how many others had risen up, claiming to be somebody, and leading a rebellion, but it all came to nothing. He advised they leave the apostles alone, for if their purpose was of human origin it will fail. If it is from God, they will not be able to stop it, but will only be fighting against God. The speech persuaded the Sanhedrin. They brought the apostles in and flogged them, and ordered them again not to speak in the name of Jesus. |
church | Acts 6 | the Twelve | the disciples | after hearing a complaint about the treatment of Grecian Jewish widows, the apostles gathered all the disciples and explained it would not be appropriate for them to neglect the ministry of the Word in order to wait on tables. So they asked the disciples to choose seven men known to be full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom to manage this responsibility. The apostles would remain focused on the ministry of the Word and prayer. This proposal pleased the group, they selected seven men, and presented them to the apostles, who commissioned them for service. |
church | Acts 6-7 | Sanhedrin | false witnesses against Stephen | one of the seven men chosen to serve the Grecian Jewish widows was Stephen. He did great wonders and performed miraculous signs in the power of the Holy Spirit, which angered Jewish leaders from various groups. The persuaded false witnesses to testify against Stephen before the Sanhedrin, where they said he never stops speaking against the holy place and the law. Stephen was also brought before the Sanhedrin to testify. |
church | Acts 7 | Sanhedrin | Stephen | the high priest asked Stephen if the charges against him were true. He responded with a review of their history as a Jewish people, beginning with Abraham. His testimony culminated by saying they, like their fathers, resist the Holy Spirit, persecute the prophets, and murdered the Righteous One the prophets predicted would come. This only heightened the anger against Stephen in the Sanhedrin, and when Stephen said he saw the Sone of Man standing at the right hand of God, they dragged him out of the city and stoned him. As they killed him, Stephen prayed, asking God not to hold this sin against them. |
church | Acts 8 | Peter | Simon the Sorcerer | Peter and John had come to Samaria after hearing they had accepted the word of God. They laid hands on them and prayed for the Samaritans to receive the Holy Spirit. When Simon the Sorcerer saw the Holy Spirit come after Peter and John laid hands on them he offered to pay money for the ability to lay hands on people and give them the Holy Spirit also. Peter rebuked him, saying his money should perish with him, because this ministry cannot be purchased. Peter urged Simon to repent and pray, that perhaps the Lord would forgive him, for he was full of bitterness and captive to sin. Then Simon pleaded with Peter to pray for him, so that none of these things would happen to him. |
church | Acts 9 | Ananias | Saul | God spoke to Ananias in a vision, directing him to the place where Saul was staying, having been blinded by the light on the road to Damascus. Ananias went to Saul, telling him that he was sent by Jesus to restore Saul's sight and that he be filled with the Holy Spirit. Immediately something like scales fell off Saul's eyes, he could see again, and he was baptized. |
church | Acts 10 | Peter | messengers from Cornelius | the centurion Cornelius was directed the Spirit to send messengers to Joppa to invite Peter to come back with them to his house in Caesarea. God spoke to Peter about this as the men were approaching the house where he was staying. He went down to meet them and asked what they wanted. They told Peter about the angel of God who instructed Cornelius to send these men to invite him to Caesarea. Peter invited them in, and the next day went with them from Joppa to Caesarea. |
church | Acts 10 | Peter | Cornelius, his family and friends | Peter asked Cornelius whey he sent for him. After Cornelius explained, Peter said he now realized how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right. Peter then explained the message of salvation and forgiveness of sins in the name of Jesus. As Peter was speaking the Holy Spirit came upon them. Peter then baptized them in the name of Jesus. |
church | Acts 11 | circumcised believers in Jerusalem | Peter | word of what Peter had done at Cornelius' house spread in Jerusalem, and the circumcised believers confronted him for going into the house of uncircumcised men and eating with them. Peter explained everything to them precisely as it had happened, and asked who he was to think he could oppose God. Upon hearing Peter's explanation, the Jews had no further objections and said God had granted repentance even to the Gentiles. |
church | Acts 12 | Peter | the group gathered at Mary's house to pray for him | Peter had been arrested by Herod and put in jail. A group of disciples had gathered at Mary's house to pray for him. An angel of God released Peter from jail in the night, and he went to the house where the group was praying. After he was finally let in, he spoke to the group, telling them how the Lord had brought him out of prison, and asking them to tell James and the brothers about this. |
