The Bible is rich with leadership gold.
But we haven’t mined it for all it’s worth.
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Read the Book The Top 10 Leadership Conversations in the Bible

Explore the Database of Biblical Leadership Conversations

Engage the Bible Centered Leadership Development Planner

Read The Book
The enemy of content creators is not piracy, it’s obscurity. We’ve spent way too much time on this project for it not to be widely utilized. That’s why the entire book is available, chapter-by-chapter, as a PDF download. At the end of each chapter you will find a link bringing you back to the website where you can access the next chapter. You will need to create a free account to read beyond chapter 00. That’s because we are building a community of people who care about Bible-Centered leadership. Knowing a little more about the people in this community helps us focus on resources that will serve leaders like you even better.
Also available in the following formats for your convenience:
Access the Database
A great way to learn leadership is from other leaders. And the Bible is full of leadership data. The research behind The Top 10 Leadership Conversations in the Bible identified 1,090 leadership conversations documenting the leader, the followers, and the situation, for each interaction. This database is available for free in a searchable format. We hope it will stimulate you to spend time learning from leaders in the Bible.

Bible-Centered Leadership Development Planner

The Bible-Centered Leadership Development Planner is our way of helping you apply the information in this book to your own journey. It won’t make sense to you if you haven’t read the book. You can access the chapter-by-chapter PDFs from this website for free, or you can purchase in multiple formats from Our online tool will help you build a customized plan for the next steps in your journey based on your level of word-giftedness, your current Bible knowledge and ministry experience.
Hear From Others About the Project

“Steve Moore is not just a former student, he is an engaged practitioner and motivated promoter of many of the key concepts I taught at Fuller Seminary. Steve has become a champion of my work on Bible Centered leadership, and I’ve passed the baton to him with my blessing as it relates to this ambitious project. Heed Steve’s advice and you will be blessed.”
Dr. J. Robert Clinton, Professor Emeritus of Leadership, Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies

“After 20 years of leading a leadership development ministry, I believe everything valuable that we can learn about leadership, has its roots in the Bible. That is why I’m so thankful for the research Steve Moore has done on leadership conversations in the Bible and his plans to share that research with the rest of us. I’ve known Steve for more than a decade and I’m encouraged by his commitment to champion the cause of Bible centered leadership.”
Jane Overstreet, President, Development Associates International

“I’ve been excited about my friend Steve Moore’s new project from the first time he talked about it with me. I have a “top 10” brand of my own and love the concept of The Top 10 Leadership Conversations in the Bible. Steve piqued my curiosity by sharing his research methods and outline of the book. I believe this resource and companion web site will help advance the cause of Bible Centered leadership.”
Hans Finzel, President of HDLeaders, bestselling leadership author

“I invited Steve Moore to teach a leadership lesson to the ministry staff at 12Stone Church on Bible Centered Leadership. When I heard more about the research he was doing on leadership conversations in the Bible I knew this needed to become a book. The added component of the searchable database on the web site takes this to a whole new level! I highly recommend this valuable resource to any serious student of leadership.”
Dan Reiland, Executive Pastor, 12Stone Church, Lawrenceville, GA

“This is a book on leadership like no other. It is in a category all by itself. This is not just opinion but new in-depth research on Biblical leaders and their conversations which results in basic principles to practice. This has never been done before. Reading chapter 00 is so captivating that the reader is absolutely compelled to continue. The opportunities to access the book span the range from the digital immigrant to the digital native. I believe it is a catalytic book that will be reshaping leadership for the common good now and in the future.”
Jo Anne Lyon, Ambassador, General Superintendent Emerita, The Wesleyan Church

“There are lots of leadership books but nothing quite like The Top 10 Leadership Conversations in the Bible, by Steve Moore. Practical. Positive. Interesting. Biblical. Well written. Read it like a bestselling management text, like a biblical exegesis or like a page out of your own leadership journal—this book combines them all and more.”
Leith Anderson, President, National Association of Evangelicals
In 1987, I asked a friend a question that is common among leaders: What are you reading? He introduced me to The Making of a Leader, by Dr. J. Robert Clinton. I devoured the book, and determined to study Leadership Emergence Theory (LET) at Fuller Seminary, under Dr. Clinton.
Bobby has continued to serve as a mentor in my life. His example, resources, and mentoring influence have fueled my passion for Bible-Centered Leadership. Everyone I’m able to inspire or equip through this project owes a debt of gratitude to Bobby Clinton.
Steve Moore