church | Acts 13 | Saul | Elymas, the sorcerer | Saul (Paul) rebuked Elymas for trying to influence Sergius Paulus, the proconsul in Cyprus, against the faith. Paul told Elymas he would be blind for a period of time. When this happened, he believed, for Elymas was amazed about the teaching about the Lord. |
church | Acts 13 | rules of the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch | Paul and Barnabas | Paul and Barnabas went to the synagogue and after the reading from the law and Prophets, the rulers of the synagogue sent word to Paul saying if they had a message of encouragement for the believers to please speak. Paul stood and delivered a message, reviewing their history and explaining that Jesus was the Savior and though he had been crucified God raised him from the dead. |
church | Acts 13 | Paul and Barnabas | Jewish leaders from the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch | the following Sabbath a much larger crowd gathered to listen to Paul and Barnabas. This made the Jewish rulers of the synagogue jealous, and the spoke abusively against Paul and Barnabas. Paul told them they had to speak the word of God to them first, but since they had rejected it, they would turn to the Gentiles, quoting the words of Isaiah 49:6 as the basis for their action. Upon hearing this, the Gentiles were glad, all were appointed to eternal life believed |
church | Acts 14 | Paul and Barnabas | disciples and newly appointed elders | Paul told them we must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God |
church | Acts 15 | Paul, Barnabas apostles and elders in Jerusalem, along with leaders from the party of the Pharisees | this appears to be an exclusively leadership gathering | some men had come from Judea to Antioch teaching that one had to be circumcised in order to be saved. This brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp disagreement with them. They went to Jerusalem to settle the matter with the apostles. Some from the party of the Pharisees made their argument for circumcision and the law of Moses as a condition of salvation. Peter spoke about his experience with Cornelius and his household. Barnabas and Paul told about the miracles God had done through them with Gentiles. James spoke, summarizing the dialogue with a conclusion that they should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who were turning to God. |
church | Acts 15 | Paul, Barnabas, Judas and Silas | the believers in Antioch | the apostles and elders in Jerusalem decided to send Judas and Silas with Paul and Barnabas, along with a letter, explaining their decision about how Gentile believers in Jesus should respond to the message from the party of the Pharisees. They were asked to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, the meat of strangled animals, and from sexual immorality. |
church | Acts 15 | Paul and Barnabas, | Barnabas and Paul | Paul spoke to Barnabas about his desire to go back and visit the brothers in all the towns where they had preached the word of the Lord to see how they were doing. Barnabas wanted to take John Mark with them but Paul did not think it wise to do so. They had a sharp disagreement and parted company. Barnabas took Mark and went back to Cyprus. Paul took Silas and went through Syria and Cilicia. |
church | Acts 16 | Lydia | Paul, Silas, and Timothy, | Lydia, a business woman in Philippi, came to faith through the witness of Paul. After she, and the members of her household were baptized, she persuaded Paul to come stay at her house. |
church | Acts 16 | magistrates in Philippi | the owners of the slave girl, Paul, Silas, Timothy, | the slave girl was possessed by a demon and could predict the future. She kept badgering Paul for days, until he finally spoke to the demon and cast it out of her. She could no longer predict the future, and this caused her masters to lose money. In their anger, they dragged Paul and Silas from the marketplace and brought them before the magistrates, accusing them of throwing the city into an uproar, by advocating customs unlawful for Romans to practice. The magistrates had them severely flogged and thrown in jail. |
church | Acts 16 | Paul and Silas | the jailer | during the night, while Paul and Silas were worshiping, the foundation of the prison was shaken and the doors flew open. The jailer, seeing the prison doors open, was prepared to commit suicide. Paul told him they were all present and not to hurt himself. The jailer asked what he needed to do to be saved. Paul told him to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. The jailer and his family were baptized, and invited Paul and Silas to his house. |
church | Acts 16 | the magistrates | the jailer, Paul and Silas | the magistrates sent officers to the jailer, ordering him to release Paul and Silas. The jailer in turn told Paul they could go in peace. Paul told the officers they were beaten publicly without a trial and put in prison even though they were both Roman citizens. He demanded the magistrates come and escort them out. |
church | Acts 17 | city officials in Thessalonica | Jewish trouble makers | the Jews were jealous of Paul's ministry and started a mob in the city. When they could not find Paul they took Jason and some other brothers before the city officials and accused them of defying Caesar's decrees, saying there is another king called Jesus. The city officials made Jason and the brothers post bond and let them go. |
church | Acts 17 | philosophers of the Areopagus | Paul | the philosophers heard Paul speaking and brought him to one of their meetings to ask him what he was presenting. Paul spoke to them about the unknown God to whom they had an altar. He explained God does not live in temples built by hands, and eventually Jesus, who was raised from the dead. Some of his hearers sneered, but others said they wanted to hear him speak about this again. |
church | Acts 18 | Gallio, proconsul of Achaia | Paul and Jews who were accusing him teaching contrary to their law, | Gallio declined to get involved because he viewed this as a theological dispute, not a legal one. He had them ejected from the court. |
church | Acts 19 | Demetrius | a group of silversmith craftsman | the ministry of Paul in Ephesus had resulted in so many people following Jesus the silversmith craftsman who made shrines of Artemis saw a dramatic loss of business. Demetrius called a group of them together and incited them to protest against Paul. In their anger, they started a riot in the city. |
church | Acts 19 | city clerk of Ephesus | rioters who had filled the amphitheater in protest against Paul, incited by Demetrius, | the city clerk quieted the crowd and told them not to do anything rash, but to bring charges in the courts or via the proconsuls. After saying this he dismissed the assembly. |
church | Acts 20 | Paul | a group of elders invited by Paul from Ephesus to Miletus, | Paul was heading for Jerusalem and did not want to go back to Ephesus because of the riot that had forced him to flee. But he wanted to say farewell to the leaders so he invited a group of them to meet in Miletus. When they arrived Paul spoke from his heart to them about his ministry with them in Ephesus, and about his trip to Jerusalem. He warned them to beware of those "savage wolves" who would try to attack them. He committed them to God, knelt down and prayed with them. They wept together, reflecting on Paul's statement that they would never see him again. |
church | Acts 21 | Agabus | Paul | the prophet Agabus took Paul's belt and tied his hands with it, then prophesied that in this way the Jews of Jerusalem would bind Paul and hand him over to the Gentiles. The people with Paul pleaded with him not to go to Jerusalem. Paul said he was willing not only to be bound, but to die in Jerusalem for the name of Jesus. The people affirmed their willingness for God's will to be done. |
church | Acts 21 | James and all the elders in Jerusalm | Paul reported in detail what God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry | they told Paul about the many thousands of Jews who had believed, and they were zealous for the law. They wanted to avoid confusion with the Jews regarding Paul's ministry among the Gentiles. So they asked him to join with four Jewish believers and join with them in purification rites that involved having their heads shaved to prove to everyone there was no truth in the reports that Paul had abandoned the law. Paul agreed, took the four young men, paid their expenses, and joined with them in the purification rites. |
church | Acts 21 | commander of Roman troops in Jerusalem | Paul | the Jews had falsely accused Paul of defiling the temple by bringing a Gentile inside with him. They stirred up a riot in the city, and a commander with Roman troops had to take Paul to save him from the mob. Paul spoke to the commander and asked for permission to address the crowd. After receiving permission, Paul spoke to the crowd, but when he explained about his commissioning to the Gentiles they began to shout to kill him. |
church | Acts 21 | centurion | Paul | the commander ordered Paul to be flogged, put in jail, and questioned to find out why the crowd opposed him so vehemently. As the centurion was about to flog Paul, he asked if it was legal to do this to a Roman citizen who had not been found guilty of a crime. |
church | Acts 21 | commander | centurion | the centurion went to the commander and told him Paul was a Roman citizen, and asked what to do. |
church | Acts 21 | commander | Paul | the commander asked Paul if he really was a Roman citizen. Paul said yes, and the commander explained he had to pay a lot of money to become a citizen. Paul explained he was born a citizen. The people who were going to question Paul withdrew immediately, and the commander was alarmed when he realized he had put a Roman citizen in chains. |
church | Acts 23 | commander | Sanhedrin and Paul | the commander wanted to find out why Paul was being accused by the Jews, so he brought Paul before the Sanhedrin. Paul spoke to them, saying he had fulfilled his duty to God in good conscience, to which the High Priest told a man near Paul to strike him. Paul spoke back harshly to the High Priest, and the people near Paul rebuked him for insulting the high priest. When Paul realized he had insulted the high priest he apologized. Then Paul spoke about his heritage as a Pharisee, and about his hope in the resurrection. This divided the Sanhedrin, as Pharisees believe in the afterlife, and Sadducees did not. The dispute became so violent the commander had to send his troops to take Paul away by force. |
church | Acts 23 | chief priests and elders | 40 men who had taken an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul, | the 40 men went to the chief priests and elders asking them to conspire with the Sanhedrin to petition the commander to bring Paul before them and they would kill him on the way. Paul found out about this plot from his nephew. |
church | Acts 23 | a centurion, | Paul | having discovered the plot, Paul spoke to one of the centurions, asking him to take his nephew to the commander so he could explain the plot. |
church | Acts 23 | commander | centurion and Paul's nephew, | the centurion took Paul's nephew to the commander, telling him Paul said the boy had something to tell him. |
church | Acts 23 | commander | Paul's nephew | the commander took the boy by the hand and drew him aside, asking what he wanted to say. The boy told him about the plot the Jews had made to trick him into bringing Paul before the Sanhedrin so they could kill him. The commander told the boy not to tell anyone what he had reported. |
church | Acts 23 | Governor Felix | ClaudiasLysias, the commander, by letter via a detachment of his soldiers | the commander sent a letter explaining Paul's situation. The soldiers brought Paul safely to Caesarea, thwarting the plot of the Jews. |
church | Acts 23 | governor Felix | Paul | upon arriving with the letter to Caesarea, the governor asked Paul where he was from, and when he discovered Cilica, he said he would hear Paul's case when his accusers arrived. He ordered that Paul be kept under guard in Herod's palace. |
church | Acts 24 | governor Felix | Tertullus, and Paul | the lawyer Tertullus spoke on behalf of the high priest Ananias in accusation of Paul, saying he was a trouble maker, and a ringleader of the Nazarene sect. The Jews joined the accusation against Paul. When it was Paul's turn to speak, he denied the charges against him, and explain the details of his recent visit to Jerusalem. Paul asserted that it was because of his belief in the resurrection from the dead that he was on trial. Felix adjourned the proceedings, saying he would rule on the case when the commander Lysias arrived. Felix ordered the centurion to keep Paul under guard but to give him some freedom and permit his friends to care for his needs. |
church | Acts 24 | governor Felix | Paul | several days after the delaying the decision on Paul's case, Felix, along with his wife Drusilla (a Jewess), invited Paul to speak to them. Paul discoursed on righteousness, self-control and the judgment to come. This frightened Felix, who was hoping Paul would offer him a bribe, so he sent Paul away until a convenient time. Paul remained in custody under Felix for two more years, until Porcius Festus succeeded him. |
church | Acts 25 | governor Festus | chief priests and Jewish leaders | after assuming power, Festus went to visit Jerusalem and met with the chief priests and Jewish leaders. They asked him for a favor, making charges against Paul and asking Festus to have him transferred from Caesarea to Jerusalem, as they were preparing to ambush and kill him along the way. Festus told them he was going to Caesarea and they should send some of their leaders with him to press charges against Paul there. After spending about ten days in Jerusalem, Festus returned to Caesarea, and convened the court, ordering Paul to appear before him. |
church | Acts 25 | governor Festus | chief priests and Jewish leaders | the Jews brought serious charges against Paul before Festus that they could not prove. Paul spoke in his defense, saying he had done nothing against the law of the Jews, the temple, or Caesar. Festus wanted to do a favor for the Jews, so he asked Paul if he was willing to go to Jerusalem to stand trial. Paul reaffirmed his innocence, saying he had done nothing deserving death, and appealed to Caesar. Festus, after conferring with his council, told Paul he would go to stand trial before Caesar in Rome. |
church | Acts 25 | governor Festus | King Agrippa and Bernice | King Agrippa and Bernice came to pay respects to Festus, who told them about Paul's case, and his appeal to Caesar. Agrippa told Festus he wanted to hear from Paul. Festus told Agrippa he would call Paul to appear before them the next day. |
church | Acts 25-26 | governor Festus, Agrippa, Bernice, high ranking officers, leading men of the city | Paul | after Paul was brought before them, Festus explained to Agrippa and the others that Paul had appealed to Rome, but he did not yet know what to explain to the emperor about the charges against Paul. Agrippa gave Paul permission to speak. Paul expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share with Agrippa, and explained his testimony as a Pharisee, his experience on the road to Damascus, and his commitment to obey the heavenly vision to preach the gospel. Paul explained his message of Jesus suffering, dying and rising from the dead. Festus interrupted Paul, saying his great learning was driving him insane. But Paul asserted what he was saying is true and reasonable. Paul then asked King Agrippa if he believed the prophets, asserting he was sure he did. Agrippa asked Paul if he thought he could so quickly convince him to become a Christian. Paul said, short time or long, he prayed that all in the room would become what he is, except for the chails. |
church | Acts 26 | governor Festus | Agrippa and other leaders | after leaving the room where they were meeting with Paul, they spoke among themselves saying Paul was not doing anything that deserved death or imprisonment. Agrippa told Festus Paul could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar. |
church | Acts 27 | centurion, the ship's pilot and owner | Paul | Paul had been sent with some other prisoners toward Italy on a ship. They were at a port in Crete, called Fair Havens, near the town of Lasea. Time had been lost and sailing had become dangerous. Paul spoke to the centurion, saying he believed their voyage would be disastrous and bring great loss to the ship, cargo and their own lives. But the centurion chose to listen to the advice of the pilot and owner. Since the harbor was unsuitable for winter, they decided to sail on, hoping to reach Phoenix and winter there. |
church | Acts 27 | the leaders and men on the ship | Paul | after very difficult sailing due to the weather, the group had given up hope of being saved. Paul stood up and spoke words of encouragement. He said they should have listened to him before setting sail from Crete. But urged them to keep up their courage, because not one of them would be lost. He explained an angel of the God he served appeared to him and said not to be afraid, that Paul must stand before Caesar, and God had graciously given him the lives of all sailing with him. Paul said he had faith in God it would happen just as the angel had said, but they would run aground on some island. |
church | Acts 27 | centurion and soldiers | Paul | in an attempt to escape from the ship the sailors let the lifeboat down into the sea, pretending they were going to lower some anchors. Paul spoke to the centurion and the soldiers saying unless the men stayed with the ship they would not be saved. So the soldiers cut the ropes and let the lifeboat fall away. |
church | Acts 27 | the centurion and all the men on the ship | Paul | in the early morning hours Paul spoke to the men saying they had been in such suspense they had not eaten for two weeks. He encouraged them to take some food, again promising all of them would survive. After saying this Paul took some break and gave thanks and began to eat. They were all encouraged and ate with him. There was a total of 276 people on board. |
church | Acts 28 | Paul | leaders of the Jews in Rome | three days after arriving in Rome Paul called together the leaders of the Jews. He explained that though he had done nothing against the Jews, their customs ancestors, he was arrested in Jerusalem and handed over to the Romans. He had appealed to Caesar because of the plot of the Jews. The Jews said they had not received any letters from Judea concerning him, and no one had come from Jerusalem saying anything bad about him. But they wanted to hear from him directly because many people were speaking against the sect. |
church | Acts 28 | Paul | leaders of the Jews in Rome | the Jews arranged a follow-up meeting to hear from Paul. They came in large numbers and all day Paul explained to them about the kingdom of God, trying to convince them about Jesus from the Law of Moses and the Prophets. Some were convinced, but others did not believe. There was a disagreement among the Jews and began to leave after Paul quoted from Isaiah 6 and said salvation has been sent to the Gentiles. For two more years Paul stayed in his own rented house, welcoming all who came to see him. |
church | Galatians 2 | Paul | Peter, and Jews from Jerusalem | Peter had been eating with Gentiles in Antioch, but after some Jews sent by James came from Jerusalem, he joined them in separating from the Gentiles. Paul confronted Peter publicly, saying man is not justified by keeping the law, but by faith in Jesus. He challenged the hypocrisy of a Jew living like a Gentile who then expects Gentiles to live like Jews. |
church | Thessalonians 3 | Paul | the disciples in Thessalonica | Paul taught them while he was with them about how to respond to those who are idle, saying that if a man wouldn't work he shouldn't eat. |
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